Is For Honor /OurGame/?
Is For Honor /OurGame/?
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>the term "Deus Vult" is now "alt-right"
Absolutely NO
Its a game about a crusade.
It isn't alt right.
It's only uncomfortable for those who deserve to be uncomfortable.
this game is boring af desu
Boring, clunky, peer to peer.
Just trash overall.
It's about knights fighting inter-dimensional samurai or some shit.
oh the irony
>shoehorned-in controversy is still a thing
>literally Hitler
Oy Vey! Mental gymnastics.
behead those who post clickbait
>playable female characters
It really is, though.
It wasn't before Sup Forums appropriated it, but it's now almost as alt right as Pepe, who also didn't used to be alt right.
God wills it.
Its from ubi jew.
So, NO.
Its a 100% meatflaps propganfa instrument.
Dont fall for it.
>female warriors are exactly as competent as male ones
>female warriors existing at all
>playing Ubisoft's Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
everytime I see this picture I remember the article saying he was sent to "birdie boot-camp" to shed some weight and it brings me some small amount of joy.
Well it doesn't cater to SJWs and shows some of the most proud warrior cultures (knights, vikings, and samurai) in their full glory, so it should be on an acceptable list at least
I kind of wanted this game
Then I saw it was made by ubisoft
Now I don't want it
Hopefully these idiotic journalists keep attributing random shit to us so that normies get redpilled after getting persecuted for being one of us when they've done nothing wrong
Deus Vult has a historical connection and leftists are full of shit.
Everything triple A in the West and out of Montreal is fucking leftist to hell and back.
The only decent videogames are either indie, Jap or classic ones.
Also this, their bubble is so strong they are alienating everyone.
People already dont give a fuck about Berlin movie festival, but you mess with videogames and music and normies start getting uncomfortable.
oh no
we've been found out
>Why are all my Judeo-game characters blacked or female?
This is usually the first redpill for basement dwellers
OMFG the alt-right didnt write HISTORY
Especially since people dont really understand videogames.
It has become more than escapism by this point. Its a new culture not only made of MLG and fucking Overwatch retards.
You have a wealth of good games from the 90s, kids who learned some fucking Western exceptionalism from Total War instead of school.
>tfw Ubifags get red pilled
>Game where you can play as a black, female viking.
I don't really understand how it happens, it has to be the CEOs or something, I can easily see a lot of video game developers being kissless virgins for their lifetime but I have yet to see an SJW who knows more about video games than Pokemon, Overwatch and shit from feminist frequency
Is this legit? Why can't we chimp out over this but blacks can over us casting an actual Egyptian to play an Egyptian?
For Honor is a game for faggots, u should play Mount & Blade
I keep forgetting to try that one. Thanks user.
This, why kill faggot Vikings when you can kill Swadians instead?
You can choose skin colour on all character, including japs, who gives a fuck
U mean the opposite right ? Long live to Swadia
Enjoy your Denuvo DRM in your next release.
I cant get past the rip off Jägermeister logo.
>game has literal crusaders in it
>get's slammed for using the words deus vult
>videogames are a nazi conspiracy
What timeline are we on when alex jones is fact checking conspiracy theories push by the media?
total war games are so formulaic, so boring, so pointless, so easy, that i hesitate to even call them games.
they are not games.
they are simply software.
>an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Don't use words when someone else can perceive them as a connection to something they dont like.
You are responsible for maintaining an agreeable perception of your words to each word's audience.
vanilla is crap download some mods
Just so we're clear.
This game is shit.
Don't buy it.
That is all.
Play the open beta, you'll be bored in less than a day.
>not playing as vikings
What are you, some kind of bitch boy?
Everything they disagree is associated with "alt-right."
How long until rioters outside ubishit offices?
Napoleonic Warfare is the best dlcfor multiplayer
1257 AD is the best medieval mod
The mods are great.
I agree the AI is a little weak but I'd say they're still fun, mostly because no other game has the same features.
Found the shitty player
football tackling weeaboos and throwing them off of cliffs is the funnest part of the game
Deus vult!
No, the game is shit.
I think i'm gonna puke
>deus vult is synonymous with alt-right
>therefore the alt-right is god's will
Nah, it is about some bitch pissed that everyone is actually being nice to each other and working together, and being the woman she is she wants them to fighter for her, so she pits them against each other.
>"Deus Vult" isn't allowed in a historical game about Knights.
Is this a joke we are living in now?
>people actually install uplay on their computer
>Knights fighting Vikings fighting Samurai
>But female warriors are too unrealistic
I mean I get it, but come on dude this is like a cartoon version of history already, let them have it, especially since 2/3 of the factions are White and the last is Honorary Aryan.
They want to get rid of our culture
op is probably an ubisoft shill.
Fuck off, kike
My knightfu is cute and you'll never convince me otherwise.
> "for many"
Nope. But they want it to.
Well let's see, I could play
1: Holy warriors of God and Christendom
2: Some pirates
>everything we touch is forever tainted
can't handle all this power
>Sup Forums is "alt-right"
Oh you say the games to strong for you?
"Alt right" I get it :^)
There is always a sigma2 in every bell curve m8
>Playing a bunch of farmers who mostly raided monasteries and defenseless villages
Have you no self-respect?
Deus vult!
Media vita in morte sumus!
like imagining him climbing up a mini sized cargo net and wearing a little helmet
So, let me get this straight. People aren't allowed to have fun on a game because it offends the enemy?
So I split open its head with a mace, but saying Deus Vult is a bit too much? Even though I split the head open?
This is stupid!
>uncomfortable connotation for (((some)))
Yeah I'm sure many normies find "deus vult" uncomfortable. Seriously? Nobody gives a shit about the saying, nobody even knows what it means, except those who have been told they should get triggered over it.
It's not normies getting bothered, it's muslims and jews
The alt-right that doesn't exist?
The Vikings were far more honorable and noble than some baboon clanking around in chain-mail. Europe was stronger underneath Paganism.
Get your shit out of here deus vult larpers.
I can promise if they were yelling allahu akbar the liberals would praise the game, and shedding new light on those scary words.
>For Allah
t.degerate ancestor whore of your Minnesotan ass
>playing Ubisoft shit
No. What you're thinking is Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
>if you disagree with me you're a muslim
Knights, Vikings, an Samurai existed, "female warriors" didn't.
>we wuz vikings
>our game?
I think not
Shame it doesnt play anywhere near as good
Let's ruin Ave Maria next
Even in the context of For Honor, zero is racist about, they are talking about Crusading against Weeaboo's playing Samurai (aka other white kids)
If they add Muslims though, Polygon might have a point, but even then nah not really
Who the fuck are you, and why do you think you're relevant here?
no it's not, you fucking amerifat
If it wasn't for Catholicism we'd all be Muslims and Vikings used chain mail too you know.
kek, why are liberals so stupid?