somebody is planning to kill george soros
who the fuck of you was this Sup Forums ?
somebody is planning to kill george soros
who the fuck of you was this Sup Forums ?
better version
How would (((they))) react if something like this happened?
That's fucking bullshit. Don't kill Soros. Let him face justice it's more satisfying than killing him.
Pwease dont kill me.
Somebody send this to david duke
Well.... If you plan to do that, unless you are a retarded ISIS faggot, you don't post it online
Lmfao checked
Willard: Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation... nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir.
someone has to kill george soros
dude is like days from dying of a stroke or heart attack due to being old as shit
Kek confirms Soros' demise soon.
Will we make it an international Sup Forums holiday?
His son is just as sadistic as him and will continue his legacy. So he better make it a 2 for 1 or don't bother.
Sup Forums is a board of peace my friends
But they said it's okay to harm nazis
UK should kill that kike when he stole a gorillion pounds back in the 80's, now who cares
Why you can't kill the elite:
>Economy would completly get demolished, economic samson option
>All European and American cities have nukes planted under them, used to blackmail nations
Republicans funded by Soros:
John Kasich - $202,700 from Soros
>full list of what some republicans received
Going after the top figures is always a stupid method, because it doesn't work without hitting every single one of them simultaneously before they suspect a rat and go to ground behind fucktons of private security. Not to mention they're the hardest target on the list.
On the other hand, there are dozens of key figures behind the scenes that make the other side's operations run properly and which rely heavily on these individual talents to be effective. Throwing money at their NGOs and 'activist' organisations is only half the issue. They also rely on the talent of their middle management. Middle management which is entirely unprotected and easily targeted once identified.
Go after them and you kill the enemy by a thousand cuts and bring their infastructure grinding to a halt. Sure Soros can keep throwing his millions at the groups, but when regional and national level organisers and management start disappearing, who's going to execute his plans? Who are the main writers and academics behind the far-left and antifa? Who are the webmasters and key communications staff bringing them together? Who are the most important grass roots organisers at the street level? Target them and you break the enemy's infrastructure.
It's like attacking a heavily defended fortress, you don't go all-guns blazing at the fortress, you cut the water supply, you cut the food the supply, you cut the communication lines. Don't hit the head of the horse, take it's legs out.
Never heard that shit before.
But then again, why the fuck wouldn't they. It's a great idea and it's not like they lack resources.
would be more satisfying but killing him would get desired effect faster and more assuredly
go punch a nazi in the face.
Pretty much this
Reichskristallnacht was exactly what you are talking about - they killed every known german mason that night.
You should seriously do more research on the NS - almost all possible scenarios happend in that time
This guy needs to research the phenomenon of martyrdom.
Someone just go when the bilderberg meeting happens and kill everyone. World saved.
Remove the supply and the parasite dies.
What should be the anthem when he pops his clogs?
Apparently that's hardly possible
The most peaceful solution is to invent a currency based on a government-bank imo. It's a big risk-game with huge consequenes but removes their influence in many parts of the world immediately
Scuse me for being illiterate but how does a currency work if it's based on a government bank?
How do you get the data and why are the consequences so big?
Why in the ever loving fuck would you kill George instead of Alex Soros? It'd be much easier. He's in UC Berkeley. It would accomplish WAY more.
Yes but they won't allow that to happen either. That's beating them at their own game.
Precision assassinations of top globalists is a good idea actually, but I don't know who is crazy enough to do it since it'd be a death sentence.
its not for revenge its for the world.
People want to kill you for being antisemitic? Color me surprised.
Just one thing Kaz, this isn't about the past, we're fighting for the future
Beatrix is now a princess, no longer Queen.
No, we're just plotting on the people conspiring to do our genocide. Retaliation
>Let him face justice
That will literally never happen.
The guy is 86, he'll die soon either way.
what do you mean drone? like use a drone? I don't get it...
Cia and mi5 fags who defend jewish and masonic moguls should have their kids skinned alive.
I say if they kill and rape our kids, why not butcher theirs?
Could borrow some ideas from ISIS with their remotely detonated drones.
>private security
Target private security firms. Kill their families down to the last. Make it so dangerous to be private security that no amount of money is worth the risk.
Problem solved.
Lighten up, champ, nobody's gonna hurt you. Just a long, comfy trial for all your sins.
Shit their pants.
They depend on people being little pussies to survive.
I feel like that's probably already been attempted. The elites probably have some form of divine protection
Dont forget a few years ago all the White Supremacist Groups were going to join together to make a Great White Nation but the 2nd in Command was FBI and shut the whole thing down.
We have fmri tech to detect lies now.
Besides, who said I was a white supremacist?
There's many tools that aren't physical to destroy the globalists too. Tbh I wouldn't even care about their bullshit if they didn't rape and murder kids. But they do, and thus everyone who defends them is helping them do such.
Fbi or cia plants are probably psychopaths, which means fmri tech could easily detect them.
White supremacy groups are retarded anyways, this isn't a race struggle, and law enforcement needs to realize the dark occult will throw them under the bus along with everyone else. They don't give a fuck about you, and they think of you as dogs.
Things that will never happen: The Post
Then again, whatever LARPing retard who claims he's going to kill Soros is just as retarded so whatever.