Dear White People

Why are the top three comments on a pro "dear white people" Fb post holding animals like babies in their profile pics? Is this a beta male trope?

Other urls found in this thread:

fun fact. if you have an animal that weighs under 80lbs, you talk like a baby to your animal, hold it like a baby, and kiss it with your mouth, you are by all accounts a nu-male beta cuck and you are the reason for the downfall of western men.

I don't know, but I love reading shit like this. A bunch of white liberals who feel entitled to be the voice of black people.

That's kind of racist.

>being gentle to fluffy animals

real alpha is gentle

>a fucking leaf
You people are legally allowed to fuck animals.

> Is this a beta male trope?
Being caring to animals? No.
Intentionally photographing yourself to show others you are caring to animals? Absolutely yes.

Cats are the most blackpilled of animals, that cat probably thinks the guy is a dumb faggot.

It's true

Pic related is the alpha way to hold animals

I think that middle one's my mate Brian

>They won't join in conversations with us about things if they cancel Netflix.

Jesus, this just proves my theories that normies like what other normies so they can be part of the socializing. Fucking normies can't think for themselves at all.

Hmmm i think i listened to an NPR podcast recently that argued that when minorities - blacks etc - try to check putative problematic statements whites will double down on it or it won't be acknowledged.

What they found was when ingroup males check problematic statements from members of their ingroup those proffering their problematic opinions would be more likely to throttle back - you need a white guy to KEK other white guys.

This could be the application of this methodology to try to control speech patterns by using ingroup psychology.

>Omg some ppl really should never have been given access to the internet

For once I agree with these fags

Most political facebook accounts are fake.

After the 2008 election, Obama lost 8 million fake accounts on his Kikebook page.

They depend on white people being stupid and believeing this shit.

Also the JIDF pays college students to run dozens of different accounts and to promote Israel and multiculturalism.

I wish white people would quit being stupid...

>mock leftists constantly for boycots, protests and complaining
>do all the same shit they do, just from other side of spectrum

Attempting to appeal to women. I can't remember where it was written but it was found that men holding an animal were more attractive to women, so a lot of guys show pictures of themselves holding animals in their tinder/facebook profiles.


Ohh no we can't talk to pop-culture faggots about Stranger Things. Why would any of us wanna talk to that fucknut anyway?

I do what I want

>Tfw my GSD is 70 lbs
Feels bad man

its virtue signaling

When people wanna talk pop culture, I always pretend to be above them like I have no clue what they're talking about. Do I like Stranger Things? No, are they a band? Game of Thrones? That's that show with wizards and shit right? No I don't watch that shit man.

I wish I could do it honestly, and not actually know what any of this shit is, but until then I gotta fake it till I make it.

... is that supposed to be a bad thing?

me talking to my dog like a baby is more Alpha than anything you can do