Fuck white people

Fuck white people is becoming trendy
what shall we do? nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:


>has a beard
>can still see his chin receeding

wow his genetics are so bad that his beard doesn't even cover his chin properly

Fuck White """people"""

It's just kikes baiting you to get your account banned. You can't be banned for hating white people.

Let them keep saying it. Whites will get irritated and end up moving to the right. Similar to SJWs and the word "trigger".

White people who say "fuck white people" invalidate their own opinions



Fuck jews.

Start hashtagging things white people have done.




Its not a winning move for them.

A cuckold gets paid to write out his cuckold fetish he's living the dream

He's a fucking jew

I know one when I see one


>fuck white people
>lives off of everything created by whites

and fuck toilets.

fuck off cyrus, you dick

White people started women's rights!

whites are now at their breaking point

and what a mistake we are finding out that was


#fuck drumpf and white people!!!

fucking chug

wtf i hate white ppl now

We call genocidal racists genocidal racists and when they break the law, as they have been doing, we demand that they be prosecuted.

If you live in Berkeley, please sue the City of Berkeley for aiding and abetting terrorists.

fuck off, I got work to do

Help spread the tag

This. I'm a jew, but i knowing use my jewyness to try and help Sup Forums by spreading anti-white hate around the internet just to piss white people off enough to swing right.

I feel a lot of these "anti-white jews" may secretly be doing the same.


Uhm black ladies helped us get to the moon dumbdumb


>what shall we do?
Fuck other white people, have children and save the West. What else?


you see, they are harmless weaklings. Venting like this makes them think they are accomplishing something

let them rant and rave, we will continue to win and push our agenda unopposed

Its only natural that the inferior hate the superior.
and those among the superior that feel guilty to hate themselves.

Just wait until 2018 elections. Then wait until 2020 elections.

It was one lady and she was white

Let them alienate the masses

how? Did we use them as rocket fuel?

lol. If I recall correctly this woman is a filthy racemixer. topkek

How is it okay for jews to be using racial slurs against another race?

have you even seen hidden figures you retarded drumpfkins?


y'all white folks need to educate yourselves smdh

>y'all white folks
>educate yourself

we wuz mune kangz

My dad gave me a gun like that. He told me he was proud of me once. Fucking prick.

Not be triggered little pussies over fucking tweets

This is not the director of the series, FUCKIN RETARDS

>what shall we do? nothing?

Win elections. Marginalize the left. Defund their institutions. Roll back the policies that benefit them.

Return to meritocracy, which is where leftists fail.

That's HOW they became leftists. By failing and blaming those who did not.

>don't burn down my business, I'm one of the good Jews!



promotes hate speech and shows them in their true colours

He's obviously a Jew, not white.

He's a "TV" ""writer"".

Nobody said he was the director.

This semitic piece of art obviously weighs heavy as evidence of the intellectual superiority of the negro race over white people all over the world.


> that sad look
It definitely can't find its place in life, so buys whatever elites sell to it.


Casus Belli for the race war. I want to massacre jews, liberals and niggers already. I've seen too much.

What do you think the test monkeys were?

And yea he s a jew ....


Long as it's consensual, what's the problem?

>fuck white people
>wearing shirt with massive portrait of a white woman

Or, to put it differently, counter with "Don't fuck black people." Surely it's in line with their views.

fucking great video

So you think that is a documentary???

We should fuck white people to secure a future for the white race and our children.
Is Jack Moore secretly /ourguy/?

he's just a mouth breather

Finland's cuck.

Sup Forums is a board of peace! get out leaf if youre trying to have us say we need to go on twitter and start bsing abt fuck niggers n kikes #

>put female avatars on all our twitter accounts
>tell him we wouldn't fuck him.
>lean back, see what happens.

Only highlight those who say it, every time it is said it pushes more and more people farther right

You might be on to something here


hahaha wht a kike, he trolls his own kind.

If we only had based priests for real...

I don't even care anymore lets just kill off white people already. Us Mexicans will get this race war started correctly. We'll kill the niggers in your remembrance.

>what shall we do?
Depending on who's doing the fucking, I could be quite up for this.

Have a less shitty version, so you can actually see what his profile says. It serves a greater impact on those that don't immediately recognize him.

>Highest buying power in Finland
>No Trayvons or Abdullahs
>Actual white genes in comparison to the mongolian mainland horde

Get educated, you mongrel.

They are already doing the work for us, they are reinforcing that the left needs to die in a chemical fire.

He's right tough.
>Western whites are the only fucking race who have generally zero pride or interest in their identity, they even despise it, have no relation to their ancestors or original culture.
Separate yourself from "them" , find your people, start something better. (((They))) came for whitey first, it's just a matter of time till Asians get shit for their identity.


what if it was all of them

Push It harder until It results in a legion of redpilled whites everywhere.