Why is Germany bringing back gold to the country while pushing for destruction of paper money in Europe?
Are we going to have another war in Europe?
Why is Germany bringing back gold to the country while pushing for destruction of paper money in Europe?
Are we going to have another war in Europe?
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Germans know that once the chinese real estate bubble pops, then all that shitshow called the Euro currency goes to hell and gold will only have any value
Where can I buy gold anonymously?
you're bad guys for not introducting the €!
in Poland nowhere. In England they have opened shops where you can buy gold though
Euro is a german tool to control other european economies. Fuck you guys for destroying Greece and Spain. Yes, spanish economy is next.
How will this affect swedish krona?
Last time I was in Poland at shopping center called Magnolia in Wroclaw they sold gold at the money exchange place.
>in Poland nowhere. In England they have opened shops where you can buy gold though
what? can't you just walk into a bank or coin shop and buy some?
Swedes, Brits and Poles can just devalue their currencies. Euro countries can't devalue their currency unless Germany allows that. That's why Greece is fucked. They can't devalue their Euro.
I want to buy a credit card size combiebar. 1 chunk is worth around 273 PLN. Perfect.
Good to hear, hope they're not gonna jew us into the eurozone :( I think it will happen in a few years if the eu doesn't fall apart.
>Euro is a german tool to control other european economies. Fuck you guys for destroying Greece and Spain. Yes, spanish economy is next.
I know what the € was set up for, and I know how angry they are because Poland and CZ (and Sweden) didn't introduce it.
What puzzles me is how Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal still think the € is a good idea.
That looks neat, kinda looks like LSD doses
who the hell knows. Nobody can't predict the chaos. I think it depends on the state of the swedish economy - how much private (not public!) debt you have there guys
It's functional.
In case of war you can actually pay with it. All you can do with a full sized ingot is to hide it in your ass.
Buy supplies, you could just steal gold when shit goes down
ah well, maybe you're correct, but I doubt you can do it in banks
I'm so gonna get me some of that
if you plan to buy some, come here (as long as you can), shops like. e.g. Degussa even offer tax free gold
Even though much of the gold is taken back to Germany, we're told gold is just shiny rocks and we shouldn't care too much...
You can buy but
a) you have to show them an ID
b) polish prices are higher than even in fucking Germany
It's a hunk of metal. Sure, there are going to be people that will take that over useless paper, but at the end of the day it's not food, guns, ammunition, tools, medicine, etc.
3600 billion kr
87% of GNP
usually banks offer bullion, small coins for small investors.
German domination of the EU means it has conquered without war, and signing up to the EU is signing up to the Fourth Reich. Germany is at the geographic heart of the EU. It is also at least for the next two decades likely to remain the continent’s largest economy and most populous country.
Ask the Greeks if you think I exaggerate: Germany runs Europe without firing a shot. It forces far weaker partners to stay in a currency zone that is crippling them, and uses its economic muscle to dictate immigration and other key policies.
We have learned our lessons and today we focus on destroying europe again with our influence and economic power.
What did you expect?
A friendly germany? A germany that got no influence anymore? On nothing?
Great products with the stamp "made in germany" are superior to your inferior products.
We hold europe, if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world. We won this war.
What our soldiers couldn't achieve is what our ruthless economics achieved.
Destroying germany means destroying every other state in europe immediately and others in the longer run.
You sir are an idiot.
Also, women will suck your dick for gold just because it's shiny.
women here will suck my dick for a pack of sigarettes
No, you are fucking stupid. In wartime, nobody will take anything that's not useful. Nobody is going to be manufacturing electronics or jewelry. Gold will be nice to have post-war when the economy begins to recover. But it's not going to get you through the hard times.
The first nigger with a full mag is going to murder you and bury your gold for later, if you haven't starved to death already.
>if germany gets destroyed it will influence all other states around the world
The World will become a better place. The World will celebrate your fourth fall long after you fuckers are gone.
>Nobody is going to be manufacturing electronics during war
>XXI century
Look at this retard.
>This data lets me identify the seven countries that, on my analysis, are most likely to suffer a debt crisis in the next 1-3 years. They are, in order of likely severity: China, Australia, Sweden, Hong Kong (though it might deserve first billing), Korea, Canada, and Norway
This means Sweden is fucked
>This means Sweden is fucked
They are burning their national fund money to pay refugees. These idiots literally give away the money that was supposed to help their children in case of crisis.
Germany is a powder keg with all the potential tensions between the old elite and AfD and white Germans and muslims
naw, it means Swedes just borrow a lot of money, their public finances are pretty great, better than polish
the AfD already bent its knee to the old elites, they dropped most of the anti-€ and EU policies. they even refused to work with Nigel Farage in EU parliament.
The mass immigration madness only can be funded by sucking dry your and other European economies, our record surpluses and low unemployment are your deficite and unemployment. If Italy and other simply remain silent and part of the EU, they should not complain about the austerity policy imposed upon them.
It won't be so great when they run out of oil.
By the way, why isn't USA bombing Sweden when they have so much unprotected oil?
Norway has oil, not sweden
Should I buy silver?
>our record surpluses and low unemployment are your deficite and unemployment
what? You realize that Hungary for instance has a trade surplus and Poland has a pretty low unemployment? Your companies have moved to V4. Look how good Czechia looks. What you're saying is true of Southern economies, Poland is so far pretty comfy
So what exactly do you have except for white snow and brown children?
Intermarium when?
sure, but doesn't change the fact you are just a backwater manufacturer for Germany, it prevents you from becoming a real competition. Also, you export your unemployment so to speak, that alters the real figures, but yes you are in a better shape than the Southern Europeans, no doubt.
yes, having some is no harm
>you are just a backwater manufacturer for Germany
yep but the eurozone crisis has been beneficial to economies linked to Germany
Europe is going to end up looking like the French Revolution sooner than later.
sure, they do not face austerity like the south.
I'm sure whatever mud hut village you live in will have a booming electronics manufacturing hub. You and your family will live like kings.
Your army must be ultra shit. Fixing military electronics is THE business.
>US military
>a shit
ok, Indonesia
Buy it in Germany, I'm serious.
Your planes are so old that you must search for plane parts in the museum to fix them. Believe me.
I don't want to get robbed by the refugees.
>doomsday scenario where fiat money and credit cards aren't worth anything
>it's not so bad though industries are still working xD
I'm pretty sure you guys aren't talking about the same scenario.
People's willingness to accept something that doesn't have immediate value (guns, ammo, food, water and other kinds of supplies) will fluctuate depending on how shit their lives currently are. If you can afford thinking in the future, of course you're going to jew others out of their gold. If you can't, you probably have other concerns besides gold, unless you actually know someone willing to trade it for something you need now.
>shit hits the fan
>implying your money is safe
Besides bandits, even the government will try to confiscate your money.
Things with immediate value > shiny metal
As you said, only industries have an immediate need for gold. I can't defend myself with a bullion, I can't eat it and it won't protect me from the environment.
tl;dr don't expect a hobo to accept a bullion for his last bottle of water and bread.
the krona will be worth less. the bull will still fuck your wife for free but you will have to pay much more to watch and crysturbate
Listen, fag the gold is valuable because I believe that it's valuable. That's how it works. I will convince you that you need my gold.
You could say it'll be... a bull market.
I was hoping for a CARLOOOOOOOS, but I'll take it.
You are a brave strong superior Pole, you will not.
Because we are Evil and want to destroy humanity. If only those clever poles didnt exist, they are always on to us.
You better fucking believe it. Pic related.
> mfw it doesnt take a false flag to rouse the facist insurgency
> because they already have a real emergency.
The police there are also arming up like crazy, they'll probably be handing out MP5s to their NS recruits when the shit finally hits.
Buy it somewhere else then bring it into germany.
Pay for shipping online if necessary.
Your face when their recruits are children of turkish refugees.
If you've never heard about this, soldiers of the British SAS were issued (20) Gold Sovereigns as part of their survival kit when they were sent behind enemy lines in the Middle East during the Persian Gulf War.
What are you gonna do? Blow up a souk full of sandniggers just to procure supplies and a plate of shawarma on the side? Discretion is the better part of valor; waving around an assault rifle isn't always the best way to go about things when an eight gram gold coin can break the ice with foreign merchants.
Isn't there talk of the EU having its own military?
I wonder what they'll do with all those fighting-age jobless refugees?
Pleeeease the fourth reich must reign
He wants to buy it anonymously. Assuming he can't do it in Poland and that he maybe leaves in the western part of Poland he could buy gold in Germany. I don't know how it's in Czechia though maybe that's also an option.
and that he maybe lives, fixed
Destruction of manual non traceable currency is being driven by two things. #1 the government wants to know everything about everyone. It is the nature of sucha thing. #2 banks and all other financial institutions make money off knowing what you are doing. The more they can force every translation into the realm of the traceable the more they can make off the info. Second banks lend based off how much money they hold. If they can get all the money in the economy into banks they can now make more money off your money.
We need to fight against this like hell in the united states. And the EU should kick this idea out also.
999 says that 99.9% of the time anyone who uses this argument does not know what the FUCK they are talking about.
No you cant eat gold or shoot it out of a gun.
However its very simple to make this argument right here:
"Someday they'll get the money running again, the war will be over, and you can have This sitting in your pocket waiting for that opportunity"
its almost as good as cash because its a sure fire investment
nobody can use it right away but if they Survive long enough to see the dawning of the new day
they'll potentially be rich
> though once you pay one dude with gold, you're probably not gonna be able to pay him again because he'll want 2x just because he can ask for it
> so spend as much as you can on his barter shit and reserve the rest of your gold for other purchases
Then again it might get you shot, because its so valuable.
Then again having a rifle might get you shot just because somebody else wants that rifle and your back is turned (people play video games yknow).
Why do you have to show an ID lmao
There is even a gold ATM in Switzerland
gold has no value when you can not defend your valuables.
Which is why it's better to stock up on non gold right now so that you can hunt the people who are hoarding gold.
>hey bud want to exchange those potato sacks with this gold chip?
>you can build circuit boards with it
In case of war people with gold will be able to affoard leaving the country. You will be left poor in the country. See Venesuela.
Where is it sold?
yep and on their way to the airports they'll be stripped of their wealth.
I know there are also shops in Poland and that our national mint sells them.
Use a search engine.
>things got so bad you can't use your monopoly paper
>somehow [insert service here] is still working
Be consistent with your apocalypse scenarios dude. Either money continues working the way it is and we maintain a decent level of civility OR shit hits the fan, money loses its values and the airports will stop working.
Gold will only help you after things get better, first you'd need to literally go innawoods and flee from your country using your legs, without anyone's hired help.