Literally anything
I am Croatian, ask me anything about my country
Other urls found in this thread:
why is your country so shit
why dont you step it up and become great?
When are you going to gib back istria and dalmazia?
what's your opinion on Cro cop
>why is your country so shit
corrupt and retarded politicians like in the whole balkans
>why dont you step it up and become great?
we joined the eu, that basically ruined all of our chances to acomplish anything greater
do u hate serbs?
He is a pretty good fighter, he's praised over here in Croatia.
>do u hate serbs?
no, only retarded blind fucks that watch nothing else than corrupt news hate serbs
Why areserbian war songs so better than croat songs?
When do you guys plan to give up the dacian clay?
>Why areserbian war songs so better than croat songs?
because serbs are dank memers and croats are boring faggots
when you kill the gypos
Does Croatia Even Has An End Game?
Because while they were busy singing songs we were busy kicking ass
How come the right wing of your country is so Jewish? Frank, Pavelic, Tudjman all had some connection to jewry, if not Jewish themselves.
>deporting farmers
>kicking ass
>Does Croatia Even Has An End Game?
Not sure what do you mean.
I am gonna try to decrypt your jewish.
pic related
No he mean't defeating the JNA army with a few thousand AK's
They are Serbs.
Beyond that I make no differentiation.
>defeating JNA
Well they were the 4th largest army in Europe at that time, and we were some dirty farmers with no military experience and military equipment at all.
>muh we wuz farmers
>muh no experience
This is not politically related. Fuck off nigger lover.
That pic is so shit
The only reason you won is because there wasn't any Serbian minority in Slovenia.
So the Serbs didn't give a shit about your shit land.
Why do croatian females look like trannies and why are you such retarded trash?
>Fuck off nigger lover.
Jebem ti mater u pičku pederu, ako netko voli Kmice je tvoja stara, Ubi se
>all this whining
>being this butthurt
>Why do croatian females look like trannies
I literally don't have a clue what you're on about
>why are you such retarded trash?
balkanized education
They look manly.
lol so true
the only tranny we have in our country is actually a CROAT
>be croat
>end every argument with ad hominem
When are you going to return dubrovnik and lika to serbs?
Literally no clue what are you talking about
You were fighting serbian paramilitary, not JNA.
And you can't use the name Teran for your shit wine
we have an expert on fighting JNA here.
Zlovenia, fuck off.
zakaj nam ne date koridorja do morja?
What is it with Croatia, neckties, and dalmatians? Have you ever done anything significant besides those two things?
Zato što vas treba zapaliti I odpeljati na goli otok
Not Just croatians. Those serbian turbofolk singers look like trannies too.
Like this. Thats some Gross shit.
kosovo je srbija?
Love you
I don't know seriously, girls in public look normal and feminine.
Must be some weird diasporas
it's turbofolk "stars" who pump themselves full of botox.
Normal women look... normal.
Why did many of your countrymen decide to immigrate to Chile?
Oy Bre,ours is "With faith in God,for king and country" while the Croatian one was"For Homeland,ready!".
Who wrote this shit?
I know what do you mean, did you ever see that shitty tv show called Big Brother or Farma?
Like every woman on that show looks like a fucking troll
>Why did many of your countrymen decide to immigrate to Chile?
Similar weather to Dalmatia and they wanted to escape the crazy commies
Can you post some petite croatian girls for me?
stop thinking ur better than other slavshits
Croats? More like Cuckrats
Is it true you have the second hottest women? That's one of the top features listed by one of my professors for a study abroad class.
I've been to Austria like 2 weeks ago.
Before i visited, I've seen like 5 niggers in my life, after i came back i think you guys should nuke yourself
How much is 15 hectares of land worth? Located near Adriatic Sea I own some from grand parent and was wondering
They're pretty qt, alot of them are tall.
kys faggot
why u even talk about cucks when your country is infested by tyrone and jamal
Never come back filthy slav monkey
Its not like austrians want croatians in their country either, so settle down.
im ukrainian you niggerfaggot
Its really cheap compared to the other countries, but in my opinion if you have it in Dalmatia you should just move here.
My life plan is to move to Dalmatia, already have a house I just need someone to live with a farm.
you venetian slav abomination
Eastern Europe in general has pretty hot women, but they're all gold diggers. Also, this You're probably a manlet by local standards.
This isnt any good.
Im pretty comfy over here in Croatia thank you very much.
>implying that's not even worse
top lel
I am 196 cm you faggot, and most of my family is 190+ except my mother who is around 180
Which diaspora are you?
What's your favorite food
What's your favorite traditional food
napusim se ja svima vama kurca
yes ok :^)
>muh superior germanic
literal mongoloid, if you're so much more superior i wonder why is russia hundreds of times bigger than your little country
Congratz then, you're average here.
Is it true you eat Russian babies?
How tall are you, Marko?
Im Dutch.