>Hey there, grandson. I see you've been on that computer supporting the people my friends died fighting against. You know what it's like fighting so hard against something so evil and then have your own grandkid shamelessly supporting it? Oh well, kids will be kids
Hey there, grandson. I see you've been on that computer supporting the people my friends died fighting against...
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When will these boomers die already?
Did you have any romances in the war Gramps? Any Jewish sluts you liberated?
No grandpa, I also fight the evil socialists. MAGA!
WWII vets parented the boomers you fucking retard.
>thats interesting grampa
>anyway did aunt Karen explain that you will need to move out now? evidently some 'refugees' will take this place and your soc sec will be cut.
>anyway, what were you saying?
Have you talked to any WWII vets?
>grandpa was on a minesweeper during WW2
>hardly saw any form of combat
>most danger came from his fellow drunken sailors
>the bullshit and fucking around was so prevalent that he denied any and all medals for his service
i think a lot of you geriatric shits had the same experience as my grandpa with none of his honesty
Wtf you on about grandpa you werent in any fucking European war.
How dare you talk to a fellow veteran like that grandpa.
One set of grandparents were farmers in Italy during the fascist era. The other were farmers who fled Russia during the Bolshevik revolution.
Check your privilege grandpa, these socialists are the future of America. IM WITH HER
Hey grandpa my great grandpa was right you are a hippy faggot and he obviously didnt beat the gay out of you hard enough while you were doing your retard love snd peace shit my granda went go war on europe so fuck you and die already
Had a WW2 grandfather. Was in France. Most racist fucker in the family. Said he never had a problem with any Germans, even while over there. Said they played checkers and chess together and he came home with blued 7.65mm Walther PPK he took off an officer. He's dead now. I would have so many questions.
Exactly you idiot half the people here are younger than 40
That's a pretty general statement you autistic faggot. I met plenty of people who were perfectly capable of being boomers all the while having been WWII veterans.
Get with the times Grandpa! The future isn't about being a man and raising a family while going to work and fighting for noble values. It's about sitting behind a computer screen and masturbating to Japanese cartoon girls and pretending to be a Nazi!
The very definition of being a baby boomer is that you were born during the POST WAR baby boom.
>Capable of being born in post war prosperity.
Nice try Schlomo
Are you sure about that? I think that would leave a lot of people excluded from that particular group. Surely you wouldn't want them all feel left out?
I'm sure.
Thanks for dooming western civilisation, you old retard.
Both sets of my grandparents were Italian, sport.
That's the fucking Greatest Generation you're speaking to there numbnuts, show some respect for them.
My Opa was in the hitler youth and fought for Germany.
Ha, my grandpa supports me in any way.
He didn't fight for commie sjws and third world migrants.
No Nazi ever called me a cracker or seppo
Also Grandpa what was the US like when it was 90%+ white? Sounds based.
sort of. my paternal grandfather was born in 35 by my maternal grandfather was in the canadian air force (he was american but we weren't in the war yet and he wanted to kill nazis, we have a newspaper article about it)
My grandpa was in the Canadian army. He spent most of the war in the brig for drunken disorderly conduct.
>paternal grandfather was born in 35
Mine was born in 1911.
Suck it.
>jokes on you one set of grandparents were on the other side
Jokes on you, my grandpa is dead
Joke's on youmind!?
my ancestors fought in the American Revolution, then supported and fought for the Confederacy.
My granddad fought the Japanese.
Grandpa, you and your friend fought in the Vietnam war, not in any middle Eastern conflict. Let's get you back to your rocking chair. I'll even make you some soup!
Pretty sure my grandparents were redpilled, my grandma once said with spite that a Jew councillor ok'ed the building of the horrid and hated cinema on the seafront in Bournemouth
And my grandpa was called a Jew a few too many times at work on account of his curly hair (no Jew features though) and his profession as a bank manager. He also recalled having to shoot kids in Malaysia or wherever he was in WW2 because they'd try to come close and throw grenades into the tanks. He said the war influenced his opinions on the war hugely and he was always extremely right wing
Grandpa, why do you think I keep these guns? I respected you the most, and cannot wait to slaughter Confederates.
Grandpa, would you have agreed to fight the Germans if you knew that the generation succeeding you would be the most selfish ungrateful generation ever that would sell their inheritance for unnecessary luxuries while brown people from every corner of the planet replace and destroy them?
You didn't fight for "freedom" gramps.
You fought for corporates who owned the governments. You fought for oil companie and soros
what? that's cool user, is your grandpa still alive? mine's napping downstairs. maternal one died a number of years ago unfortunately.
No, it's not. Are you all fucking retarded? I swear to God.
Hey there, grand-gender-fluid-demi sexual zie. I see you've been on that computer supporting the people (communists) who killed millions of people. You know what it is like watching your own grandchild shamelessly support something so evil? Oh well, kids will be pan sexual non binary furries
> Be born in Russia
But grandpa YOU are the communist!
But pops, we're trying to save freedom and democracy.
Would you like to see what the other options are? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Well, I'm sorry you were used by the kikes to kill another white males, but I'm going to defend my country and my race anyway.
My grandpa was in the pacific so he didn't fight nazis
I know my little billy voted for Hillary too
trannies are why I believe in euthanasia for the mentally ill.
fucking retard. did you use your almonds before writing this?
What caused the "baby boom" there guy?
I hope this is a troll
>From my grandpa's journal
November 3, 1944
Moved forward again and into one hot spot. Mortars landing around us constantly. These houses have taken a terrible beating. In the States, you read: how there is no church in Germany; how blankets are salvaged for the army; how the Nazis are cracking up. BALONEY! I wish it were all true for then maybe this would be over sooner, but in every house there are many crucifixes, pictures of Christ and all sorts of comforters. The Nazis fight doggedly and there seems to be little hope in a quick surrender. The pill boxes around here are powerfully built. 4 foot reinforced concrete. I have to quit right now. 88s are dropping right on us.
November 5, 1944
Somewhat quiet now. Shelling seems to come in stages. Two men killed last night due to a direct hit. Received first mail today in quite some time. Sure is good. We all wonder how long this stay will be.
November 7, 1944
Election day, vote republican. We are wasting away in this war. Every day is spent in watching? Our minds are becoming stagnant. Nothing is ever gained here. Some what quiet night last night. Very heavy firing this morning however. How long is this crap going to keep up?
Why are you people making such a mess out of this?
People bang and make babies boom all the time.
That in that particular time period there was more banging, and thus, more booming, is just the trick of history. Nothing particular to worry about, or pattern to recognise.
Stop overthinking things, mate.
Not everyone shares your towering intellect.
so they're 70-80 years old? I'd say that guy looks like he's in his mid 70's