We need to get rid the fucking jew ASAP

listen goyim
I know we have our differences, I know you think we're all evil, subversive and manipulative shills but none of this matters at this fucking moment

we all know the man is a fucking mortal threat. to literally EVERYTHING, traditional morals, existing social and political power structure, literally everything goes to shit if he wins.
I know he's a jew and has (((others))) in his pocket, but most jews ARE NOT LIKE HIM!!!!! Stop fucking reminding me his jewish origins, I'd apologize a trillion times for producing that fuckwit insane bastard if I could but that wouldn't solve jack shit.

(((we))) don't fucking know what his endgame is. hell nobody fucking does, whatever insaniancs that are degenerate enough to work in his closest circle likely don't even know whatever fucking insane plan he really has. but he's going to ruin greatest ally and by extension our own indentured asses, nevermind all you europricks that depend on it to maintain global stability.

the supposed "progressive thinking", tolerance toward degenerates and sluts that he and his cronies are shilling for is going to fuck everything, jews, goyim, your fat decadent "greatest ally" asses. It doesn't matter how obviously fake shill shit it is to you and I, if you think too many feminized cucks are already buying into it now it's going to get much worse if he's allowed to live his remaining years

we need to fucking get rid of him, and I have an idea and I will need you help.

to get rid of this insane evil bastard, we must contact Pilate immediately and telll him that Jesus that calls himself the king of jews. He'll be crucified and hopefully things will get back to the way they were

im ready bruh


Bump, don't forget his fuck face son.

Okay, I chuckled


Who is he? Can I get a quick rundown?

Not your shabbos goy. Do your own dirty work.

Sorry he stole your sheckles tho

Soros is a symptom. The other secular elite satanic "i fuk kids klub" is the disease.
We want their blood.

Nice try, then you'll cry about how it's another shoah for more shekels.
You go do it, you're good at stabbing in the back after all

I wasn't talking about Soros you slow dipshit niggers

Listen, he uses anti Semitism as an offense against criticism. He hates Israel, he gives no fucks for Jews or anybody else except his globalist cronies, but if he gets called out for being the degenerate fuckhead he is he immediately is WAH YOU ANTI SEMITE I'M A HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR AND PHILANTHROPIST SHITLORDS


Still mad that Jesus exposed your Satanist cult? Burn in hell, kike.

I hear you guys are still on the short bible, is that true?

what does he have to do with my thread

>speaks of "the man" and how to get rid of him
>continues despite the only man being his original pic of Soros.




>Who is he? Can I get a quick rundown?

we're just thinking since Joe Kennedy had to watch 2 of his sons die after losing one in Vietnam it's only fair Soros lose his son and have to experience that


I laughed. You truly are our greatest ally.

>everyone i don't like is george soros funded

>a child's guide to coping with reality

i knew many Americlaps would not even finish reading that shit and say something about Soros instead.

Well kike'd m8

Is this some MURDER incitement?
Cause it looks like something I'd report, you know?
I'm sure it was a mistype or fat finger slip.

Jeff, you got the IP of this OP?

tee hee hee