how about that
>would you?
not a chance.
you just KNOW she's been blacked and has some sort of pussy disease
only if it's rape
Is there any hope of reforming a person like this?
Its like she has brain damage, wonder what she would score on an IQ test
She's pretty much the walking validation of Sup Forums's beliefs...
Hell yeah, I love jailbait and she has a great ass and pair of tits
>Cash me outside wit' dat IQ bullsheeit.
She's lost. It's over.
shes 13
so yes
What's the over/under on the number of black dicks that have been inside her in some fashion?
I love how her mom has to translate for her.
Hm... my aunt is a teacher with 30 years of experience. Her opinion is that you can reform only up to 10-12 yo.
Roaches need not apply opinions
>"So the audience are a bunch of hoes?"
Poor rape babby still crying? xd
Shit like this made me appreciate why Spartans chucked defective babies off a cliff or Germans drowned faggots in bogs.
To act and talk like that? At least 12. Half of them were probably in one night.
>Is there any hope of reforming a person like this?
Once they hit their mid-20's, have 1-2 children and become ungodly fat they fix their own behavior.
here in americlaps, we clap for everything
so sexy
>Happy birthday
>Mr President
Have you not heard we love to bang our palms together out here?
Fuck now..
wiggers are worse than niggers.
I have to agree with you there
Check out her music video top kek
Gas it, FAST!!!
She's been completely saturated by the nigger culture the Jews pump onto the airwaves. If you have a kid you must throw away your TV and home school.
Still, I'm pretty sure she has no father. If she has, he should hang himself.
They're clapping because dr ugly ass phil basically just said pot calling kettle black
She should do porn somewhere where she is of legal age, waiting for her nudes desu
Can I get the citizenship now?
Science backs this up. If a child doesn't learn discipline by the time they are at least 11 95% chance they never will and will become criminals due to their impulsivity. I am still convinced it is a heritable trait based on observations of ethnic populations even within white communities.