Should the public know about rapists?
If refugees rape should the public know? Canadian debate
No, its none of their business. Canada must not succumb to racism.
This. It really is none of the publics business when a refugee makes a small mistake while adjusting to life in a new country. People should not be alerted so racists won't have an excuse to retaliate unjustly.
Refugee faces criminal charges? What manner of institutional racism is that?
Also in Germany:
Holy kek, come on Canada! You can't let hate win! It was more than likely a sexual emergency.
Wow... Canada is so ahead of its time.. I know where Im moving if Krumpf's muslim ban passes.
At least they talk about it
Many other countries surpres such facts since years
How dare you. You're saying that refugeess commit crimes.
CBC, if you have to ask this question you need to be shut down. Instantly.
These people get our tax money for free simply because they used to live in a shithole. If they want to treat this place like it's a shithole, too, they can go back immediately.
Forty years of absolutely zero tolerance on any form of crime, or a refugee is sent back. This applies to their spawn, too, so they aren't shitting out delinquents to fuck things up in their stead.
Forty. Years.
Flawless. Behavior.
we are suppressing these stories. It's only just now starting to resonate as a problem to canadians
i love living in saskatchewan, browsing my wife's facebook feed lately has been showing some seriously pissed off conservatives
if you jail criminals they win
the public, those fucking idiots.
I swear media deserves death.
>It was more than likely a sexual emergency.
Kek. I remember hearing that term about refugee rapes but I forget the country and context it was from.
Their argument for letting people know is "if the public finds out and we didn't tell them, they might not believe us about other things"
I believe it was Germany after a group of dudes raped a 10 year old at a pool or something.
Which reminds me, summer is coming, hope you Swedes and Germans are ready.
sweden iirc
How much power do your local officials have?
Do they decide to not report this shit ore is it the central gov or the media?
The public has a right to know about everything their government does. The government is the employees of the people. How the hell can you justify the government employees like your elected leaders hiding thing from the people.
Also how the fuck did we get to the point that politicians can publicly discuss their manipulation of the people who vote them in without getting shit canned?
Cause that is a fucking problem.
Here's the gold from the linked article.
They asked a fucking Muslim about whether Muslim rapes should be reported, guess what he said
>Federal propaganda tv / radio channels are telling dumb shit
We need to stop the fucking press.
This. Stop persecuting people for celebrating their culture. Stop forced assimilation!
What do Canadians think of the whole Trudeau and Castro thing? The visual similarity pushing this theory to the point that it seems likely.
Is it even discussed among the Canadians?
And @studentoflife here is already seeing his Twitter fill up with "alt right racism" because he speaks the truth that all rapists are actually white people
>Unfair views
>It's not relevant
How is the fact that immigrants (or arabs in general) are extremely disproportionate in and over represented in crime stats not relevant?
I guess it's the same thing when you try to discuss non white crime stats (sourced from the FBI et al) in the US. Makes you a Nazi or bigot or whatever the buzzword of the day is.
What the fuck were people expecting. Look at any country with Muslim immigration and this is the norm.
Trudeau is a fucking creep.
Do other countries not have shit like MobilePatrol that show all recent arrests with mugshots in the local news??
Or is that an Iowa thing?
they pretty much have to at this point thanks to Trump and Spicer. Another few weeks and they'll resume sliding gnus.
>US rape rate higher than Iran
lawl please tell me someone blew him out.
and just because they mention it on twitter doesn't mean they'll spend any significant portion of time covering it on their 24hr news/syrup channel
Here's a Professor of Ethical Journalism on why you shouldn't report rapes committed by Muslims because reporting it is a "form of social engineering"
Ugh! White people, it's 2017
This is why talking to these people is pointless. They don't take into account that most Muslim countries don't even see mistreatment of women as a crime.
But you could always bring up Sweden. Didn't their rape go up 1500%? Aren't a majority of their rapists Muslim?
>Our job is to report what's going on
This must be why news in all western countries typically will immediately report if a perpetrator is white, but it will take hours (if ever) for a brown person to be identified in the news.
I get that Pakistan and a few other shitty countries are in Asia, but using the term "south-Asian" also pisses me the fuck off for some reason. Just say Arab we already know (unless they are Indian).
When did "overt" cover-ups start?
I mean I know there's always been bias, trying to bury a story, etc.
But it used to be "oops, you caught us, it was an oversight," you know what I mean?
I swear this ideology of "This story MUST NOT be reported, and BY reporting it *you* are being unethical" is brand fucking new. When did you first see it?
Like I'm reading about the "leaked crime statistics in Germany" and I'm wondering why the fuck crime statistics have to be "leaked" in the first place, isn't there like a fucking journal
Austria, a 10 year old boy was at a public pool in the change room getting ready for a fun swim and a big hairy dark skinned refugee grabbed him, pulled down his bathing suit, and fucked the boy's rectum without a condom or lube (probably spit on his dick) until he came. Then the refugee went to the pool area and began swimming casually. The boy went to the lifeguards who called the police and made sure the refugee stayed.
The refugee's defense said that he was having a sexual emergency because he hasn't seen his wife in 5 months.
it was austria, not that it makes much of a difference.
imo, if canada wants to hop on board the german-swedish partybus towards national suicide, who would we germans be to forbid them to do that?
Everyone is welcome.
Thanks anons, for some reason I didn't think it was Germany, but didn't have Austria in mind. I guess in my head I didn't think they were hit as hard with the refugee influx.
A 100% of Rapes between strangers in Sweden is actually refugees
I shit you not
even our cucked media had to give that Little factoid
Kids probably got infected by some nasty pathogens, anal sex causes microscopic tears in the rectal lining which means your blood stream opens up to anything that contacts the rectal lining - including that uncovered penis (more on that in a second) and shit. Shit particles in the blood stream can cause sepsis. I don't know much about sepsis.
People with viruses like herpes, HIV have outbreaks during which the virus is present on the surface of the skin, but there is no visually discernable indicator such as a sore or something. This is called viral shedding. In the case of a genital herpes, for example, when the virus sheds, it travels through nerves from the spinal cord to the penis and secretes viruses through the sensory nerve endings on the penis. This means that there are just a bunch of viruses on the penis and if the person puts his penis on a surface that is open to the bloodstream, he's directly depositing the virus into the person.
Its a little unsettling to tell you the truth.
I never knew of this but always knew trudeau had a hard on for the Castro's
>I didn't think they were hit as hard
How many scoops of shit does it take to ruin a gallon of vanilla ice cream?
Fuck yeah - bug me!
No, you sweep it under the rug and black out the news like Sweden does. Pic related
Oh no!
Wait until weedman hear about this
Welcome to the club, Canada.
do not talk
Go fuck yourselves. People have the right to know what kind of people are being imported here.
Other immigrants will see we ignore their race and start shitting all over us.
Yes the public should know about this, yes it was a filthy disgusting garbage immigrant, yes its about immigration, yes he should be deported.
Canada is a pure-white only Country forever.
feels bad man
>Canada must not succumb to racism
and preserve its diversity.
jesus christ....
Related thread...
>tfw feminism forming groping guard vigilantes
Those girls should not have been wearing skimpy swimsuits. They should have been more tolerant of his culture
Canada stopped taking refugees, deported any non-whites.
fuck this stupid state news propaganda network
They are now coming from the USA too.
dont worry goys its just a 'truck attack'
here's a radical idea: send them back to their shitty countries.
>410 mostly Somali refugees made the journey across U.S.-Canada border
For fucks sake Canada this is just getting sad.
We need to build a northern border wall too.
I doubt this is a real post/tweet whatever from cbc
>Is it even discussed among the Canadians?
of course not, almost no one has even heard of it
Nah rape just isn't important anymore
Of course it's important. Anyone, who comes from another country, and breaks your laws, needs to be identified as such. For fucks sakes, that you're siding with the perpetrator of this time instead of the victims (Canadian women) is a goddamn problem that needs to be discussed.
If the truth be racis' then don't
>buy a dog
>put dog in the pool
>Should the public know about rapists?
Not individual rapists. Too many fags wanting to play vigilantes would just make them victims again.
But the statistics of the demographics, perpetration rates compared to existing pop, needs to be public knowledge.
They should be fucking told about it if a regular citizen done it the public would know
CBC is the mouth of the government. So technically we pay their salaries to write this shit :)
There needs to be a media reform act put into place. The creation of narratives, omitting information, hiding details, opinion and quotes need to be removed from factual accounts.
An example would be for crime articles - Title must be in format of Name - Crime Charged With - Name of Victims at Location
It should never be like the Mosque killing where an agenda (alt right white nationalist trump support commits terrorism killing muslims) is pushed while todays death of a white male by 4 muslims is listed as "4 men charged in beating death of Trevor Jordan Lomond".
The pictures should be portrait mugshot style photos - possibly only what is released from police (mandatory to release now maybe). No poor black boy helping children at church to counter his brutal rape and murder of a small child for instance.
The content should be sterile and fact oriented and curated by a legal body - false narratives and fake news should be punished, potentially criminially, and can lead to suspension from work and firing depending on severity of lies.
The content should only go into facts and details and always the smae ones - name, job, home address, etc. Affiliations with religion, gangs, clubs, etc should be listed only with facts with context for what they did in those groups. Saying a Girl Scout killed 42 people when they hadnt been a girl scout for 20 years for instance would be gross misleading of public as an extreme example and punishable under this act.
Retractions must be front page news and pinned to your website/blog for certain time period with monthly recaps of misinformation.
These are just basic things that should be done to reform news and take away their power. OP/EDs would need to be reworked so as to not just shift their misleading fake news and shelter under opinion pieces either.
I think the public has a right to know about a convicted rapist or child molester moving into their area.
As for immigrants committing crimes like these, send them home.
>A testy exchange between Conservative Leader Stephen Harper and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau over the revocation of citizenship was one of the most talked-about moments after Monday night's leaders' debate on foreign policy.
>The debate came to a boil when Harper asked Trudeau, "Why would we not revoke the citizenship of people convicted of terrorist offences against this country?"
>"A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian," Trudeau responded. "And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anybody."
What a fucking clown. It's like he's still that rebel teenager disagreeing for the sake of it.
Or actually retarded.
deport any non-whites, Canada is WHITE PEOPLE ONLY
Is this real life? Trudeau truly is the leafiest of leafs. When are you getting rid of this cocksniffing retard?
Either way its too late leafcucks. You won't stop importing the shit and you won't believe or care if they rape you. Doesn't matter what you decide.
Dates don't line up properly
no it should be kept a secret ;)
Was thinking of moving to Saskatoon. Y/n?
Fuck you Sven and Klaus, We will be the most cucked!
After they're convicted, yes. Pic says while facing charges, which would be like making someone's name public after accusations of campus rape.
Omg this is so beautiful. Now our wanted people are illegally immigrating to other countries.
What up 306 master race fag! Sask is comfy if you are conservative. Not many libtards but they are still here unfortunately.
Yeah but how many of those sluts were wearing hijabs while swimming?
That's right, none. Checkmate, Islamaphobes.
Why not? I thought discrimination based on religion was illegal.
>reporting fugee rape unfairly vilifies an entire community
>but never forget the 6 Gorillion, goy
So sick of this double standard.
When you stop a rape, you hurt your own butthole.
Point to Finland's statistics. Middle eastern and north african immigrants rape at 18x the rate of native Finns. Finnish government hasn't censored that data either.
The funny thing about this idea is it is bound to backfire. If they were just to release the names and photos, most people would only be looking out for those few individuals, but since all we know is that is perpetrator is a refuge, the public will begin to fear all refugees as possible molesters. They are just shooting themselves in the foot by not showing us that it is a select few.
But the real reason why they can't do this is because it is so prevalent and pervasive that the public will be able to but the correlation between muslims/refugees and actual rape culture.
Even more so with these silly questions, that most westerners are used to being exposed to those who do wrong, so we can shame others into no repeat the criminal's behavior. They are repeatedly exposed to this practice of treating outsiders better than the in-group, leading to even more resentment, not just because they commit crimes, but also because they get away with it, while the honest individual is punished. Turning the public against not only the refugees, but the government and the media who help cover up.
And the news oligopoly continues to wonder why more and more are turning away from their narrative.
Am I allowed to cry culture shock If I visit [foreign country]
Rape someone, and get caught? I mean Vietnamese do it all the time, albeit for cheap drugs, as opposed to free ass
>tfw my car has been slapping me around for the past 6 months and I'm afraid to tell anyone
>scared it will get worse and it will eventually kill me
What do I do lads?
arrests are all public information
god damn what a horrible country to be affiliated with
my country needs a new hat, any applicants?