Did we break them?
Did we break them?
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Is this plagiarism?
Is modern journalism the new modern art?
As an user who goes to UNC it should be said that the Daily Tar Heel isn't run by the university, but yea everyone agreed the article is retarded, but we're more upset about our loss to Duke
NC is so fucking weird. Trump stickers, gun stickers, OC guns everywhere, moonshine in every super market. Chillax'd place.
And then you go into the Triangle and it's Tumblr Blue Hair central.
they self-destructed by not stepping away from their fantasy world for a few days to ground themselves in reality. Even I step away from the news and internet from time to time or I'd lose my shit over rapeugees, traitors etc.
>few years ago wanted to become a journalist
>see what it's become in the current year
Fucking hell
It's the exact best reason to become a journalist. People are fucking itching for a good news source that isn't politicized and openly combative and biased to shit.
I really just want a news source that tells me what happened, gives me background info, and then shuts the fuck up. Every damn (((news))) source these days is way too invested in pushing opinions.
>the state of leftist "journalism" in 2017
This is pretty much what all trump articles sound like anyway. I literally can't tell the difference.
Jesus these people are so fucking insane
So out of touch with reality
Quality shitpost
Daily Tard? What?
Their hypocritical ideology broke itself
This was bound to happen eventually
>be me
>live in baltimore City
>get hair cut today in black barber shop
>dropped some redpills
>everyone agreed with me
Triangle and Charlotte runs (and ruins) everything. Would be a deep red state again if not for those two places. Though Wilmington and Asheville are getting pretty bad from what I hear.
Asheville is the portland of NC it is the worst and needs to be nuked from orbit
This should become a meme
I live in ILM. It's fucking based bro. I'd say a good 40% of this town is SOCOM vets, 40% conservative, 10% drunk surfers who don't give a fuck, 10% liberals who unfortunately make the loudest noise
Also- Asheville is ok. I just wouldn't live there
that is fake as fuck moonshine (basically glorified malt liquor/smirnoff ice) in supermarkets
we have state run liquor stores
ABC sells local shine now. Tastes good but you're still paying tax
It's not even a meme though. It's extremely accurate.
>blank white canvas with a red squiggly line through it
>GASP oh my good this speaks in so many ways to the primal urges and desires that lie deep within each of us. That something so simple can appeal to us on such a level is a testament fo art
>google and post a picture of Trump and ctrl+v a 4 word statement
>GASP oh my god this REAL journalism by REAL people. This article consists of 4 words, and these 4 words say more than paragraphs written in an objective sense to criticize the possible future dictator president ever could.
Any famous works of modern art to use in the image macro?
She looks pretty cute desu
>Literally no explanation
Pretty shallow desu
The one with the feminist painting in public on a canvas with her menstruations from a ladder. But can't find the pic...
UNC/Duke are my top choices for med school. Can any trianglefags give me a quick rundown?
Make a pic from any point
>it feels like we're just an angry mob at this point
Everyone else felt that way since the beginning of the election, dumbfuck.
there is no place like home
fucking what
if she had double-spaced she could have gotten two articles from it.
what isn't normal?
>what is normal?
>Andrew Jackson portrait in the background
Absolutely based.
>tfw people like this are probably more happy with their lives than you are
Lived in Chapel Hill for 12 years. UNC and Duke are highly competitive schools for post-grad so you better have a great resume on top of perfect grades. Form relationships with professors on the acceptance boards.
Chapel Hill / UNC is a very liberal community but it's not nonsensical Berkley levels or anything. Most post grads are there to get an education and secure great residencies. Durham / Duke is a large urban sprawl type city with a high black population. Duke is obviously an ivy league so it carries that weight as well. Chapel Hill and Durham are practically the same metropolitan city. Raleigh is another big city 30 minutes down the road. Very diverse communities due to universities and immigrant populations. There is a large conservative population of course since they keep winning elections handily. I wouldn't worry about being ostracized or anything.
I couldn't recommend the area more and my friends who attended Duke and UNC have done very well for themselves.
It's almost not fair to pick on university kids. They are just learning to express themselves and finding where they fit into the world so you can't take them too seriously. Making this mistake will help them in the future (hopefully). I'd love to meet the editor who let this humdinger slip by though.
except that's not modern art; it's contemporary art
Just stay 20 miles away from I-85 at all times and you'll be fine
Annie, are you ok? Are you ok? Are you ok, Annie?
I don't know about "famous" but there's "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE"
>is real
>those comments
This article really fired my neurons
I think we should've elected Hillary, guys. I'm a Hillmissile now.
There's absolutely no way any of those people find even the smallest amount of joy in their daily lives. This "art" is all about misplaced anger that comes from a lack of any meaningful, articulate way of expressing it and is founded in pure ignorance, indoctrination, and/or low IQ.
Jewbook says she's a lezzie, of course.
that is fucking great user
UNC has a lot of great programs. I went to college elsewhere, but live nearby now and attend some of their technical lectures and their gaming oriented things (gamejams and developer lectures). There does seem to be a distinct divide between overbearing SJW types and the more sensible people. Even in the gamejams I've seen students who looked SJW (colored hair, piercings, skinnyjeans, etc) who turned out to be very sensible types.
If you go to coffee shops or the like, you'll likey overhear some SJW "save the world" horseshit, but it ain't too hard to ignore.
Raleigh has a lot to do if you like down towny shit. Just ignore the "Moral Monday" faggots.
Oh, and DO NOT go to the Panera on Franklin Street near UNC. I worked there and behind the line was the most disguising kitchen I've ever been in (and I have worked at other places, so have a good idea what a clean kitchen is). Seriously, FUCKING GROSS STAY AWAY.
I doubt it
>I worked there and behind the line was the most disguising kitchen I've ever been in
Please elaborate, I love hearing stories about disgusting workplaces
pathetic, absolutely pathetic
oh gee golly whiz, another liberal struggles to get the sand out of her vagina
at least this one actually has a vagina
imagine how many donuts that body mounted gopro sees
I think the single worst thing I ever saw was when I came in for a morning shift after a holiday and we discovered the power was out. The walk in refrigerator had also been affected, possibly up to 24 hours. Everything we temp checked was roughly 50 degrees. Should have thrown out the entire inventory then and there. Instead, the management called somebody to get the power fixed, turned the walk in back on and waited until the food temperatures checked out again- then they served that food. I'm talking lettuce that was mushed brown liquid at the bottom, yogurt, creamer, cheese, meat- all of it.
The whole line area always smelled like garbage because they never cleaned the undercounter refrigerated prep drawers (in contrast my previous restaurant would deep clean them monthly on a day we were closed) and that garbage smell got into all the food.
I once was told to cut mold off of strawberries and then serve the "good" pieces.
Just awful. And I was more fucking stressed than in any other kitchen job I'd ever had, despite the customer tempo being lower. My whole management team was women who freaked out about everything. Really makes you think...
That sounds awful, thanks for sharing mate.