
What do you guys think about this brand of Kangz? Here is his article:

These "Hoteps" are based about (((them))), libtards, His Majesty, and miscegenation. They understand that it is a peoples' responsibility to make their own place in this world, work hard, and excel.

Seeing black people like this is refreshing to me, to be honest. What do you think about the Hotep as an ally?






Hey, I don't identify as alt right but I like this guy.

What do you identify as, out of curiosity?

I'd rather fight alongside a right wing dindu than a self hating traitor. Good for him. Hope he continues to redpill his people. I know plenty of blacks like this and we get along fine.

I suppose there's some historical basis for this.

a based black man.
not a nog.
not a nigger.
i hope he pills more of his people up.
im down with brown if they share this attitude and act on it.
shame black america listens to BLM instead of guys like this.

Everybody wanted their own land and no jews.

Not a bad read desu, I could get behind these guys

We're in this together.

Cool stuff
I identify as a nationalist, and I fear that (((they))) are desperately encouraging the races the fight each other. We're already looking at a political civil war, adding rave to the matter will create an even bloodier, more polarized conflict. So I am happy to see at least one black man who isn't buying the race bait

Honestly, I hope he redpills more nogs
That would extremely hurt the Jewish cause

Niggers are not our friends.

No he's still a nigger

He is definitely aware of what is going on. I don't think any type of ethno-states would work in America but hopefully we can work together against our common enemies.

All I want This guy is great and is shake his hand and support him any day


>I don't think any type of ethno-states would work in America

Actually it would work. You need to get rid of all black and brown people for it to work.

George Lincoln Rockwell is smarter than you


I don't get it. Are they like a movement or something

>Remove blacks and Spics
>Not Jews and numales
Here's your ((((you))))

Which is impossible

George Lincoln Rockwell would literally agree with me so I don't know what your point is. This 'Woke' nigger is an exception not the rule. Most niggers love gibmedats and their hatred for the white race is coded into their genetics. (As well as low IQs and predispositions for violence). You will never get the majority of blacks on your side. Go back to your He Will not Divide Us threads, civic cuck.

remove all of them

No, you should just use them for the moment and stab them in the back at the right time.

It's actually not impossible. You revoke all citizenship and rights from blacks and then either gas them or ship them abroad. It's only impossible because you're a non-white and the idea makes you uncomfortable.

Most white people are not on board with that idea.
Some people here have no idea when it comes to strategy

I expected you to have an Israel flag.
But jokes aside, you're right, we shouldn't trust niggers, 14/88

Nice strawman. Implying Jews and Numales aren't also going to get it during the day of the rope. Niggers and spics are parasites and need to go. Sorry.

Reminder that people pretending race disqualifies allies who share ideology and goals are ONLY attempting to split their opponents.
Absolutism is liberal illness.

>Most white people are not on board with that idea.

Don't worry, I'm working on it.

But if we get rid of the niggers who will I bet on in the handegg game for amusement?

I don't want them in my country either, I want them to have their own country to (probably) fuck up

Reminder that you are JIDF. Reminder that race is important because non-whites are genetically wired to defend cultural marxism and communism.

Good luck with that, it will stay where it's at, right in your head.
However encouraging black people to stick together and making them accountable for their own future might just work, that way you get your segregation without needless death.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

An independent who is sick of liberals and Democrats.

>oh no muh hip hop celebs and sports games how will I ever survive?

Just kill yourself.

This is correct, 7Bgp9Llg is retarded

Perhaps not but blacks are welcome.

Haha this alliance would kick ass

Blacks in large numbers have NEVER taken accountability for their own actions.

>encouraging black people to stick together
They cannot even do this in their own communities without murdering each other. This will never happen. Look at any African nation. It's nothing but genocide and civil war on a regular basis.

>says the only person itt trying to keep people of like-minded ideology from unifying to better achieve mutual goals
I smell you rabbi

Make them push for peaceful segregation, boys, its our chance

They're the same thing, nigger

Yeah I like them guys.

>11 posts by this ID
Quit feeding him

Actually, this "nigger" has several supporters like him and a whole "Hotep" brand which he is currently using to draw positive attention to white nationalism. I just don't believe all of them are bad after seeing this.

Is he, dare I say it, /ournigga/?
You have to agree that black people were better before they were forced to integrate right?
They can be better, and if they stick to themselves it doesn't even matter anyway.
btw if your best idea is to gas them you're a million times worse than any black person.

Unify with who? The 10 niggers that are 'woke' enough to realize the Jew is the prime evil of this world? The majority of niggers do not share this 'like-minded' ideology. Niggers will NEVER be your ally, at least not in any relevant capacity. You are the Jew, here. It's quite obvious. Go back to The Donald.

The hotep movement literally wants to seperate from others. Hell maybe even return to Africa given the right circumstances. If you give two shits about your race this is a blessing.

Kill the traitor before you kill the enemy.
Alt Right label's bit faggy but I like it otherwise.

Force niggers to go through evolution.Segregate, cut welfare, let them work, push for no racemixing on both sides.I don't say ''Sup Forums must like niggers'', most of us don't, but if both sides started pushing for mass segregation blacks would black a black community they want and whites would get a republican US

Then people would just start killing each other about who is and isn't white

This, in all honesty.

All this does is draw positive attention to civic nationalism as it serves as an example of "haha not all blacks r bad!!!! Race mixing is fine if its one of the good ones!" You are not a white nationalist. A white nationalist realizes that allying with niggers is a fruitless effort and they will pollute the white gene pool.

Reminder that this is a thing, when the shills try to eat a thread by posting more than all other anons combined.

you don't know jack about George

Oh look! A non-white camwhore using Sup Forums as a platform for obtaining fame. Nu-Sup Forums is full of you E-celeb idolizing thirsty cunts.

Totally forgot I can filter such scum.
They bring nothing to the table and only divide people and yell slurs, completely useless.

based. let the redpilling begin.

>He's an actual white-nationalist so HE MUST BE A SHILL!

Hahaha, funny how JIDF has changed the general consensus on here! ;)

You're beyond retarded.

Yeah sure, Ahmed. Go be a civic nationalist on reddit.

I never said anything about fucking these Hotep, did I?

filtered ;)
I advise everyone else to do the same.

Yeah, it's best when their ranting just goes unanswered and unaddressed, they get even more frustrated and leave to go masturbate or whatever.
This is the only way we're going to beat the CREW faggots in the end, by letting their shilling drift off into the background radiation until nobody notices or cares they're here anymore.

Wow! Sure showed me, Ahmed the Civic Nationalist Shill! Non-whites will never ally with the white race. You cannot claim to be redpilled and believe that niggers can be 'woke.'

Does she not realize that the infamous school shooter samy hyde is right behind her??

It is the white man's duty to educate and uplift nogs, because together our two peoples can do great things. Two different races, but two kindred souls. The eternal jew does not want this, it is why they turned the negro against whites, to subverse the white's efforts to raise up our melanin enriched brethren.

Never heard of this site. Do they have any influence? Either way, the stuff on that page sounds reasonable to me and I have no problem with any of it. I hope the beliefs these guys will be able to gain more popularity among the black community. It would be nice to work on reaching some mutual goals instead of fighting over identity politics.

>This is the only way we're going to beat the CREW faggots in the end

Hahaha. You civic cucks are hilarious. Suddenly anyone that is an advocate against white genocide is a shill? Not an argument. Go back to your HWNDU threads and go jerk off to shitskin Brittany Venti.

True. But it's in our best interest to support a black man who's normalizing white nationalism. This is exactly what we want. If we want to be stupid and not win AGAIN, we can just keep doing things the way we've been doing. Or we can form a sort of coalition of ethno nationalists, making us more impervious to the left. The Jews may well be our final boss, but we won't get to them without destroying the democrats first. Let's all use our heads here and we can finally out Jew the kikes.

I appreciate his sentiment.

But don't say "ally." That's the way fruity liberals think.

I really hope this takes off. The only reason blacks are the way they are now is though Jewish manipulation so if they start waking up I'd gladly work with them to fight the real enemy. Maybe then we'd have an actual chance of winning

>it's another episode of Sup Forums discovering africans don't agree with each other and want their own niggers gone.

WOW it's almost like people can think for themselves when presented information? Who know? Fucking dumbass racists.

There already is a coalition of ethno-nationalists. I am one of them. This board once had a large proportion of people that subscribed to the ideology, but apparently they all left this site but now its obvious its cucked to oblivion with shitskins and JIDF.

You didn't even bother reading the thread, huh?

> The only reason blacks are the way they are now is though Jewish manipulation

No, they're the way they are because they are genetically bound to low IQs and voting for the welfare state.

My favorite part of these threads is how nervous the Jews get.

I am ABSOLUTELY for this shit, i don't give a damn what color someone's skin is as long as they are wiling to work with their fellow Americans to make this country the greatest goddamn place on Earth

Whatever you say schlomo

I agree.

Ethnocentrism + Nationalism is the real "melting pot" Everyone sticks together, has pride in their race, and assimilates to laws, values, culture of the country.

Whatever you say, Tyrone. Go back to /r/thedonald

If all the blacks wake up to the Jewish problem and realize "Whites" don't have Supremacy, but Jews do....The Jews are fucked. With Whites and Blacks on their case they'll have noone to shield them

Laughably false.

>If all the blacks wake up to the Jewish problem

This will LITERALLY never happen.

Nice image. Did you make it yourself? Tell me more about these "noted scientists".

Without allies, you lose. But you already know that, don't you Chaim?

90 percent democrat is low. The number of based blacks while growing is still low. Alt right isn't a formalized organization. Or if it is people who fall into the extremely wide umbrella of "alt right" will not identify with an organized proper noun "The Alt Right".
Too much like edgy anomanoose shit.

But they're completely caught up in"the matrix" of pop culture worship, materialism, etc... It's hard for any of them to wake up and rebel against the powers that control them because of horrible groupthink

>how can we reach out to these hoteps and use them as a meatshield against character attacks of 'racist bigot'
>how can we use hoteps as a pawn against msm
>how can we use hoteps to catalyse the fragmentation of the left
endless possibilities. thank you based hoteps
>The far-left blacks want to cry for white acceptance from so-called white supremacy. They want white awards at white award shows and white pity. Hotep wants nothing to do with these moral victories as you cannot build a nation upon a foundation of emotions.
wise words

You wish, Herschel.

It already is happening to a small extent. They just think whiteness is skin color, they need to understand the cultural difference in whiteness, and how Jews are not culturally white and maintain control over every aspect of our life

No blacks please