Name one thing Hitler ever said that wasn't true

Name one thing Hitler ever said that wasn't true.


>1000 year Reich

The reichstag was burned by commies

Hey guys, we should totally invade Russia in the winter!

This desu.

>Go round up the Jews and kill them in gas chambers

>Aryans are master race
>lose the war to a bunch of slavs

>We can win the war

Nah, that actually was true

I am a competent leader

then i got nothing

We Will Not Capitulate

>the Wehrmacht shall never leave the streets of Stalingrad

>aryan master race
>loses war
>isn't even aryan himself
Besides, he was weak. Weak should fear the strong.

The British were honorable people

The whole muslims are good bit.

>he was weak.

Do you even know what Hitler did in WWI?

Got shot, meanwhile Stalin was busy helping Comrade Lenin with the ultimate revolution

>We totally aren't gonna get BTFO, guyz
>Japan and Italy are goat allyz

it was. Actually researchers looked into the Reichstag and discovered that the commies set the fire and then blamed it on the mentally challenged guy that (((historians))) claimed was a patsy. Nazi affiliated lawyers actually defended the man in court and determined that he couldn't have set the fire. If the Nazis wanted to use a retard as a fall guy to blame a false-flag on the bolsheviks then why the fuck would they represent him and try to get the guy off?

The truth is that a bunch of dipshit commies burned the Parliament down because they were attempting to over-through the Wiemar government. It never occured to them that this might piss german people off and made them swing hard right and support a fringe national socialist party (nazi) due to the fact that they were the ONLY party that wasn't a bunch a cucks and took a solid hard-line stance against communism and jews.

Also Reich-stag was not the only fire. There were 3-4 different fires set but kikes only ever tell you about the Reichstag fire and only as a way of making nazis look bad.

The official history of that era is a half truth at best and most likely an outright lie.

>germany will be great
>fast forward to today




>>aryan master race
>>isn't even aryan himself

Truly lived for a dream for his people and not for himself. What a great guy!

"we're gonna win this!"

OP isn't a fag

The origin of the Aryans were in Northern Europe .t

I want to believe this is true, but do you have actual proof for it?
I need a sauce to be able to redpill the normies when the time comes.

Nazi race theory was factually inaccurate and was bad science even by the standards of early 20th century racial pseudoscience.

>Germans are Aryan!
>Slavs aren't though
>Neither are gypsies
>Iranians are Aryan!
>Hindus aren't though

Gypsys are not aryan and you can quote me on that
i would swear with my life on the line about that one.

>Nazi propaganda depicted Eastern Europe as racially mixed "Asiatic"
Still feel fucking offended by this shit. I'm an ethnic Russian with blue eyes and blond hair and so are my parents and grandparents. Fuck you, Adolf.

I think he mean us :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Made me giggle

The british will never bomb Berlin.

He killed a lot of the people he made promises to in the night of the long knives.


>The Russians are beaten and they will never rise again


It quite clearly worked.

>I paint well
His painting were shit

You're a minority, probably a West or East Baltid. But the majority of Russia is Slavs and KANKER MŌNGŌL :DDDDD


Hitler never pushed the aryan meme to much, he was just a german nationalist.

"We'll win this war"

The origin of "aryans" is a mutated poo in the loo

He got gassed dumb fuck

I like the art style, but the comic is flawed arguments

>white people are physically superior

god this is so bad and gay it reminds me that any political comic is retarded by default

Autism desu.
Besides it you're denying that Nazi policies worked then you're an idiot, even commies won't tend to deny how efficient the Nazi's were.

Look up strongman competition stats.

Shareblue please go

gypsies are southern Indian shit tier. not aryan at all.

He promised that, if elected, he would step down after his first term.

the people that were killed were fucking jew traitors who made it into the ranks. They deserved it.

i'm not a methhead
- adolf hitler

jews smell bad

We know you do.

all endurance/long distance runners are white

That the German people will prevail.

"We only have to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down."


For the German people.
>night of the long knives

nazi propaganda didn't depict slavs as mongol, it depicted bolsheviks as anti-aryan mongol kikes that wanted to bust down europe and destroy it once again.

>preventing coup

it was true, it's just bolshevik propaganda that Germans were going to exterminate slavs and other shit started circulating and made them fight to the death while Germans were only doing duty to state and securing borders.

It was obviously not true. He thought the Soviets were on the verge of collapse, were poorly centralized, could not replenish their troops, and would have no industrial potential if all existing industry west of Moscow was seized.

He thought it would be WWI all over again; that they'd just walk in and Russia would collapse long before they ever had to make the march to Moscow.

He was sorely mistaken. He could have grabbed Moscow in 1941 if that had been the original plan, and it should have been because that's the only plan that had any chance of success.

Hitler did nothing wrong

"we can defeat Russia"

There are other sports besides sprinting
I'd want a white man with me if I'm going long distance through miles of swamp areas.

The main issue hitler had was letting the japs attack america before they got russia out of the picture together

If you look back, in reality the americans were the most openly and violently racist nation to fight in the war

Find a black man that wins in swimming

1000 years reich.

>Germans were superhumans.
Germans are only barbarians.