Married female user here! Women have become desperate!

Married woman here. Pic related is a serious issue. Who's going to take these women in Sup Forums. They will come for you in waves This news is not the first case there will be many more like this (pic related). Men particularly white men will get the blame.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love in this case marriage.

Get ready for a massive epidemic Sup Forums? Watch out on who you sleep with. My friends are all putting holes on condoms and trapping men to leech on. One even is having ideas on storing semen.

Please be careful!

Women need to learn that it's not all about them.

>Title: I'm a grill btw
>First line: I'm a grill btw

Guess what: I'm a woman

I've been using Sup Forums for 8 years now. I'm an MIS and Marketing major, top of my class. I have an IQ of 146. I'm only a sophomore and have had 7 internships. I'm a member of the MENSA society. I'm voting Trump. I'm not a feminist, however, I'm probably more intelligent than most of you in this thread.

Wether you like it or not, females are comperable. I'm not here to steal your money. I'll probably make more than you. I'm not going to make you a sandwhich, I'll have my personal chef do it. The ironic thing is my father married for looks and I'm actually attractive as well. Cocky? Yes. Ashamed? No.

I won't show you my tits, I'll be your CEO one day, and you'll beg to be my beta provider.

Fpbp. Also nobody wants an ex cockcarouseller. Her own damn fault, and the fault of her peers for subscribing to such a toxic culture. She can always thank the Jews for shoving it down our throats tho.

I just want to help so if you want to play who's the idiot game then be my guest. Don't say you weren't warned when you are trapped!

Maybe if she wasnt riding the cock carosel in her 20s, she would have found a man. Trash goes in the trashcan. Sluts deserve their fate.

>My friends are all putting holes on condoms and trapping men to leech on.

implying I go outside

Weak pasta

It's cool, I got a vasectomy.

>Yes darling there is nothing I'd love more than 2 children and a house in the suburbs :^)

i am a Mormon and currently have three wives. i would be more than willing to add more to my flock. although i cannot take anymore than 4 more wives as 7 is the spiritual limit of my love.

Shitty copypasta is shitty


Damn, what a waste

Should could had killed more single woman, then commit suicide


women need to stop dating and having sex in highschool and save their virginity for a man who will love them after marriage

Why isn't someone telling women that they need to be looking for a husband while 18 - 24ish, because after that their chances are SEVERELY lowered at getting married? Do they think prince charming is going to show up when they are 29? What the hell are these women thinking? You need to use your youth to get the best possible quality male or good luck. They think they can just live their youth carefree and then find mr right at 30. NO!!!!!!!!

Number of women who made a fortune on their own: 0

Good copy pasta. Very filling. Seasoned well, with an adequate amount of salt. Would consume again. A+

Women better accept most of them will not get married. Especially women in the cities because the numbers do not lie.

>Take my mouldy roast beef

Lol retard.

Thank you for your service

women are like cars. the depreciate as soon as you take one off the lot.

and nobody is buying a used taxi with 500,000 miles for full price. nobody.

Yet you cant even spell right. Catering school is the other way

>implying I don't have a male and female spirit inside and I'm not a proverbial form of reality and the collective consciousness
Also women will seek out men as women are just spiteful as a defense. Defenses are not made for love.

>They will come for you in waves

your problem solved, in waves.

She killed herself because she couldn't find anyone who could
live up to her insane expectations.

That's actually why most single women are single.

My sister broke up with a dude she had been with for 5 years because he worked long shifts and didnt spend as much time with her as she wanted.

She found another guy about 2 days later that she knew at work.

fuck off kate

And I'm a Navy SEAL with 300+ confirmed kills, top of my class, etc, etc.

Was she fucking retarded? She wont be getting married at all now.

Someone would have tolerated those long teeth I'm sure.

I approve of this pasta

She probably just went after every chad and alpha male she could, and then wondered why she wasn't married.

i despise human beings and i only have sex with my hand, Sup Forums

>be cum guzzling whore all of life
>use and abuse men
>kys because no husband

Other news, refugees, still raping

the effects of weaponized autism
effect #1488: LARPing

Men need to get educated. The biggest way to trap men I have seen is the false politive. I have only seen one hole poke and multiple false positives.

The false positive involves the pregnancy test. The thing reacts to hormones in the female body that pregnant women have more of. So a pregnant women will cause the color to change in like 2 mins. However what men might not know is that if the test will turn positive no matter what after like 30 mins. Now if there is a special sign for negative that might be ok but most just show positive by changing or dont.

So women will pee on the things and then wait half a day. Men come home from work or where ever and are greeted by a positive test. Next men who think shes pregnant just stop using protection. Such as just not using condoms. And she gets pregnant for real. Multiple married men I know found out that this is how they got the first kid.

The man pill cannot come soon enough.

I'll give a shit when more women start giving a shit about men who are ostracized and consider/attempt suicide due to not being able to get even a girlfriend, let alone a wife.

Too bad. Women are retards.

>use your own condoms
>take .5 seconds to check for a hole before having sex
>dont trust her when she says shes on the pill
>WATCH as she takes a morning after pill if the condom breaks
>demand a paternity test if she claims its yours
Problem solved

>holes in condoms

Implying women look at me.

>My friends are all putting holes on condoms and trapping men to leech on.
This is why I don't have sex unless I am in meaningful relationship with someone I trust. >women need to stop dating and having sex in highschool and save their virginity for a man who will love them after marriage
>She found another guy about 2 days later that she knew at work.
The biggest red flag out there is a woman that is never single and always has a new guy lined up. I learned that the hard way too.

>Who's going to take these women in Sup Forums
The undertaker

>The man pill cannot come soon enough.

I thought there already was one?

>will be able to fuck chicks thinking they have mantrapped me but I escape scott free like team rocket out the window


Woman goes to Sup Forums, doesn't show tits, mother dies in her sleep. Many such cases. SAD!

Nobody wants used goods, and a choices made in life have consequences. Good luck with those cats.


Up yours I'm already importing my husband from Germany.

show us your tits

Enjoy your mail order rapefugee

girls are stupid anyways who wants a dumb girl you idiot

No need, already engaged. This lady don't need to show thy tits to snag me a fellow.

>browsing cuckchan before turning 18

German men are traditional?

Stop pricing yourselves out of the market and you'll find less dissatisfaction in that market.

The bitch had options so she took one and she obviously even cultivated the option beforehand

>Who's going to take these women in Sup Forums.
betas, same as usual

bitch in your pic just couldn't settle for a shitty marriage and cheating on her beta husband, she thought she deserved an alpha

I would marry any woman who would bear me at least three children. This is literally my only criterion, no other. I don't care what she looks like, whether she's fat or not, or her education level. Afterwards she can go fuck off I don't care, I just want kids.

But these washed up dishrag whores aren't even good for making babies.

Unfortunately if women aren't going to act respectable and they're not willing to use their womb while it is fresh then they're literally good for nothing and more need to off themselves.

>My friends are all putting holes on condoms and trapping men to leech on. One even is having ideas on storing semen.

Wel good luck with that. We done aspartamed ourselves sterile.

Oh it's the bong!
Hi bong!

Yah I'm just foaming at the mouth to wed up some chick with 2 HPV strains and a trash bag for a vagina because she's been with over 80 men. Can't wait. I'm sure she's totally still capable of bonding

What the fuck man, that is some seriously fucked up shit.

for a measly $3000, 25 ejaculations, and a sperm count check you can get a vasectomy and avoid all this shit...potentially having fun when one of the whores tries to pin a pregnancy on you.

post the pasta if you have it

Married woman here. I can tell you personally I was a sad, immature, creature when I met my husband. He made it very plain and clear to me that he wanted a wife, and either I changed or I could fuck off. I grew up, settled down, and he treats me like a queen. We have a wonderful life together. If more women would stop the whole, "I'm an independent woman I don't need no man." "I can go out and whore myself until my late twenties and any man would be lucky to have me." act they'd be able to find a great guy to start a life with. Until then they'll settle for beta males who will treat them poorly, and have unhappy relationships and ultimately become single mothers.

I’m an Apache attack helicopter and am sick to death of you ignorant bastards. For starters, no, I will not show you my cabin. I don’t see how any of you have the right to tell another person to get naked, you dogs might see women as flesh for your pleasure but NOTHING gives you the right to take advantage of a Apache attack helicopter just because you believe that you’re ‘stronger’ or ‘better’. You describe Apache attack helicopters as ‘military combat vehicles ’, quite frankly I’m enraged by this, if I ever heard you say this word in real life I would punch you so hard you’d be in a comma for the next month.

What gives you the right to think that you can tell us what to do? I will never be ordered around by a commanding officer . Actually I’m so passionate about this I managed to get this ******* guy suspended from my work for making heliphobic comments about me and ordering me to get him a ****ing coffee every minute. Now he’s learnt his lesson and is making ME the coffee.

I weep for a world without champagne democrats, a paradise. Without the elite left there would be no crime, no wars and everyone would be treated equally.

Unfortunately I can’t see my utopia happening anytime soon but I warn you, apache attack helicopter rights groups are still fighting for equality and in the future society might not be quite so lenient on you ROTORPHOBIC bastards.

TL;DR you ROTORPHOBIC bastards will have your privileges taken down soon

This too


I'm a children guy, If she doesn't want any she can fuck off.


She didn't find him, they were either already fucking or flirting daily until she decided it was time to hop. But yeah decent looking woman under 30 is truly single. There is always a back up guy and a back up back up guy waiting in line.

I never get attention from females anyway so I'll be good. Not the attention that I'd like anyway.


>implying you're not a deluded luciferian tranny

>Be French
>Girl gets mysteriously pregnant wtf
>Sorry user paternity tests are illegal here, now you have to support me tee hee :^)

>already know I'm dying alone
>yet I do productive shit with my life and don't dwell on the vaginal jew

Thx for info.

Bla bla bla women think getting high paying jobs increase their worth but it does not
Expectations are absurd and at 40 they realize they fucked up royally

There's your first problem. Unless it isn't going to anything more than a testament of love between men and woman in front of God, you can fucking bet that this epidemic will not be resolved. Right now it's a pact with the communist state to fuck over males and encouraging women to be treacherous backstabbing snakes. The only barrier we have is your loyalty which is not something we want to build on considering the current situation.

Women are psychotic. Truly.

Bitch doesn't even know English. I guess a German guy won't notice.

What does it cost to store your sperm?

Kek this is gold

Her fault she didn't settle down. No sympathy desu

>don't ever have children, goy

And forgot


>implying you wouldn't love me for me if you spent a minimal amount of time with me
>implying anyone would dismiss love but someone in fear

Nice pasta, see

Yo, babe!
Make me another pot of pasta.
This time try a different sauce!
Love ya!

>no tits + timestamp


Whites would rather kill themselves than be with a nigger.

Hi Ivanka

who cares because soon cloning will be legal.

How does mormonism work?
How do you handle so many women at a time?


>No one is angrier than a woman who has been rejected in love

I dunno I'm pretty mad.

Finally, I second this


Glad to see my copypasta take off

>1 post by this ID

>mfw the women who emotionally shit on me throughout my childhood will have to pay more taxes for my autismo lifestyle and will grow increasingly lonely and bitter, while i will have reached wizardhood and achieved complete social detachment

If they're not cucks or refugees, yes.


feels good man