The military police is fighting the riot control police right now in Brazil. Can someone explain what the fuck is wrong with my country, why are we like this
The military police is fighting the riot control police right now in Brazil...
You are monkeys.
This is like a third Trooper da Elite movie.
We. You're one of us now. Embrace it.
Do you have to ask?
I'll let you know in 30 years when we become you.
What? Why? Aren't you all on the same side?
why are they fighting? does the winner get to leave brazil or something?
please explain
Is this the current "THE PURGE" thread?
I'm in RJ and hearing about the police going on strike and raids happening, can someone please confirm this to me? Everything seems normal outside, but I'm relatively far from the epicenter of things...
>Look at flag
Why should i be surprised of a third world shit hole.
niggers and spics
I hate you monkeys so fucking much. Im glad that many of you are dying.
Wish I knew. I heard it was because your society demonizes law enforcement while it encourages gangs/criminality.
Is this true?
thats actually kinda interesting.
Is it still going on? Why haven't they sent the BOPE already?
>military police is fighting the riot control police
If this is true, I'm sorry but your country's about go into a civil war for real dawg.
remember the 1-7
That's only for rio
>civil war
>only people with guns are criminals, army and the police
Hello darkness my old friend...
is this performance art?
BOPE is from Rio and the Elite Troop from ES just went in a strike with everyone else, having BBQ on their bases while the city burned... I think its still going on, but I'm not hearing anything more from there as the MSM is hiding whats is happening.
I was the user who didn't belive that the police here would do the same thing yesterday... Man, I thing we're screwed, ES is VERY EASY LEVEL compared to Rio.
If this is real, I don't know if the army will be able to hold off both states at the same time.
I guess thats its boys, adios Brazil, Hello Ancapistan
Your Daddy imported 10,000,000 niggers to work cane and tobacco fields, that's whats wrong with you. You're all part nigger at this point.
sugar canes
Hello São Paulo, how you're doing?
You should prepare for the worst too, friend,.
Please, abstain from racial slurs. To ensure well-being of all it's users, Sup Forums does NOT endorce any type of hate speech. This is a peaceful board.
/Sup Forums
I'm not from SP, I doubt SP has risk though. RJ though, not by chance, the governor made sure to pay some salaries for the police this week.
It was tentative to dissuade them from doing so, but it seems that it wasn't enough for them and there is families outside of the barracks and everything already.
Brace for civil war.
You do realize ordinary people in French, Iranian, Russian or whatever else revolution didn't own a gun right? It's when the government entities starts crashing with each other, at which point each of them start arming citizen with their arsenal (Military giving rifles to the student protesters, police starts arming the protesters), people don't just storm Bastille with pitch forks, it's when the military let's them do it because they're also disgruntled with the current regime.
The welfare state gives money to idiots and takes it from smart people, now give 50 years to the welfare state and smart people are totally overtaxed and overbreed. Brasil And Venezuela are now idiocracy, Argentina dodged a bullet but is on the same path.
Yeah but only 7 out of 100 barracks are at strike. Gotta keep watch to see if it expands or it dies there.
God damn it I am so mad over what you did to Hispaniola you cunts
>Meme magic revival and global collapse imminent
>Tfw the world is actually gonna be shadowrun
Kek has spoken through this message!
Coffee now, also tea...not back when 10,000,000 negroes were imported at once to work industrial farms that hoarded wealth away from Brazilians. Back then it was all sugar and tobacco. Also gems...that's another story though.
Wait what's going on in Brazil? Last I heard the cops went on a strike, now they are fighting other cops?
This. Could a BRanon give a more detailed explanation about this? I doubt cops are just fighting each other for fun.
awesome repeating integers you have there monkey
You replaced your lawful elected government with corrupt insiders that wanted to save their own skin and nothing more.
>do you think planes fall off by themselves?
Banana shortage?
Yeah we should've kept our lawfully elected commies and just accepted famine and poverty lol
I'm on the dark here, a fellow Sup Forumsack told me that things are geining to go down and some shopping was plundered... But this is all that I now.
One of the most famous ancaps here said that his informants on the Military Police said that there would be a strike anyway and that the government was trying some last minute measures to persuade them on giving up.
Too late to save the gov, maybe we should just let them burn.
Tobacco was little in comparison to other stuff they explored. So i'll inform you the biggest exports we had when colony:
t. Alberto Trotski Barbosa
Brazilians do you wish for a happening or not?
did the police start the strike spontaneously?
didn't hey warn the government?
why didn't the government send the military police immediately?
You decided to import slaves to the point of them being close to a 1:1 slave to master ratio and then bred with them for four generations after slavery was abolished.
I'm surprised things aren't worse.
You work quick huebro
We don't know, death and destruction isn't really comfy you know.
But things gotta change, and fast, or we'll be screwed either way.
Because its the MILITARY POLICE doing the strike.
Who can they send? the Army?
Importing was ok, but they forgot to castrate them like the muds do
>I was the user who didn't belive that the police here would do the same thing yesterday.
I told you so...
Brazil is what all multicultural societies will eventually become.
>When you realize this means less shithead Brazilians hue'ing on multiplayer vidya ruining gaming communities
Reposting from other day:
I live in the capital of the state that is happening this shit, heres what i can tell:
>Policemen have shitty salary and cant complain about it because the law dont let them protest
>Their wifes and moms blocked all headquarters bitching about their salary
>´´Well, we cant pass through muh moms and wifes``
>All the bandits from all over the state (some even from other states) start stealing everything, killing people (and even other bandits from rival gangs) and etc
>In january the state had only 4 homicides and in less than a week this month has 100+
>More than 200 cars stolen and a lot of stores robbed
>City is in total chaos, and people are afraid of going outside. The supermarkets have long lines just to enter there.
>Just today my parents stayed 2 hours just to enter the supermarket because everyone is stocking piles of food
>The government called the army to deal with the bandits but some soldiers are just standing around with big guns and trying to dont let the people attack the wifes and moms
>The relationship between us is like: neightbor city called Serra is basicaly mexico and Vitoria(the capital) the US. Most os the bandits go to the capital just to sell drugs e rob
>We cant have guns so everyone is full of fear of gangs
>The government tried to make a deal with the wifes and moms but they want a reajustiment of 48% on the polimen salary, but for that be possible, the government would need to expend 13 millions reais per month, so, no deal
>Our commerce already lost more than 90 million reais because the of the bandits and the turism is fucked
>And even with this all happening the polimen wifes and moms are still protesting (some even making partys with samba at the headquarters)
Niggers unironically are the best colonizers. On every continent in huge numbers
Brazil has lots of ancap experiences: favelas and now this
>partying with samba
lol what? There's anarchy and they're partying?
Do you fear it will spread to the rest of the country or it's contained?
I couldn't get to work today so Ive been playing BF4 all day :^) you better get used to it
How good are the roads?
You in Rio or the other one?
>President Michel Temer’s government said late on Thursday that hundreds more soldiers and federal police would be sent in to help stem the chaos, focused mostly in the metropolitan region of Vitória, the state capital.
>After an initial deployment of 1,200 troops in recent days, as many as 3,000 would be there by the weekend, the defence ministry said.
>State officials said on Friday that more than 700 striking state officers, who in Brazil are organised with military-style ranks and rules, would be charged with rebellion.
>Wives and family members who have blockaded police stations could also face fines and other penalties, they said.
“We will not be weak,” said Garcia, the secretary. “We will ensure that the rule of law is preserved.”
Based Hue
I think not, in most states the policemen have a decent wage
Very bad, kek
>"ancaps btfo" meme
This isn't ancap, the favelas and their druglords is exact what ancaps call an "state" like any other, and most ancaps actually want those guys to die like any politician.
>the Guardian
I'm in Rio and I heard the gunshots a couple hours ago.
Where are you? I'm in Freguesia-Jacarepagua.
>heard gunshots a couple hours ago
How is that any different from a normal day in Rio?
>why are we like this
yous be kangz my foo
How long until the citzens will start lynching bandits?
They don't have guns so never
Not normal if you aren't inside or near a favela.
...And if you're not in those high-risk zones were monkeys go to assault/murder/rob/rape people.
It depends, they will have to get guns first.
Just the moms and wifes, theyre just ´´muh son/husband salary is bad, so i will block the headquarters until they receive more money``
Those women are still there so they are entertaining themselves with party, food and live music while the rest of the society are locked in home
Kek. Have a (You)
Vila da Penha, os tiros foram na penha. Ouvi dizer que fizeram arrastao no shopping da penha e no resto do comercio.
Not in my area.
Oh, so to put it in burger speak, it'd be like if someone in Beverly Hills heard gunshots
I gotcha, not all of Rio is a 3rd world hell hole
I heard that there is things happening in Tijuca also, one mall was plundered and everything.
Sup Forumsack friend stopped talking after this, I hope he is okay.
If the bandits kill eachother there will be guny lying around.
All you need is some good rope and a tree.
nice stealth rare friend
mind if i save?
That have guns though, lots of them
Yeah, something like this.
Good luck jumping inside of a firefight to grab a gun before the mad max tier marauders do it first.
Where's Tijuca in comparison to Rio and that other city?
Make a lasso and catch the bullets.
Tijuca is a... what do you call it? District? Neighborhood?... Inside of Rio.
Not so far from where I am, I could go there on feet, and if I can do that, the criminals can get here even faster.
Luckly, I already started to build a wall.
After the Jewish coup they threw this rat into your central bank.
Ilan Goldfajn, the kike.
friendly reminder that Bolsomeme would have already carpet bombed the bandits if he was president
Bolsonaro 2018
fazer o Brasil grande novamente
He isn't the hero we deserve, but the hero we need.
the riot cops are on strike