Wait, what's this guy's name again?
Wait, what's this guy's name again?
Mike Pence
Mike Pence
Mike Pence
Can somebody give a quick rundown on Mike Pence?
Mike Pence
Mike "Deus Volt" Pence
holy shit you dickhead, OP just wanted to have a lil bit of fun during his lonely friday night and you just wrecked whole thread in first post.
I hope you are happy about it shithead.
>tfw you'll never get to go to the movies with Uncle "Zapper" Pence's arm around your shoulder and ride home in the truck with a sugar high from all the junk food
The only thing I love more than a meme is the inversion of a meme
Mike Pence.
Mike "LGBBQ" Pence
Mike "LGBTBBQ" Pence
Mike "The comfy" Pence
Mike "grenade frag for the fag parad" Pence
>did somebody say rundown?
Mike "Queers Get Amperes" Pence
Mike "if you take it in the crapper I'mma hit you with the zapper" pence
>this job ain't worth a warm bucket of piss
Can someone give a quick rundown on "rundowns"?
Mike "Putting the 'Trans' In Transistor" Pence
Mike "Tesla will put you into eternal gay siesta" Pence
Mike "homosexuality is a sin" Pence
Sup Forums Memetically Memerect
Mike "If you drink loads, I'll make you explode" Pence.
Mike "Taze the Rainbow" Pense