Why do so many people disrespect our President?

Why do so many people disrespect our President?

Because he does not respect the office. Sad.

The abolition of corporal punishment in the public school system.

Because (((they))) are scared

Because they just spent 8 years, usually their teenage years, growing up under a "fun, friendly, democratic liberal president" who used his celebrity to distract from all the actual shit he was doing.

They don't know what it's like to lose. They've spent so long thinking that republicans/conservatives are bad and they don't know any better. They were too young for Bush so the only thing they "know" re: the president is Obama

Because the TV told them to

yes. (((Why))) indeed?

Dumb people do dumb things

You'll notice the libtards that are constantly complaining about Trump also have tons of other problems in their lives. They make bad choices and disrespecting the president is just one of many.

I agree with this. Will 4 or 8 years of republican leadership be enough to reverse it? With liberals objecting to Trump's travel ban, I don't even think Trump can save the US anymore.

Because the media has thrown away any semblance of dignity and just trashes him constantly because he's not a globalist shill.

>I don't trust the mainstream media. More like LAMESTREAM media
>proceeds to endlessly parrot their bullshit
kek, what a bunch of weak-willed drones. In a similar regard though the people that spew the bullshit they read here are equally insufferable.

Because the world is filled with dumb people who believe whatever the media says. Sad

I think it will once they realize Trump isn't executing trannies and gays and the economy is doing well.

Millennials are retards who cant handle different opinions than their own.
Left right are both guilty of it.

Shame he isn't. They need to die.

for the same reason loud crazy women call the police, throw men's clothes out of windows, and tell everybody they know that their ex is a piece of shit. they're afraid that he's going to do the same to them, so they strike first.


Ain't it always been that way

They weren't raised right. Destruction of the family.
