Been working out running and strength training 4-6 times a week for almost 2 years now. It's the fitness industry run by (((them))) or is Alex Jones right about the hormones in the water and I'm just lucky my exercise boosts my testosterone enough to keep me from going gay?
Is the 6 pack a meme?
too fat
Stop drinking alcohol and eating processed sugars and maybe you can burn some of that fat to get your abs to show.
Gonna have to call bullshit on your claims.
I'm 30 pounds heavier than when I had my peak 6 pack and was super lean / cut. I've still got a fairly decently outlined 4 pack, only the last two abs aren't visible.
You'd have to CUT to like 2% body fat to see abdominal muscle on that
there is no way you have been working out like you say you have for two years.
either that or your diet must be absolute trash.
6-pack abs aren't perpetual like comic books and movies would have you believe.
You work out and build muscle, but then you have to cut for several weeks (intense dieting and exercise) to get the ab effect for a short period of time. Chris Evans and whoever cut right before they film their scenes in movies and then when they're done the visible abs go away until they cut again.
Doesn't mean the muscles aren't there, just that getting the cheese grater ab look is a limited time thing that you can't eternally maintain without damaging your system.
six-packs are made in the kitchen not the gym you fat fuck.
Yes the fitness industry is filled with starved jews that are dehydrated. You have to have little body fat. But don't worry only faggots show off their six pack to other faggots at the gym.
Alex Jones is right about endocrine disruption, but abs are just about cutting body fat.
If you go down under 15% you will start to see abs.
Some men, even if they reach their peak physical potential, won't have a six pack. A lot of models who are obviously in amazing shape don't have a six pack until they dehydrate themselves severely for shoots.
lol this is a great little slice of Sup Forums: idiots wanting to blame their problems on Jews when really they're just fat idiots.
>40% body fat
abs are a meme and utterly pointless, literally just vanity and if you want abs you may as well be a woman
it must suck to be an amerifat, i feel for you bros
Its like 75% genetics. My cousin who is the same age as me never hit the gym in his life, never worked out and has a 6 pack and ripped body. The way his body stores and retains liquid is different than mine. I am the same height and I work out and diet extremely hard, I can at best get a slight 4 pack after surviving on lean chicken, rice and water.
yes, some fat is good. I have one pack and I can take a punch in the stomach way better than all the 6 pack faggots, who take care of themselves too much. 6 pack is gay.
You look like your diet isn't very good
If you look like that after 2 years you haven't been working out
>stop eating processed sugar
>do a full Body Routine instead of a bro split
you aren't thin enough/don't have enough muscle for your height, either one can effect it, also genetics is a big one, but not the end all be all, if your parents were both fat, you will probably have trouble losing fat, you need to do more cardio/eat less carbs. and make sure your cardio is HIT, as well as long distance.
I am really bummed I fucked my body up. It is basically impossible for me to get a six pack now. My skin is just too lose.
At 18.5% body fat. Look like shit. Have skin tucked into underwear.
Cannot have surgery without being skinny for at least a year. Have to just wait it out.
If truth I feels user. You can keep it off hombre. I believe.
the 6 pack isn't 6 muscles, it's one muscle with connective tissue on top of it, the muscle pushes through and the shape is formed by the connective tissue
the tissue itself is what determines whether you can even get a six pack or not, and so even though the 6 pack shape is typical, its also common to not be able to have one at all
I'm about 50 pounds over weight and you can see my abs, They aren't cut wash board or anything but they cut through my belly
I'm in the same boat. I got the stomach that chicks love but I was cursed with the eternal chicken legs.
i have had a motherfucking 8 pack for 6 years now, ectomorph master race
You're a big guy
christ how long did it take you to lose what i assume to be 120-130lbs?
How dumb are you?
just eat less and you'll get there eventually fatso.
you have way too much bodyfat atm
lol. 187.5lbs. I am fairly tall.
11 months.
>I fucked my body up
did YOU fuck your body up, or did your parents fuck your body up by feeding you irresponsibly and not teaching you good habits to live as an adult?
if so, you shouldn't feel bad, you should be extremely resentful towards them though
I've cut out a lot though not all meat. My portions are under control finally. Honestly yeah these no sugar guys are right and that's probably the hardest thing to stop completely. I actually have started shedding most of my Lbs just recently with changes to my diet over the last 2 months. I'm not certain I'll ever have a 6pack but I think I might be able to get down to a 34 waist which is be happy with by itself
>get down to a 34 waist
Could be worse. Nature cursed me with stupidly strong legs and a pathetic body
I was fat as an 8 year old, so yah, partly my parents fault.
youre just fat
How much your abs show is a question solely of diet.
>I've cut out a lot though not all meat.
kill them.
>not cutting alcohol
>can't figure out why a DYEL faggot with no gains
try starting with pocket eggs at LEAST
>strength training 2 years
>knows nothing about nutrition
are you fucking retarded? strength training will not get you a 6 pack, nor will excessive cardio.
you need to eat less energy than you expend to remove the fat layer sitting over your abs you fucking mongoloid
I was eating a lot... Because it's delicious. Don't worry I'm not falling for the vegan meme.
for you
I did casual crunches for 2 weeks and now my abdominal muscles are visible. Feels good to be thin.
You did yourself good user.
it doesnt matter WHAT you eat. if you want 6 pack abs the only thing that matters is HOW MUCH you eat vs HOW MUCH you expend as energy
do your abs show?
lol your bf is like 20% lardo
man, you're unironically going to be alex mode the way you're going now
if you want a faggy six pack then you need to diet too.
Tbh you should be lifting for strength and fitness rather than aesthetics
try keto brah. I lost a fuckload of weight
Abs are worked on in the kitchen, not the gym.
Genetics also have a lot to do with it.
Some girls think that dudes with perfect abs are tryhards with small dicks so don't look too far into it.
nice tits
do you even lift?
those girls will have made up their mind about your dick way before they see your abs anyway
That's a lot of weight. Attaboy.
eh, you can maintain one but it wont be chiseled
abs are made in the kitchen bro
if you can flex them and feel them under there you just need to improve your diet
you look too chubby anyways so idk why you're surprised
you pathetic cocksucker. You're a fat piece of shit, look at that gyno.
Abs only show when you have a low body fat percentage, so lose weight if you want them.
Also, you've been working out 4-6 times a week for 2 years and you look like that?
Literally fucking kill yourself.
;__: my hero
abdominoplasties are commonly done and you should benefit greatly
Body fat percentage. Don't even need to be that fit if you have a low fat percentage for abs to show.
I was on death's door due to diagnosed and untreated grave's disease but I looked shredded
I've had a 6 pack since I was 14 and played football. Just stop eating so much you fat fuck.
>disclaimer: I had a skull fracture last year and lost my 6 after 2 months of doing nothing but eating like shit. It is back now though.
Go to /fit/
Read the sticky
Go on a caloric cut about 500k/cals less than maintenance
Pay attention to your food macros
Work out heavy 3x a week
Get good sleep
You can have abs, but not the way in which you're training and eating now.
Alex Jones is a meme and a scamming fuck face trying to sell his own vitamins which are untested and unregulated and likely contain literal shit.
it's completely your fault, you were abused and had your health neglected as a child by them letting that happen to you
over feeding your kids is just as serious as under feeding them, maybe worse long term
don't hate the playa, hate the game.
what are you gonna do to fix the game?
You're not eating right.
A little fat is good to have, abs are for bodybuilders/male models/movie actors
But survival, meh
My diet is absolutely shit but I still look good because I work out hard
You're still to fat man, you have to cut more weight . Get away from slow tempo cardio and step it up to sprints.
Ok here you go.
Well for starters I'm going to finish my genetics degree go into law and shit these cunts down
Or let them continue to exploit retards so I can look even better hmm....
Ya gotta stay lean
Has more to do with losing fat than gaining muscle
Are you the gay, hairy Romanian? :^)
not bad, kinda hairy tho
Oh, herro :^)
if you want abs you have to work abs
and stop eating for a month
Sixpacks are made in the KITCHEN not in the GYM you friggin' NERD.
Stop eating so fucking much and lose some fat before you complain about not being able to see your abs.
>those boob scars
What's your waist size weiner schnitzel?
No I'm Belgian, get your eyes checked fellow neighbour
Eh it comes with the territory. James Bond had a bit of hair so I'm in good company.
Also thanks mate I work hard on being in shape.
Lose more body fat, bubba
That's jeans size, right?
I'm a 28
> eating less and look like a twink faggot
Stay bulky Sup Forumsacks
You have to cut bodyfat if you want six pack abs you dumb ass white nigger faggot.
Literally any human will have a six pack if they have a low body fat %. Nothing to do with strength.
>No I'm Belgian
whats the difference
Thx Mr. Skeletal!
you legit have the gayest body I've ever seen
>want to gain muscle
>tfw really bad ibs and stuck on a strict diet and can't make any real gains no matter how hard you push yourself
Maybe lose some weight you fat fuck
Jealous much?
>the women would disagree.
Good work man
We're sexy