Sup Forums honest to goodness question.
Do you think the IRA did anything wrong?
Also on a side note, why isn't there an IRA type group to remove kebab from central europe?
IRA und Kebabs
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That's racist
You like my new album cover?
I call it
>My great grandpa pat was in the original IRA
>Do you think the IRA did anything wrong?
They didn't kill the queen
The IRA are the literal niggers of terrorism, only spastic ginger faggots drank Guinness once support the IRA
Lel, you're just jealous of my golden-red curly hair, faggot :^)
Sometimes I'd like to think Ireland's tricolor stands for
>eyes- green
>skin- white
>hair- orange
>you're just jealous of my golden-red curly hair, faggot :^)
that's a very insecure way of saying you're ginger lmao
Lel, k
>Buttmad boghoppers
An hero potato nigger
Wew lad. Your pops get kneecapped or some shit?
Why are you butt flustered britty bottoms?
Kill yourself faggot. I hate you.
Fuck dude, how about some trigger discipline.
How did the IRA get m16´s?
Americans gave them weapons
Based Ian says NOOOO
>IRA thread
>bunch of ugly mongrel Americans pretend to be Irish
every time
Your prop comedy sucks, faggot.
we wuz celtz
Long live the Queen
>IRA thread
>Obese UKaliphate turd bumbles his way in and blurts ad hominems everywhere
Every time.
Uou do realise the people directly impacted by the troubles were largely British Citizens right?
There's a good chance Brits on this board have had at least a family member affected in the troubles?
arent IRA in general palestinian supporters and marxists
Wew lad
> tfw 6 months away from blonde jesus aesthetic
Stat buttmad if you have gay af straight scandi cuck hair boi
IRA are Marxist not Catholic.
I don't know how they fooled the American public so easily.
I think Brits are the easiest people to trigger.
Look at them squirm everytime you say those 3 little letters
to be fair you're probably a shitskin anyway lol.
Oh yeah, such a shitskin.
Hes whiter than you muhammad:^) prove us wrong
Let's see: religious nut jobs, terrorists, cowards hitting civi targets.
>IRA type group to remove kebab
Because there's no fucking difference
>inb4 some faggot yank 'begorra, me granddaddy was in the provos, killed 10 paras with his own bare hands, so he did.'
Every knobrash that once saw the dropkick murphys, I fucking swear
The IRA are socialists you incredibly dumb Irish-American fuck.
You inherited the low IQ form your MUH HERITUGE that's for fucking sure.
Fucking ginger, top kek. We have a saying here when we give someone a right hammering: 'beat the cunt like a ginger stepchild'
Squirm? Do you see me squirming nigga!?
The IRA are useless fucks, what were they even fighting for?
republican from the north here. The problem is these organisations get subverted by the powers that be. Read stakeknife by martin ingram, the IRA was overran by mi5, the brits had moles in high levels of the IRA, they planted the omagh bomb and many other things to discredit the movement. I'm not saying their shouldn't be a European upraising, imo there should be, but we need to be aware of these things.
do you think the 'RA were better than the current mudslime terrorists.
blowing yourself up is doing it wrong i think. just leave it in a schoolbag outside a barracks
>be Thatcher
>Have to check underneath car every morning
Anglos are mad.
sinn fein is, they represent the left and unfotunately they have taken irish nationalists along with them #mindcontrol, irish people need to be told the truth that sinn fein is ran by british intelligence
Up the CIRA!
The IRA didn't remove kebab. They're a bunch of commies
So true... personally I believe it has to do with the ingrained jewish influence in virtually every facet of British society. They've literally adapted every aspect of the jewish identity. Including the paranoia, extreme narcissism and hyper-emotionalism.
the Ira supported and trained with the PLO, hezbollah, and hamas. So no, the potatoniggers aren't going to do suit against theIran bros the sandniggers
How is it that you faggots always get caught in the needles of it all and miss the bigger picture
>How come europe doesn't have a domestic uprising of militia killing off the muslims that are raping their women
Is essentially what I asked, but is fewer words.
Are you Brits so fucking retarded that you can't even understand your own language?
De Muja Poteen
>Ira supported and trained with the PLO, hezbollah, and hamas
Why we love 'em.
>wants anti muzzie militia
>Uses the famously muzzie loving ira as an example.
Gets butthurt when brits kick off.
Through Boston Irish crime families
Isn't your capital controlled by a muslim mayor in a majority muslim city?
You like a bit of kebab then, achmed? Happy when muzzies were slaughtering Christians in lebanon? Same dudes you're ira got in bed with?
>be communist sympathizing bong
>be ottoman sympathizing bong
>turn into literally kikes
>try to give historical lessons to Europeans
haha inbred bong always on the wrong side of history.
>IRA did anything wrong
Missed the queen.
Call me on the day we have a chimp as president. One city - how many yank shitholes are run by nogs and slimes?
Why do you bongs always do this? Is it the inherent jew within you... you literally support Saudi Arabia and ISIS. The largest and most hostile anti-West factions of Islam in history.
No other people have this lack of self-awareness other than Jews. The British character is 100% Jewish by nature. Period
>O-one city
That's 1/8th of your population dipship, that's the equivalent of California and New York for us.
You're welcome, it's nice to get the recognition. We were the best, raped and pillaged our way across the globe. Invented concentration camps for boers, you know?
>being this absolutely deluded
Whens the last time you ventured out of your (((british))) village hut. You yellow tooth bongs talk about your gross villages like niggers talk about their hoods.
WE support saudi arabia and isis? Fuck me lack of introspection much? The us and isreal fucking created isis as a faction to cause infighting in hamas and destabilise alq.
Trump wasn't wrong when he accused obongo of creating isis
Irish American here. But he didn't mean that as a compliment, he was implying we were basically niggers chimping out all the time.
Yeah I'll worry about it when blm and antifa are rioting on the streets here.
>anti-British Imperialism
>fight for ethno nationalism
>god-tier music
Your not a Brit. Your a fucking peasant who should have his tongue cut out and shoved up his ass.
>We were the best
No, you sailed around allying with every African, Indian, S.E. Asian you could find because Europe was too White for a Jew Empire like yours.
Now you're being genocided by those same people.
Welcome to the hood, cuz, bix nood fancy a cuppa?
Fuck off you Yankee faggots are trash as well. I hope you all die. Fucking nothing but glorified spoiled peasants. Still gas the fucking kikes.
So are you asshat.
The troubles?
Lol, why are you using BBC new speak?
Remember, one of those places was called Jamestown. Can't remember which shithole country that was in...
>Europe was too White
Lol we fought everyone. Only 26 countries on the planet we didn't colonise, invade, or just fuck with for giggles, pic related
remember Rotherham? Not an isolated incident.
>dana white
Kek, how did he managed to get in there ?
UK posters should be banned from Irish threads
>irish thread
>bunch of ugly rape baby anglos start chimping out.
The IRA are communists, and the only good communist is a dead one.
Yeah, how did you hear about that? Oh yeah, cos the cunts got arrested and locked up. How's that autismo your nogs tortured on livestream doing?
On the one hand the IRA hated Jews on the other they are a bunch of commies. At best they are useful idiots.
Yeh, and 'ole Vlad is a commie too. LOL
>enternal anglo
>UK posters should be banned from Irish threads
Cos you cunts won't shut up about the fucking IRA. Every tattynigger thread, by 50 posts in its all balaclava jpgs and you go full 1641. Then some yank lardarse has a 'muh oirish heritage' moment cos he once got the guinness shits..
>Stalin comes to power
>Kills all the jews in the purge
>Suddenly jews hate commies
Ok Sir Schlomo III... whatever you say.
>muh commies!
Jesus christ, this is literally decades old rhetoric used by neocons. Why are the brits so lost.
>unironically defending communism
go back to Cuba, Federico
>14 posts by this id
Pic related. Isn't it time for your antifa meeting comrade?
this is what conditioned delusion looks like fellow anons
Yeah, I can't help it. I'm so weak, don't judge me
Their political beliefs had nothing to do with the overall goal. That's like saying the British government is communist because of the labour party. Most of the lads studied communist revolutionaries because they had a similiar struggle.
Calm down there nige, if it triggers you so much then fuck off and ignore it. Every pro-irish thread always has UK posters wrecking them. I did it once in a brit pol and you all start crying.
Irish americans are irish. If you fucks didn't run this country into the ground we wouldn't have a presence in US.
If you want Northern Ireland back, then why don't you fight harder :^)
>Supporting shit tier terrorists killing people over religion and who failed to archive their goals.
Whatever you say Ahmed
Oh no, muzzies are fucking us up right enough. I just don't see the fucking IRA as the solution is all. Maybe I'm missing some subtle detail or other...
rolf. i can smell your jew tactics. which resources are you working for again?
Your country created saudi arabia.
Do you think the Irish would let the muslims in this country blow shit up and create sharia zones ? I think not. Also the caliphate supported us when you pricks starved us.
>working for
The same one I work for every night, pic related
We are. Demographics.
Does this still work in England? America is always 10 years ahead politically and culturally. I was having these conversations 10 years ago. This is how ancient and useless your rhetoric is.
>hurrr hurrr you're a "commie"
Keep going with that britcuck.... we already smashed this ancient neocon rethroric here in the states. It won us the GOP and the biggest revolutionary political upset in American history in 2016.
Yes, but they know how to treat dealers.
Yes you are. One of the grandfathers of special operations was a British officers that worked with the shanghai PD. Working with somone, training or being trained in the past, doesn't make you their allie. We trained the mujahadeen and they alluah akbared our towers.
Oh shit man.
As a gingy you would of got your shit ripped over here.
When I was younger I used to think Brits were intelligent. I guess from watching (((movies))) Now I'm my 30s and realize they're probably the dumbest in all the West.
>s 10 years ahead politically
What you have advanced nuggets and cybercucks now? STFU you bellend, I was in the /cfg/ going through the leaks, and shilling for trump.
THere were more dead potatoes than brits by the end of it: and Northern Ireland still part of the UK.
So much for the 'struggle' eh?
More fantasy from the LARPing britcuck neet sitting in mum's damp village hut surrounded by paki-rape sentinels.
Don't you have some x-box to mentally escape into?