Do vaccines really cause autism? Or Trump just memeing on us?
Do vaccines really cause autism? Or Trump just memeing on us?
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Of course they don't cause autism. The idiots on Sup Forums might disagree, but in the end that just means less inbred children make it to adulthood.
In the end idiots always lose.
>Of course they don't cause autism.
saying that with such conviction is just as bad as the people who state the autism claims as fact
vaccines are just as safe as thalidomide, trust your doctor, get a shot today.
this has been a message from the trillion dollar pillpushers.
parents like blaming their shit genes on things
then take a science class (and no computer "science" or your fag undergrad engineering bs doesn't count)
>or your fag undergrad engineering
what about my fag graduate courses?
Although if we're being honest they weren't any harder than undergrad classes. Just more writing here and there
into the oven, kike
Watch Vaxxed and you'll know everything you ever wanted to know about the CDC cover-up of the autism-MMR link.
https:// /watch?v=cBrhDT3J9Hc
>n-no it can't be MY fault my kid is a retard
reminds me how john travolta maintained his kid had kawasaki syndrome before the dumb motherfucker slipped and fell in his shower and died
The lead researcher at the CDC claimed they did in fact fine that the swine flu vaccine did cause autism, but according to normies that's not enough to bring the rest of them into question. I dont think they all cause autism, but how the fuck would I know if libs just call me crazy for having a sneaking suspicion.
Fuck off jew. Stop denying me my qt white gf
buy in and get you a qt jewish gf senpai
How can it remind you of anything if you haven't watched the film?
Of course it's the parents fault for believing pharmaceutical companies, who bribe doctors to push vaccines, are acting in a child's best interest. Don't be naive.
Don't think they cause Autism. Still think it should remain a freedom of choice to get vaccinated though.
No they shouldn't. Your rights end where mine begin. I don't want someone walking around who wasn't vaccinated for Polio, they're autistic because they don't get a vaccine.
They literally used aids blood on healthy people and you guys think they wouldn't manage to taint vaccines with something that does damage to your health?
the reimbursements for vaccines are negligible. not watching that shit, get better genes
Why not? If you're vaccinated yourself that shouldn't be of your concern.
That's retarded, autism happens in utero, it's a default of migration of stem cells in the cerebral cortex.
It can mutate or still harm people. Vaccines rescue the risks considerably but if you're surrounded by people getting it you can still get it. Might be a good way to cut back on the idiots though.
Fuck off you tinfoil retard
You're retarded if you think they couldn't fuck up vaccines like every other medicament.
Poor Barron. Old nutsack, hard used Euro whore womb, vaccines... kid never had a chance.
Do they really cause autism? Can you fucking read, OP?
>Many such cases!
No one really knows. It hasn't been properly studied. Why? Well, the liability issues are massive. It would cost billions of dollars to the healthcare industry if it was ever conclusively proven that vaccines cause developmental disabilities.
Honestly vaccine were invented by a white Christian guy Edward Jenner and Louis Pastuer a French bro.
You're falling for the Serbian jew double bluff
If anything it's probably stds adding to it from skanks like Jenny Mccarthy whoring them selves out and smoking meth
did the lead in flint's water cause brain damage, or did the brain damage cause them to drink what they reasonably expected to be lead-free water?
i.e., the world is insanely complex and you (i mean you personally) dumb it down and simplify things until your intellect, inferior as it is, can master the puzzle.
in other words, you didn't solve the equation, you eliminated terms until the equation was within your intellectual capabilities.
Would non-ironically punch you in the face for this comment
>tinfoil retard
/Gaslighting/ General?
>thinks Earth is flat
Nah fuck research let's just have black science man imply that we're retards if we disagree with ((the consensus))
Cause Autism? Probably not.
But the fact they want to give Infants all the shots at once strikes me a little concerning. That's a lot of foreign material going into a body at once- according to my records/parents back in the day it was more spread out.
>thinks mega-corporations care about him
>still hasn't taken his antipsychotics after he checked out of the mental hospital too early
Ps suck my 3 trips in a row crazy cuck fag
Mercury poisoning is very real.
Multidose phials of vaccinations are treated with different forms/types of mercury as an anti-viral/bacterial/fungal as multiple needles are introducing said pathogens into the air tight bottle by puncturing the rubber membrane.
Single dose phials of vaccinations aren't treated with any heavy metals at all ergo are infinitely safer to use on your children.
The flu vaccine is useless, as is the HPV vaccination. These infections are unavoidable as a human, you will more than likely wind up with some form of viral herpes as well, statistically speaking.
All 3 of my sons are normal and healthy because I paid out of pocket for single dose phials of their vaccinations.
"Muh psychosis!!" is day one cointelpro
Get a hobby you nerd
Get an education retard and mental help.
There is a slight risk but the risks of not immunizing are biglier
He's talking about his son in that post. That's how he knows.
The eternal canuck
Always a cuck
No. And autism is over-diagnosed. Most of the time it's just a kid that never learned to be social. It's happening more often now because computers give you an outlet that didn't exist in the past. It used to be that you'd have to at least have a core group of friends that kept you from acting retarded. But now kids can just withdraw entirely from social interactions and shitpost frogs all day on the internet.
let the imune system figure it out.
if you do all vaccines in one shot, wouldnt he not sleep the night. a baby suffring is the least thing a post modern want to deal with.
You got wrecked by a leaf faggo.
Nah bit for realz get mental health and quit smoking meth
I wouldn't be surprised if some factor from modern life is at the root of this autism epidemic, be it vaccines or not, so the paranoia parents have is understandable.
Remember that in the 1700's people slathered their faced with lead makeup not knowing it was poisonous. And that was in a time where class-action litigation wasn't even a thing, so there wasn't as much of an incentive for a coverup.
Aren't Jews the most inbred group of people on the planet though?
Why would the PtB want to cause autism?
>worse social skills
>lower natural urge to conform
>more susceptible to becoming a Nazi on Sup Forums
If they caused autism it would be helping us
hey sir, dont you consider yourself smarter then us because you have three sons.
>tfw joined the army
>got vaccinated
>got autism
That's just it, you shitheel. They've DONE the research, but mouth breathers like you still think there's a link because muh feelings/ internet jenny McCarthy bullshit. What it really means is that you'd rather let your kid catch a horrible preventable disease than be a normie where vaccination is the issue. Kys
Trump is talking about Barron in that post
Sup Forums is the evidence of vaccines causing autism.
this is the one thing where I am allowed to disagree with the president
I don't know. What I do know is that during my childhood and early teens I had to wear glasses, not because I have bad vision, my vision is 20/20. I had to wear glasses because after receiving my vaccinations my left eye began to wander away from the right. According to my parents this only happened after I was vaccinated.
Don't vaccinate your kids.
It's 40 year olds having kids. That's literally why more kids have autism now.
No, I have 2 daughters as well.
It's been known for CENTURIES that mercury exposure causes at a minimum delayed or impaired cognitive functioning, at worst, death.
Get them for the BigBoy diseases as a kid, but not for the flu
Depends on the situation, the age, etc.
You get more mercury by eating fish dumbass.
When there is inminent risk, all at once is a better gamble. Besides, it's painful, children wouldn't want to go again.
It must be hard as a parent of a kid with autism, especially if you're young and healthy and nobody can tell you why it happened.
This. The situation sucks, it's sudden and the signs show around the same time as kids thake the vaccines.
Can't really blame caring parents for blaming vaccines after they kid gets the aut, it's natural to blame something.
Proxy kike. Jews are niggers
That's a scientific false. You'd need to eat fish constantly to be exposed to the level of mercury in modern vaccines. That being stated, most peoples bodies are strong enough to process it and dispose of it, some people aren't as physically equipped.
Vaccines have been under speculation since the 80's, but regardless of how many 'studies' and 'statistics' there are there's really no 100% proof. There's plenty of motive for big pharma to cover it up if it does though.
Probably not autism, but you're retarded if you think injecting yourself with mercury is healthy.
If the spike really is caused by people in their 40's having kids late then it should be easy enough to prove after all this time. It may not be the vaccines but it has to be caused by something in modern life.
Depends on the fish. If you eat top predators, the mercure dose is high.
Absolutely no one in the world eats swordfish or tuna on a daily basis. Also, countries that DO eat those fish regularly have astronomically high lifespans in comparison to the rest of the world. They're also ingesting an entirely different type of mercury.
From what I understand from listening to people that I'm inclined to trust, it's what's been added the vaccines that's the problem. Mercury I think. The one thing that makes me believe the autism hype is how much certain groups will absolutely lose their shit and attack anyone who suggests there is a link. You know the type, 'le mainstream science is my religion I love Imgur' useful idiot corporate shill faggots
>tfw you eat tuna 3 times a week.
You're an adult capable of processing small trace amounts of mercury. Also, canned food is horrible for you, get a better job so you can eat well. We all know you're not eating Toro steaks 3 times a week, judging by the flag....
it has been studied, sort of. the studies are usually either ignored or if they gain enough publicity, they try to discredit the authors.
it's really egregious, and a perfect example of why individual liberty is important.
except lead does cause brain damage, and is harmful in even small amounts.
Stopped reading when it compared thimerosal to fucking salt. The properties of the individual elements are irrelevant, and salt being a safe, stable compound doesn't magically negate that thimerosal is incredibly toxic.
If vaccines are so harmless, there should be no need to be so wantonly disingenuous.
I can afford meat, but I actually unironically really like tuna fish.
Eating to much meat is bad for digestion. Makes me grumpy.
Besides, I always make sure to clean the stuff, to eliminate as much sodium and other chems as posisible.
Fish flesh is meat...
Don't make excuses for your poor diet friendo, I'm not your doctor.
>implying Trump doesn't know that vaccines cause autism
>implying he didn't see that his ascent would be powered by the power of autistic shit posting
>implying he hasn't been slipping vaccines into the water supply for the last few decades to create his army of autists
17d transtemporal chess
Its even better than that. Most of these diseases like Rubella and Whooping Caught cause kids to go deaf. I cant wait for all these rednecks stuck dealing with a real side effect like that.
he is 70 years old sick man for fucks sake.
get your head out of your ass you autists
this is the next thing shills jump to when they're losing the argument:
>but-but-but the illness is so much worse than autism
go fuck yourself
Sodium is toxic...
If a Jew says it ain't so, it means it is 100% confirmed
I just got vaccinated yesterday lads.
Feeling specially autistic this evening.
fucking what? read what he wrote now read what you responded with. Now go sit in the fucking corner and think about how much of a retard you sound like.
>Retarded anons who have never opened a biology book believe a prostitute and a sham over literally thousands of much more educated and intelligent people who live and breathe research for a living
looks fine to me. whoever you are, you can fuck off too.