Is this meme accurate, pol?
Is Bannon really the puppetmaster?
no just propagada
The left also said that Bush was simply Dick Cheney's puppet.
They just trot this out anytime a republican wins because they don't know how to argue for what they believe in.
Oh. that and SO much more...
Yes and it's not a bad thing
>3 minutes ago
Feels like I said this 10 minutes ago
I seriously want to talk to you guys about why you think this is a bad thing if it's true
It's true, and it's not a bad thing
Trump is just the figurehead, Bannon is more aligned with Sup Forums than you think
He's also Presidential as fuck. Bannon had no chance of winning the presidency so this was the best bet. You can't debate this guy without losing
that's a manly looking Statue of Liberty; where were the naked political drawings of Obama getting nailed by Michelle's larger wang?
>Is this meme accurate, pol?
No, its a rerun of the "Karl Rove is Bush's brain" trope. Liberals wheel out the same memes and tropes every time.
In this case it's very real.
And third time I'll say that it's not a bad thing that Bannon is having a coup at the White House. It's pretty much badass. Trump takes the helm and the hate while Bannon, a "lowly aide", does real work
You have to go deeper.
>In this case it's very real.
Proof? Nope. Thought so.
>reddit meme
I'm not showing you shit, faggot.
Interesting how "Trump" is such a ridiculous and stupid name whereas "Bannon" is badass and inspires fear and admiration. Kind of like "Barron".
Hmm really making myself think
Trump could've been called "Donald Piss" and I'd still find him to be a decent fellow
It's just the lefts latest meme to undermine Trump.
It should be obvious to anyone who isn't a pathetic imbicile that Trump's ego would not allow him to take a back seat to anyone.
That should be obvious to everyone who isn't retarded and has paid attention to the news in the past 2 years
The left just wants to believe this because they've got nothing else. They still cant believe they got BTFO so badly in the election, and now the country and the world is turning against them
>has no proof to show
fake and gay
I'm embracing the secret Trump/Bannon era
Forget about Pence
He's a true conservative. Much more so than Trump if you actually pay attention to what Bannon says.
If you know anything about Bannon you'll know that him being in this position at the White House is much more than what meets the eye. Obama had the strangest people in his cabinet, with little experience, and you saw these positions become weaker and weaker. But, it's ultimately YOUR fault for thinking that.
Bannon is up there with the founding fathers if you actually take the fucking goggles off.
This is part of the long game. Get the left to start building this theory. Then those on Bannon's side will refuse to believe it..
He's not the President. He's not the Vice President. He's not Chief Strategist either.
This is the most flexible White House cabinet in a long long time.
Let me just put it in the form of a question:
What do you guys know about Bannon?
What do you like/dislike about him?
And if you dislike him: How long have you been a faggot?
>and now the country and the world is turning against them
are you ignoring the pop vote? the womens marches. The multiple daily international embarrassments, self undermining with twitter tantrums, staff gaffes +leaks? If the metric was simply how triggered libruls get, sure Trump is "winning".
how can trump be an evil fascist mastermind and steve bannon's puppet simultaneously? they need to pick one and stick with it
Because it's true. It's not just a democrat/republican thing, all politics are controlled by a few elites