Thoughts on these guys?
Thoughts on these guys?
Pretty cool, kinda autistic as well
Gay as fuck.
On the cusp of Enlightenment.
I saw one video a few days ago
It was autistic and their mouths are weird
The animation sucks and makes me want to puke, the voices suck, the narrative sucks, but wait, it's actually good for cringe.
so I give it a 10/10 for spaghetti
Some good videos, I just like it better when it's just jokes not some sort of storyline arguing their perspective
The one where they cute AIDS then purposely destroy it because of who it would help makes me laugh
Hey have to use you faggoty cartoons to red pill the normies
Well its against the shills so No Wonder they dont like it.
I like it.
The mythbusters? They're alright
Best 2d waifu
Better than we deserve. They're clever fuckers.
I want to racemix with her.
Never seen them but I do love this line.
I liked them back when they advocated for alt-lite and alt-right unity. Then they went full LARP and purity spiraled into oblivion.
The :animation: and editing are creative, though.
Bunch of autistic faggots
they go boldly where south park gets their balls shrivelled up. they hit the truth pretty near the bullseye. plus that murdock-chan, frateeee!!!
I enjoy the shit out of it. Bought a hoodie to support them.
is that AIDS Skrillex?
pure unfiltered autism
they just know what's right, stop being a faggot cuck and stop using buzzwords like purity spiral dumbfuck.
True, era bună o Murdoch Chan în real life.
murdochmurdochs twitter got shoahed a few days ago what happened
Excellent writing and good humor when you get past the fucking horrifying animation
They turn people onto Dr. Pierce and GLR. He really is redpilling normies with his faggy cartoon. They do good work.
last episodes in order to catch up
I love those gay faggoty cartoons
>they just know what's right
Fracturing our movement isn't right, because we haven't fucking won yet. We need to get Trump to deport at least 30 million people, and we can't hold him to it unless we stand in solidarity. The left learned that in-fighting is dangerous a long time ago. Why can't the right?
Honestly most underrated media on the whole fucking planet, maybe even the universe
Weeb faggots
gay as fuck desu
I want to fuck the girl.
Weebs are the strongest race on earth.
all the alt-lite is interested in doing is making their beliefs fashionable and something to be admired by other people for social capital, they treat social capital the exact same way that liberals do. they are the one's who are agressive and divisive. the movement isn't fracturing, and internal criticism isn't a bad thing.
11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
Murdoch&Murdoch is great because it's entry level for a lot of people and tends to be a good gateway for normies
>Cracker Barrel as the last stand of implicit whiteness
That shit had my dyin
Fuck off Ahmed, if this isn't Sup Forums related I don't know what is
I find them genuinely funnier than everything else I watch, just sad I can't share with normies because there is no way you can pass it off as just satire.
you can discuss your tv shows and e-celebs on Sup Forums or /soc/, Tyrone-DaQuan the 4nd
10/10 I would offer to help them with any production stuff for free.
murdoch-chan is waifu material
had a good chuckle at the end of the last vid where she showed her titties
>under 30k alt-right youtube channel
>Sup Forums
listen either we're not welcome because of our views, and this is our containment board or its not popular enough to merit discussion there, you're choice
They're clingy and austitc as fuck but do a good job
fucking kek
not quite as good as
Love it!
If they could learn to do better quality animation it would be 1000x better, love the writing though it makes me kek every episode.
It also does redpill a lot of people, I showed my friend the Kangz Carol episode and hes slowly starting to hate blacks
He needs to hire an editor. The stories should be faster paced and the dialogue could be a bit less rambly. I suppose that's its autistic charm but its certainly holding it back from more mainstream viewers.
Pure and unadulterated autism
Where do you go to find an editor for a nazi cartoon? Sup Forums?
just say it ironic
Imagine if they had tried to make it just a few years later.
This ethno nationalist vs civic nationalist dispute was dumb. They should have just ben garrison'd milo and moved on. I really hope the edgy crowd realizes that the only way to have an ethnostate is to leave the country. Secession isn't an option with the military thw way it is. Even if the military was willing to help a few states secede through a coup, we'd still have nuclear weapons to deal with. What they should be doing is arguing for a higher white population and an end to birthright citizenship instea of this larpyshit. Sometimes I wonder how much thought goes into edgy ideologies.
some of them are really nicely done
I really like them. I think there taking the first steps to redpill normies, integrating edgy humor with redpills works, it even gets me. most certainly /ourguys/.
We can't discuss it on Sup Forums anyway.
I'm sure someone here has experience editing video. Maybe they could even afford to throw you a few tendies for your hard work.
Wrong goy
Homura dindu nuffin
love them
don't they shill against nationalism in a way?
Wtf I love autism now
The best kind of autism.
Just kidding, the show is amazing.
Nice try, Rabbi
the show
is not
it is just
just because
they slapped on
some fuking memes
from krautchan
from fucking 10 years ago
does not make it humorous
it makes it parasitical
in other words
they are jewish
I'm an alt-lite civic nationalist and I want to restore our nation's white majority by removing all the beaners we can.
Not for sexual!
Fuck you, it is funny. And not just in an "oh I 'member that meme!" kind of way.
No, nigger.
Everyone knows that we can't have an ethnostate overnight, but if that isn't end goal, then you will never be able to "argue for a higher white population" in the first place.
Ethnonationalism isn't edgy, it was quite literally the law until the jews changed it in 1965.
80% to 90% white is the goal. You'll never have 100%, especially with the way things are now. We're literally le 60%. That isn't going to change overnight because of some memes. And it won't in a decade. Amerikaners and displaced Europeans need a new place to settle.
As everyone else has said its sprinkled with autism but I think they are fairly good. If they mastered the craft and maybe got an editor like said they could potentially get big.
that first video is exactly how I remember it
Just watched it for a minute and it's fucking cringe cause those faggots apparently post here as well.
mega autists
>Amerikaners and displaced Europeans need a new place to settle.
What kind of defeatist kikery is this? Cede our land to shitskins? No way. My ancestors have been here since before the revolution. There is no way I am going to just give up and let some uppity niggers and spics take it.
The UN says that there are 250 million subsahran arican and spic economic migrants coming in the next 20-30 years. Most of them are headed for the US and Europe. The population of Africa is going to double to 2 billion during that same time span. There is no where to go to escape this and the situation can't be halted without war between now and then. RaHoWa is coming whether anyone wants it or not.
At this point, aside from a few eastern european countries, the desire for a 100% white ethnostate is basically impossible to achive in the near term.
Theoretically, if you can get a dictator who doesn't give a flying fuck, you would be able to deport all the non-whites - but it'll probably mean war. If you try to murder them all, that'll also probably mean war.
The only choice is to retake control of demographics. Get rid of the illegals, encourage everyone to have white kids, not latino/asian/nigger/whatever. Racemix the other races with white genes, don't mix whites with their genes. It may take 5 or 6 generations, but we can make our countries white again this way, without war and conflict. We basically colonize the people trying to colonize us.
really really cringy
The best low quality redpilled meme cartoon show on youtube!
I'm ready for Ragnorok
the pasta connoisseur
quite autistic but funnier than any cartoon on TV
This will require Nuremberg style race laws. If we can reach that point we can dispose of at least some of the problem. This isn't 1940. The jews can't beat the war drum without the threat of nuclear holocaust. If you flipped a switch and the USA went full 1488 and decided to gas every jew and non-white, the world couldn't do a damn thing about it.
I think they are pretty talented and original, and often pretty aesthetic
Cringe kino
I love how they portray /r/The_Donald.
The world can ship weapons and ammo into the US. What would the Fourth Reich do about it? Nukes? If a civilized capital goes up in a nuclear fireball, Washington follows, and the Reich staffers would know that.