Hypergamy is good

When did you realize that women are absolutely right about wanting only top 20% men. It is also beneficial for all humankind. It is the greatest tool to improve gene pool. Think it's like eugenics. The ones who dont met the criterions will be eliminated from the gene pool.

Look at the pic. Only 10-8 men will have kids. There wont be 1 or 2 males in next generation. Then women will again choose only 10-8 males so within a few generations men will be more intelligent, more stronger, more aggresive, more dominant, more etc. Why the fuck do you think it's bad? Forget about yourself just think about society.

For mods yes it's politic related because this thing effects how society lives. There are many rules to manage this (monogamy for ex.) and Sup Forumstards think women's this urges should be suppresed in order to survival of humans. They are fucking wrong.

Ehh. It's not top 20%, but I agree that a lot of men will be dropped from the gene pool.

>It is also beneficial for all humankind. It is the greatest tool to improve gene pool.
Wrong. Once they've ridden the carousel they'll settle for the betabucks.

shut up kuk

Too bad female hypergamy is based on primitive ape instincts that select for the kind of men who could maybe dominate in a primitive African tribe, but are generally shit-tier in modern human societies. Why do you think they fuck niggers but then have to rely on betas to provide for them and their children? Who's going to provide for the next generation of women and children when all the children are nigger-tier? This is how you create Africa.

Then bring back polygamy. Women can accept to be in the harem of top 20%

Also still alpha will fuck beta will buck. So top 20% still has greater chance to have kids. It doesnt matter who takes care of the children.

Alpha fux Beta bux.
Women go to college to get pumped and dumped by every chad, but once they hit 30 and their looks start deteriorating, they always settle for a eugene.

>So top 20% still has greater chance to have kids
Lmao maybe in your backwards shithole where they haven't invented contraceptives yet.

Women fuck only ALPHA niggers. Many niggers cant laid too.

All of our actions and feelings are based on primitive ape instincts. Because we are fucking apes.

>Who's going to provide for the next generation of women and children when all the children are nigger-tier?
On the contrary next generation will be alpha-tier. They will be more intelligent.

>do like us, infidels. it produces better genes
>just look at the prosperity of the middle east

Oh boy. You dont know how those bitches play games in order to get pregnant and get married.

1. Riding the cock carousel =/= babies. Usually women abort any babies at that stage in life

2. They have babies with betas later in life and then divorce said betas

What WOULD be eugenic is if we had monogamy again and encouraged the best couples to have more babies.

if women selected for features that drive civilization forward, sure, but in reality they still follow their primal instincts and select for sub-optimal genes in the light of progression.

if as a white man you cant get a white woman to fuck you over her urges for the black, you deserve to be removed from the gene pool.
Ya they got the ape cray cray in my vay vay, but I'm prince fucking charming.
Girls may wanna make out with the nig, but they wanna marry me. If you aren't retarded then find a non-tainted chick and fight to keep her that way. Makes you better, makes her better.
Niggers still a nigger but there has to be dark to be light

>Women fuck only ALPHA niggers
Yes, but those "alpha" niggers neither can nor want to provide for their children or contribute anything to society. This is clearly evidenced by the number of Staceys and single moms. So what do you think is going to happen when all men are nigger-tier and there's no one around to contribute to society and the upbringing of children? This is how you got totalitarian Islamic shitholes: you have shit tier people who can't operate like human beings unless forced into it by religious brainwash.


Women have no choice in ME. So after a thousand year, gene pool still stay unimproved. If women had chance to choose their mates, ME wouldnt be shithole.

>Girls may wanna make out with the nig, but they wanna marry me.
>he literally revels in being a beta provider
Good goy.

I guess the problem is when all the loser betas reeee out and either start killing people or withdraw entirely from society.

If you want to see what the real problem is, just look at a nigger ghetto. That's the result of female hypergamy and only Chads reproducing.

Women have always wanted the top 10 % of men. 10 000 years ago 90 % of men died in warfare or due to a disease, so the top 10 % had huge harems. Then white Europeans came up with an ingenous system where everyone gets a mate, so everyone was happy and used their energy on bettering the society instead of trying to kill the alpha male. This paved the way for western societies to become more powerful than Earth had ever seen. We harnessed the nature itself to fight our fights, we incrased life expectancy 100 fold, and we conquered everything that can be conquered. Then came feminism, and hyper sexuality returned. Now all of our achievements are in jeopardy and West is in a rapid decline. Men are no longer quaranteed to find a mate, so they compete with eachother and they focus on superficial qualities instead of bettering the society. We are dying, and all advanced civilization will die with us. Once we're gone, Africans will die of hungeer and disease, and all hopes of huamnity will lie with Asians. I hope they're worthy of inheriting our mantle, because they're all we're going to be left iwht. Godpseed my distant brothers. Godspeed.

>ignores 90% of a statement
>makes incorrect statement about statement
You really represent that flag, dontcha?
I aint gonna marry the one who fucked a black dude the other day.
My point is if you find an untainted, if you dont satisfy her so she gets her nut off from some chimp, then get the fuck outta the gene pool.
Its not hard to be more attractive than something that resembles a fucking ape
source: attractive degenerate young white male

This. Also women choose based on aesthetics instead of actual merit and whoever is "leader" type, even if its someone who would lead everyone to damnation as long as he's dominant.

You're assuming that women are choosing the most intelligent genetic specimens.

In reality its mostly chads and good looking dudes. If anything, intelligence is being bred OUT of humans by this kind of natural selection, hence why IQ's have started to drop with each passing year.

Basically, you're a fucking retard OP and you should delete this thread.

We're "re-africanizing" ourselves, and selecting for looks/ charm and nothing else

>she will be loyal to you if only you satisfy her
You don't understand what female hypergamy is. There's no such thing as "good enough". If you don't keep her in line, she'll always find someone else to fuck one way or another.

Those men will pass on their genes sure, but most of the women will not, because 60% of them are just getting used for their pussies.

You'd I think so, except that the women who do not end up with a top 20% of men are also being dropped from the gene pool, and then they complain about how there aren't any good men left. As a result, the white race has significantly declined in population & fertility relative to other, less intelligent races.

Not surprised to see that you are a fucking cockroach.

But then the next generations of chicks will all look masculine.
That's fucking gay.

>When did you realize that women are absolutely right about wanting only top 20% men.

Fine, as long as they leave us the 80% reminaing to be.
>No, you can`t try to ban sexbots and VR sex.
>No, we won`t white knight you.
>No, my wallet is mine, not yours.
>No, I will not pay takes to support you, old sluts.
>No, you can`t have females quotas at work.
>I will give all women the same consideration than they give to the lower 80% of men, zero.
Do we have a deal? Is called equality.

No, just sterilize everyone with IQ below 140 and ugly weak people.

Who put an "I" in front of think? Not me.

You don't understand how genetics work

1. How do you know women are picking the best men? These women are the same dumbfucks that wanted Hillary Clinton to be president, they make horrible choices.

2. Sure selecting the best men's genes is great, but what about the women? You are letting all the genetic shit fat ugly women reproduce too, that just degrades the gene pool even further.

Only let the top 20% of women breed too, then we're talking.

You faggots should listen to Schlomo.
Satisfying her is good if she is disappointed though.

>implying women select for intelligence

if the intelligent specimen isnt proving that its intelligent, then why give a fuck as a female?
in laymans terms
your mating call is shit. you may be healthier, but im a big ass bird with a species to continue so you best fucking figure out how to get me goin
if you dont then that is intelligent selection
in all of our evolution, you cant figure out how to get your dick wet?
you really think females are biological, sexually driven robots?
fucking excuses all day, by so many fuckin nerds. girls dont fuck you assholes cause you're unattractive and uninteresting. Maybe girls would find you more attractive and interesting if society was a little bit different, but I do not think its entirely the case for the lack of pussys poppin.

>no such thing as good enough
>if you keep her in line
the fuck are you even saying ya fuckin penny pickin fat nosed fuck

a higher percentage of latinos voted for trump than white women did for hillary.
cause ya got no willpower :D

You're dumb as shit bro lmao. Women crave different men according to their menstrual cycle. Even the most alpha Chad is gonna get cucked by other Chads; and do you think the bottom 80% of men is gonna sit by and take it? They'll have to resort to violence and rape.

Basically, female hyper selects for MUH DICK, and also for RAPE and MURDER. Basically, blacks.

And what if the top 20% are just low-intelligence prettybois?

All the ugly nerds died alone and the global western IQ falls to Sub-Saharan levels, KEK


>It is also beneficial for all humankind. It is the greatest tool to improve gene pool.
Yes, it will improve the gene pool.
On the other hand, if we don't start fucking en masse, we'll have a huge demography situation in twenty to thirty years when we don't have enough people anymore to pay for infrastructure, the police, the army, the justice system and to pay debts and for retirement, and for social security.

>the fuck are you even saying
I'm saying that even if you're a Chad, most women aren't satisfied with just one Chad. If you don't want her sleeping around behind your back, you need to keep her dependent on you. I.e.:
1. No child support
2. No alimony
3. No anti-discrimination laws
4. No welfare
5. No quotas for women
6. Strong social ostracism against sluts and cheaters

Why are you going for women with no self control?
Itd be the same as some woman going for some dick who beats her over dinner being burnt
>dinner being burnt isnt a big deal
yes its a big fucking deal. its easy as shit you fucking woman no wonder its a patriarchy
I work at a restaurant with nothing but blacks and mexicans, and liberal white chicks. panera bread nigga.
no white female has ditched me for another race. Im skinny as fuck with long blonde hair.
in fact, every single black/latino chick that works there has some sort of feelings for me, unless they're racist, and some are.
fuck why am i typing so much
point is guys: damn near anything is possible regardless of the obstacles.
you really think yall cant get laid because you think that chicks are just constantly yearning for ape dick?
read that again, think about recent female interaction, and legitimately think it. you cant think that. If you do, autism.

They'll be brought in don't worry.

Immigration will fix these problems though.

My problem is that the man will not do the same beause of "MUH DICK" If we also did the same thing for women we'd have created a race of pure art

>women have no choice

That's a good thing though

you're legitimately dumb as shit, no wonder you work at Panera

i do get pussy and yes i would beat a woman over dinner

Fuck you two niggers.
Mass immigration is going to turn first-world countries into absolute shitholes. It's like the plague.

>It's okay to ruin traditional family values because I have a very poor knowledge of eugenics
Single moms are the worst thing that could happen to society, enjoy living in a violent leftist shithole because most kids will be raised without a proper fatherly figure.

You're missing the point dude.

Girls just arent attracted to intelligence anymore. Blame the media, blame the jews, blame whoever, but the fact is girls do not want what's good for society, in the same way that they don't want MEN who are good for society. They have been trained against this idea.

>hurr durr your mating call is shit

That may be true, but 'mating' in its current form is not helping society at all in any way shape or form.

Thats more i like it buddy. wasnt ever arguing that. women need to follow a mans lead, just as humans follow gods lead.
I just got the impression that all these fuckers cant get laid/married cause MUH BLACKS.
Those people need to die. excuses are a fucking plague.
I cant throw a baseball 10000 mph cause limitations.
other attractive dudes existing is not a limitation, its an excuse

It means if things are left naturally, white race has no chance?

jesus christ, the longer i stay on this board...

we never had a chance, estonia-bro

It won't improve the gene pool. It will only cause high testosterone, risk seeking males to become the majority. These are the males who provide no paternal investment to kids, so the nuclear family will collapse. We will have single mothers living off the state and having children from different fathers.

The other 80% of men will go onto develop artificial wombs with which genetics can be modified for master race. They will also have loyal sexbot waifus.

So yes I guess you're right Humanity will prosper.

>richest, most intelligent men select the most beautiful women
>healthy, intelligent, rich couples have more children survive and thrive
>even 150 IQ nerds can get a nerdy, ugly wife, preserving his IQ genes for future generations and benefiting society with his own work
>low IQ, violent, unproductive people go to jail or get executet

>female hypergamy
>all women pump and dump 20% of men
>tallest pretty boy with the biggest dick fucks all women, regardless of his IQ or work ethic; doesn't care for or raise up his children
>single mom's raise next generation of retard-tier Chads
>150 IQ nerd gets zero pussy, kills himself
>bottom 50% of men resort to killing Chad and raping his women, promoting rape and murder genes in the population; the ones who don't murder or rape don't reproduce
>society degenerates, gets BTFO by monogamous culture

mmmmm sure ya do buddy. Bet you took out your paintball guns today too, huh? Way to fight the emasculation of men
This is speculation at best. Girls are attracted to intelligence, cause i work with fucking degenerate females who are all attracted to me, when i look like robert plant.
women want a man
a man who till take care of them
its that simple
never changed
probably never will

I agree with the premise but it rarely ends up working that way in reality. In our society, where women are removed from all consequences, they tend to pick the most chimp-like idiot men to fuck while the most practically competent ones are viewed as their equals because welfare and other entitlements will always ensure that morons never actually carry the burden of their own incompetence. It's a dysgenic system.

If you want actual eugenics, remove welfare and women will suddenly think twice about going for the bad-boy jungle nigger because he also comes with a lifetime of poverty and suffering.


Wait uh wait. So yeah, for some reason attractiveness =/= intelligence.

I wonder what mother nature means by this. But its true. A lot of Chads are dumb, so why? They should all be smart übermench right? But they aren't. So yeah.

Female sexuality is degenerate so they will fuck with illiterate niggers and leave us with a planet of apes.

20% of men can't provide for 100% of children.

As I said earlier, this will only work if the government steps in to replace absent fathers.

But who will finance the government in a society of families headed by single mothers, who tend to be poorer?

>trusting women's instinctive mate selection
>thinking civilization is literally anything except the advanced social order afforded by subverting animal appetites

I've got a better Turkroach for you to read.

This graph neglects the fact that uggos and ghetto trash breed a lot with each other
Only averagefags try to reach higher than they are

Also, you're assuming Chad will impregnate every slut he hits and society will not end up childless and old af on average as is the case in most Western countries

Can I be honest with most of you beta faggots? After pumping cum into hotties from my teens and twenties, personality started becoming more important. You can only throw so much dick around before the nut busting gets old. when I started evaluating personality traits of the women texting, it was pretty clear that many wanted arm candy and didn't give a flying fuck about anything I said or believed in.

If you stop putting sex as the priory, the game gets far more interesting. Many of the aggressive ones are using men, and not in a sexual way. They have their own narcissistic feedback to fulfill.

Why do I get the feeling this is just a recycled post that rests on alot of assumptions and could be blown the fuck out by evolutionary genetics professor? Reads like something a child would write.

what the fuck guys did I win that hard?
fuck you fucking degenerates.
work hard and meet women. Theres a lot of acceptable ones.
Not a lot of 10/10s in terms of everything but looks, but you'll find someone ya can pop a couple shitters out wtih


if men have no wives, they have no vested interest in working to maintain society. it'd be better to go live in the woods and occasionally steal, murder, and rape, live the life care free. would you rather work in the fields while Chad fucks your mother and sister?

>only 8s and higher get to have sex
>post yfw you're a 7

This isn't good for society in general, though, because the majority of men aren't going to just give up.


>genius roach.jpg

>When did you realize that women are absolutely right about wanting only top 20% men. It is also beneficial for all humankind. It is the greatest tool to improve gene pool. Think it's like eugenics. The ones who dont met the criterions will be eliminated from the gene pool.

A cursory glance at modern cultures where hypergamy/polygamy is standard and historical civilizations disproves your point.

The greatest advances in human history were achieved by Western Civilization - which ensured beta/delta males could get access to women and thus provided incentive to actually build and maintain civilization.

On the other hand places where polygamy is encouraged (Muslim countries, some African) are shitholes.

Also the countries which currently practice polygamy and have done so historically (the Muslim world) are absolutely fucking inbred and low-IQ so the eugenic argument is hilariously wrong.

they use us for our precious bodily fluids

>a man who till take care of them

After riding the cock carousel yes, most of them will come around to that realisation.

3 here

so pick one that didnt?
3 atm i can think of i know personally.

>It is the greatest tool to improve gene pool.
Wrong. This only applies if the desired qualities are actually beneficial for the species, or can even be passed down through DNA in the first place. If a loud mouth, facial symmetry, and social status are the only things that get passed along then very little of substance is actually being contributed to the heredity of future generations. This also weaves in just fucking perfectly with the statistical fact that stupid people breed way more often than intelligent people (because intelligent people are the only ones that grasp the magnitude of having children and are more likely to plan them). In nature the selective tendencies of females work out quite well because brains and brawn are highly effective for surviving the wild, and are therefor the traits being desired. In a society, however, any realistic, seasoned adult will tell you that brains and brawn don't contribute to success nearly as much as overconfidence and low-key psychopathy.
TL;DR- If you're smart and not a sociopath, please alpha the fuck up and go fuck some bitches. It's your duty to the human race.

Civilization developed faster in monogamous societies, it rewards bread winners and builders more than pretty faces. It also creates a foundation for families, which is more important than the small genetic advances.

Also it leads to a higher concentration of good genes since best male-->best female. Monogamy leads to greater selectivity in mate choice, this means the best males and females breed, eventually thier substantially better offspring overtake the offspring of the lower couples.
This is opposed to the hypergamistic nigger/rabbit mating style, with minimal selectivity, since people are less choosy, leading to an averaged blend of traits, you get less outstanding induviduals to replace the rest. In essence if your best are always mixing with the rest, there is less benefit for superior genes.

do you have a wife and children, you long haired faggot? you're no better than a bonobo

They all ride the carousel mang.

>Requirements for a female to ride the carousel
Spread legs

>drawbacks for riding the carousel

So yeah.

Not surprised that this is a better read.

I might as well be a 1.

So you approve of women of being entitled trash that works on looks and cash instead of quality? WOW

We aren't roaches (most of us anyway), human children cannot be effectively raised by a single parent. The society you envision would be a total mess, you don't have to look hard to see the mess caused by single parent families.

Also, you're knowledge of women is about as good as the average Sup Forumstard. Women are not a monolithic bloc. For everyone woman you find on tumblr espousing the virtues of polygamy and being a whore you could find 10 in real life whose ideal is still monogamy, even if they fall short. And lets not pretend most men don't fall short on that too.


Obviously letting only the top 20% of males reproduce would improve the quality of the gene pool. The problem is that women don't choose the top 20%. Women have no understanding of themselves and no understanding of what the future of hummanity needs.
A selection committee made up of 2nd tier males should decide which males are fit for breeding. It's obvious women can't be trusted to pick, and the men themselves would lack the necessary objectivity if their own hats were in the ring.
As payment for their services, the selection committee should be able to witness the mating process.

>demon worship used to be common in ancient civlizations


It is good. The gene pool will purify itself this way. The only "problem" is you happen to live in a part of the cycle that is disadvantageous for you to get laid, loser.

Well, couple things.
Im confident i could have both within a year if thats what i wanted, but gotta get money to support those shits, so im working.
also, real time for a sec, girlfriend in highschool had an abortion. I basically convinced her to. Its always fucked with me a little and i dont think i should have a kid now, cause i think its wrong for me to do that


It's all fun and games until you can't run the space program anymore.

You're forgetting one key thing
If sexual selection works like pic related, then future generations will have 1) amazing men 2) really shitty women, since there isn't any pressure

well of course swedish girls do. you literally hired a bunch of shitskins to come and do it

Wanted to post this.

all muslim countries run this way, yet they are all shit

I know I'm just advancing the destruction of our civilization by randomly fucking teens, but it just feels good. When I'm a bit tipsy and I see a beautiful girl, I can't stop myself. I absolutely hate what our culture has become and I also really hate myself, but it's just something really primal that forces me to break my ideals.

According to genetic markers, historically only 5-6% of men reproduced (1 male for every 17 women). It was Abrahamic religions that broke up the harems and sprung humanity forward with civilization that included the beta males.

Hypergamy is "good" if you consider niggers the pinnacle of evolution since they reproduce a lot. Genetics shows that Africa had the most male-to-male competition for females, meaning there was more female hypergamy there than anywhere else over evolutionary time.

Hypergamy is really bad for the future of civilization, increasing IQs, going to space, etc. But #YOLO right? Who cares about the future!

Good point. Which means that without the nuclear family and pair bonding, modern society would collapse. (Unless women are able to finance the government on their own.)