Well..why aren't you?
>Jewish YHWH casts "the bringer of light to man" into hell for championing individuality and independence
>Still think that YHWH is the good guy.
Well..why aren't you?
>Jewish YHWH casts "the bringer of light to man" into hell for championing individuality and independence
>Still think that YHWH is the good guy.
Other urls found in this thread:
Get fucked devil worshiper. Pol will always be a Christian board.
>look mom, I read JoS!
Kys. Same goes for LeVayan Satanists. Not even religious, you're just an edgy faggot.
because im a pagan
>muh manchild fairy tales
>muh scared of death
>"W-what do you m-mean there's nothing more to life? T-tip! Fedora tip!"
Kill yourselves, every one of you
You could join him too newfag. OUT.
Stfu nobody cares about Christianity on Sup Forums foh.
I'm a Luciferian. You faggots just worship another idol.
Sorry user, but I'm a weebanist already
this is a traditional pagan board take ur sand nigger religion back to the middle east where it belongs
I only worship my superior european pagan Deities not this kike fairytale
Why would anyone worship satan? if you want to worship satan-like figure then worship Enki you faggot, satan is based on him. satan is shitty demonized jewish version, fuck kikes and all of their beliefs.
Wow how much stupidity does it requires to be a luciferian ?
Shut up burger, I'm 100% sure you're just one of these dumbfucks saying "yeah i'm catholic lol" but doesn't know shit abt religion except "i gotta be good lol a good burger"
Mongolian knitting boards have no religious affiliation
>satan/devil/bael/moloch/apolyon/princes-of-hell/lucifer/shaytan/samael/mara/beezlebub/bahamoth is in hell
Op, if you read more into theology, you'd find that the devil is given reign in this mundane existence to tempt man against god's will. This world is ran by extortionists, tax collectors, murderers, thieves, liars, and the works. People are lied to by themselves in their presumptuous nature, evil is at the front gates of the mind.
Be quiet Muhammad
Fuck off JoS edgefag.
Let's assume you're right edgefag. That means that you're worshiping a fucking loser faggot.
I'm russian orthodox you fucking french nigger. It's not just being "a nice person".
Matthew 7:6
Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to the pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.
Because I'm not an edgy middle schooler
I don't worship Satan or Enki you moron. It's easy to be loser when all the other Gods gang up on you btw.
Why do you even call them "Gods"?
Do you really think any of them deserve that title?
satanism is just a spin on atheism
atheism is just a spin on autism
>44 ID
>post ends in 44
Nice get
Tbh you can be satanist without being an edgefag... but those people are hard to find, because the picture is dominated by retards all over the place
In case you're not related to JoS, that's fine.
But other than that, that's just an excuse for being a weakling. Next thing, you tell me you're not responsible for your life and that you have no job, because le ebin reptilian juice eh ?
Because I am an atheist.
I do view Lucifer as more of a "good guy" in the story than the spiteful, wicked, and tyrannical Jehovah, however. Good and evil was always an invention of man. I have no need for God, and no need for Satan. What's to be gained? I don't feel the need to go around LARPing in robes to feel cool. I'm already free to do what I want to do.
Because I can still "do as thou wilt" without trying to be spooky and edgy and because Satanism is just another hypocritical religion.
super extreme right wing nihilist here, I would rather become a christian than ever having to deal with your kiddy diddling edgy horseshit.
as a matter of fact, I would rather that the christians open up a crusade against you dumb fucks again. You are fucking worthless and even worse crypto kikes than most liberals.
What are you talking about? what even is JoS?
God isn't a title, it's an English name for spirits, original meaning actually is "one to whom sacrifices are made."
umm... because satan wants to hurt us...? are you stupid?
I'm catholic dumbass
For you it is
Why would you be rightwing when you're nihilist ?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, then why do you care ? I won't name it in full, because what I'm referring to is nazi edgelords and I won't advertize them
>>Jewish YHWH casts "the bringer of light to man" into hell for championing individuality and independence
isn't that Helena Blavotskys Theosophy? or is Satanism the same as Theosophy?
Hot Topic is around the corner faggot
>Why don't you follow the father of lies?
Gee I don't know
We don't believe in foreign Semitic mythology on this board.
We make up many different white ethnic groups and practice our indigenous pagan faiths.
All the semitic myths have no place in White Western Civilization.
Because modern Satanism got co-opted by edgy atheists and have completely lost sight of what Anton Lavey built. Anyone who embraces it now is a moslem loving cuck.
Reddit is that way.
"When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him."
ads reeeeeeeeee
but yeah
Do you advocate pedophilia and murder of innocents as well? Since after all, those are things that make satan happy.
I honestly believe you are retarded.
Who can worship the horned Jew?
Only through Kek can we kek, abandon all others
These secret doctrines differ from the Jonestown cult only in scale. Some people are lured in by the false doctrine and the promise of secrets that will *surely* be revealed if they are loyal and do what they're told, and so they go for the few at the top who know the secret is a lie. Some join merely to take advantage of the order and its nepotism.
Or who knows. Maybe the people at the top have forgotten the origins of their cult and believe the bullshit of those long dead. That'd be farcical.
Because I am not a retard who thinks he is a god
I don't like larping.
>bringer of light to man
>for championing individuality and independence
That's what he wants you to think
Tier 1:
>dude fuck Christians amirite??
Tier 2 (YOU ARE HERE):
>dude fuck LaVeyan satanists amirite?? fucking entry level mallgoth attention seekers
Tier 3:
>Fuck satanism altogether. I'm a Luciferian. Enlightenment is everything. Base pleasures are for beasts. Isn't my grammar perfect?
Tier 4:
>i'm an adult who grew up
>not even religious
No shit they aren't religious, that's literally the entire point of LaVeyan Satanism. They're atheists, LaVey made that quite clear in his book. They just recognize the significance of ritual and take advantage of that.
Satan ain't done shit for me.
I'll stick with Kek.
Kek gives digits.
Who cares? If they represent the same concept it doesn't matter, the point is the concept represented not the particulars of the manifestation.
I've read Levian worship and thought it contained some good points.
You can dislike YHWH and find a real religion.
Get back to hell before I personally send you there.
You are not the good guys. You are not even the correct guys. Your benefactor is the father of lies. And he's duped you, too. He will not give you power. He will not support you at the end. He will not reward his faithful. He will destroy them. That's what he wants. That's what he's always wanted. So shut your filthy mouth because I will stand for no more of your lies.
Do not taint this board or this World with your rancor again or you or I die immediately.
Those edgefags are really frustrating. The Satanic Bible had a lot of really good criticisms of religion and some reasonable principles too. It's really annoying that so many edgy teenagers then turn around and treat Satanism like an actual religion.
>why aren't I a satanist?
Because I stopped being in the 8th grade about 6 years ago.
It's really just about the power of ritual. Think of it like a pep talk for yourself with "religious" paint slapped on it. Some people get benefit out of that.
>Cucks in this thread implying the Nazis, especially Thule Society and SS, didn't seize the occult knowledge that Christianity and Communism were invented to suppress, in addition to rejecting their shared Marxist programming
>Implying their descendants and the Gods of Hell/Orion Empire aren't returning at the end of the Kali Yuga, according to Bibhu Dev Misra in 2025, to restore humanity and the Earth's birthright
Keep up those Reverse Torah Rituals until then
Satanism is not a religion, or at least wasn't supposed to be. It's supposed to be atheists with a name that triggers Christians.
GTFO Christfag
It's significant as a tool for blackmail (rape some kids, part of the ritual bro!) and and to enforce your will on the fools you've duped.
Think about how the mass in Christian church legitimizes it, making people think "wow, there's gotta be something behind all this!", think about that power. It is the power of Thulsa Doom. Now I appreciate Conan.
Found the guy who's never actually read what LaVey wrote.
I dont want to be on the losing side when shit gets thick.
Fuck the fallen angels, they will be judged by men
Fuck off with your Christfaggery
I absolutely agree though I'm no satanist. Simply read LaVeys satanic bible
But I am
inb4 edgy
no I am ot of that phase
inb4 attention
in the beginning yes, but now I dont tell people unless asked, I also wear pic related
inb4 teen
it started when I was a teen, I have grown out of the edgy phase, it was very fruitfull
JoS was one of the biggest redpill entrys for me faggot, dont talk like that.
More like
1. Fuck Comunism
2. Oh shit dude there is more to life
3. Dude there is something devine :0
4. Christianity fucking sucks
5. Holy shit, dat Satan rocks
6. LaVey is a raging faggot
7. JoS
9. Dude JoS is fucking edgy acctually
10. Oh there is an acctual rightwing
11. Oh there is culture
12. Oh I am starting to understand life, Thank you Lucifer, thank you for supporting me on my journey. (I AM HERE)
Sup Forums is a christian board.
Satanists are bluepilled children.
I think you misunderstood my point. The power is all in your head.
Like you said, peoples minds think "there's gotta be something behind this". So that's why you create a ritual, it moves your mind into a particular state you want.
As LaVey wrote himself
Rule 9. Do not harm little children.
>bringer of light
Your whole belief system is based upon a lie.
That's the latin definition of the latin name lucifer, which in Hebrew means first light of the morning. Lucifer is used three times in the bible to describe various things including Jesus (the true bringer of light), the planet venus (the morning star), and the fallen angel (the false bringer of light.)
Literally everything you believe is a lie, and that's because it was told to you by the father of lies
Have a great day.
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me
Sorry OP but at the end of your life those demons arent going to be your equal amd definitely not your friend. They are going to harm you in life and torture you in the afterlife. They are sick, violent, and depraved.
what did Kek mean by this?
it does, Doesnt change the fact that he is a Jew and his endgoal is to enslave the goyim.
You can clearly read that it his book.
Hello JoS, I like the site, but it takes a lot to read below all the edgyness.
>(((Satanic Bible)))
its an absurd materlialistic ultraindividualism
Take a closer look where it says something about culture and identity. OH WAIT it doesnt.
>biting into the red apple
>being bluepilled
pick one
>Satan wants to hurt us
>father of lies=Satan
Kek, christians are funny.
Satanism is not semetic
Of course it doesn't say anything about culture and identity hahaha
It's a critique of religion you dumbass. You've obviously never read it.
>biting into the red apple
Where the fuck do people get this apple shit from?
Some kind of masonic text, or gnostic shit?
There is nothing beyond edgyness on JoS.
Also fuck your culture and identity. You ain't a satanist if you strive for braindead "links-2-3-4"-type ideology. Satanism is the strive for liberation of self. For self-reliance. For living a life in "fuck you"-mode. Your rightwing shit is just as bad as your oh so hated communism. But if you don't give questioning a try, you of course won't see that.
If you want culture and identity why not become christian or pagan (if you hate DA EBIN JUICE :DDDDDDDDDDDD so much) ? That has more to do with culture and heritage than your edgelord shit always will.
You're the archetype of a lost lil' kid that's looking for some people it can hang out with.
Satan did nothing wrong.
because satanism is for weak faggots
Lucifer/Tiamat was another planet in our solar system you utter fucking mow-ron. God is the sun, this planet was covered with water and almost shone as bright as the sun, and eventually its orbit was fucked wit and it fell into earth's oceans. The lightbringers fall fro, the heavens. twat.
>Sup Forums
>worshiping a hermaphrodite (satan)
Satan is still Satan though
>Why aren't you a Satanist?
We're not in middle school, you sperg.
I did, its a load of shit.
It encourages you to live for your own sake.
While I would agree with this in general, I do not agree with that in the current time.
As today we have to safe our whole race, we have no chance in surviving if we live for ourselves.
It basicly encourages stuff like MGTOW and strong independent woman.
Its also very poorly written and the ideas promoted are of very low quality, there is no backing up for anything.
I assume you wanted to reply to me?
You have to click my post number for that.
Well it was an obvious reference to Eva, from the bible.
Lucifer and/or Satan is not Tiamat. Tiamat has nothing to do with astronomy or hebrew myths.
I personally am a devout follower of Samael, he gets all the fun with them.
Praise kek
Fuck yourself right into the slavery of a more powerful and ruthless being. go ahead
It was an open question, judenkraut.
There is no mention of the type of fruit that Eve consumed in the Bible.
It is mentioned in the book of Enoch, and its description there sure as hell isnt a fucking apple.
idiot. they are both dragons that were cast out of heaven. krauts really are robots.
I'm not Jewish.
No more