If I wear a Trump hat in Los Angeles I would be attacked. I live here, I know

If I wear a Trump hat in Los Angeles I would be attacked. I live here, I know.
If I wore a clinton hat in day, Oklahoma which was 99.99% Trump literally nothing would happen to me.
That's the difference between the left & right wing nowadays

Lambright here.

You're asking for a fight.

Oklahoman here, you would get rude/snarky remarks at most.

I think it is more of a dominance thing. If I see someone with Clinton stuff I just feel bad for how stupid they are. When the left sees people with Trump hats they get upset because they know the person is smarter and more successful.

I live in LA also (white male with bank). Ordered my MAGA hat yesterday, disappoint it will take two weeks to arrive.. I need to pick someone up at LAX tomorrow and wanted to wear it there.

Yeah but disagreeing with a leftist makes you a literal Nazi and that means it's okay to violently attack you

>not using westboro baptist church tactics
Change come from confident strength in the face of adversity, user.

I think if you wore a clinton hat, nobody would attack you but you'd get lots of stares, maybe people would yell at you. I've seen videos of rednecks shooting smoke at BLM protesters with their trucks.

only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump

Yeap. You know it, I know it, and the media is doing their darndest to make sure no one else knows it.

Aye, fuck off Canadian. your faggot leader is a shining example of the shithole the US would have driven towards if Clinton won

Carry a knife if you can't carry a gun pussy

Nice argument, fagtron, you sure convinced me with those logical opinions.


BLM protesters deserve way more, they are terrorists.

What happened to you Canada? You use to be the good child. Now America is getting its shit together again and you're trying your hardest to wreck yourself.

I feel you. I wanted to put a YUGE MAGA sticker across my 240 and shit will definitely get fucked with.


Yup that's a far cry from getting my car keyed, tires slashed, yelled at and hit from behind

Op here Dude I live on Santa monica/Hyperion I would be killed by intelligencia cafe I'd be murdered it's hipster haven

Where do you live? In LA you'd get a brick thrown at your car. If you have a Bernie/Hillary sticker conservatives might laugh to themselves about it

Lift heavy and carry a gun.

>tfw you look like this

Try being openly fascist and getting away with it. feels good man.

walk around with a "Make Hillary Great Again" hat

maybe youd only get half an asskicking then

I might wear a Trump cap with hidden cameras so people will really see how tolerant liberals in la really are

Remember to put pins so that if they try to steal it they get hurt.