While this is old, don't forget about it. It is a gruesome video to watch. The religion of "peace" strikes again. Maybe this could redpill some of the normies.
While this is old, don't forget about it. It is a gruesome video to watch. The religion of "peace" strikes again. Maybe this could redpill some of the normies.
Other urls found in this thread:
Good muslim = dead muslim
Good redditor = dead redditor
Good twitter account = suspended twitter account
Too many people have no idea about this incident.
>sissy homosoldiers calling for mommy
Can you translate the video?
they're probably americans
don't ever surrender to muslims
that's rule #1
No humans died
only some slavs
They are exterminating subhuman Russian filth so they're good in my book.
I love LiveLeak.
This is my first recollection of a "gore" video.
I was only a young boy.
First gore/beheading/death video I ever watched, was only 11
remind that Muslims were always murderous. this was 90 years ago
>NEVER FORGET The Dagestan Beheading Massacre
How can i forget that classic? It would be like forgetting Duke Nukem 3d or the warcraft 2
>watch Dagestan Massacre
>now you realise how retarded those "razor blade on the throat insta kills" in the American entertainment are
anyone remember Beslan?
He would but hes an edgy faggot that thinks an 18 year old kid getting his head shouting for his mother is faggoty.
I don't mean to sound like a faggot, but do any of you guys enjoy watching these snuff/gore flicks? I just can't do it. 17 years and counting Armyfag here. I've seen plenty irl. Not judging, just wondering if anyone enjoys it.
Oh fuck of jew, some jews murdered our diplomat and then he was rewarded with honors and became president.
>17 years
Says the swedish cuck who serves his sister, mom and wife to a bunch of somali rapist. swedish cuck
I've been in the Army for 17 years. Kek.
u retard
>I've been in the Army for 17 years.
How much buttsex did you witness
Fuck off, Paki
Just remember to show no quarter to these subhumans, and to save one bullet for yourself.
yes they drank his blood and to this day if you kill a swedish faggot in israel you get a reward
It's because people can watch it with a level of detachment. I've seen a lot of people suffer in hospitals and it still gives me a not in this stomach to this day. Some of my colleagues seemed not to care. It seemed almost sociopathic to me. To see someone suffering and not drop everything and do your utmost to relieve it is something I will never understand.
>save one bullet for yourself.
Uh, hello? Suicide is a SIN.
Enjoy burning in hell.
Zero. I'm not in the Navy.
The fuck? Only gore afficionados know about it, it along with the Russian neo nazi beheading, three guys 1 hammer and that one BME video of the guy chopping off his dick and balls with a hatchet are the cornerstones of the gore world about a decade ago.
>implying I care some slavs got beheaded
>implying anyone cares about the actual event outside of people who watch gore
The real special thing about it is the fact that one of the guys decides to run, and it gets you really oumped up, hoping he gets away, for him only to get shot. I remember my friends and I all jumped up and started shouting, "GO GO
ISIS literaly massacred 1400 Iraqi soldiers at once and the pile of dead bodies was visible from space, bet you didnt know about that one.
It's just a matter of watching so many of them that you pretty much get desensitized to it. Hell, what we had back in the days of sites like ogrish.com was pretty tame compared to the full-hd slowmo stuff that the IS releases today.
>I'm not in the Navy.
Oh no, that's terrible!
shit's older than the internet. how has anyone not seen this yet?
oh quick look surprised, its a burger zombie defending his jewish overlords.
Yeah we all know you're satanic blood drinking heretics.
One of the worse terror attacks in history was the Beslan school massacre done by moslems.
of all the beheading videos ive seen ive never seen someone actually resist and cry. shit this is sad
Tfw when u first downloaded this vid on napster
A Russian translated it in the liveleak comments years ago.
Kid laying on the grass ....(Blue T-Shirt)
Chechen with the knife "Turn around"
Kid moves abit sideways ..
Chechen off camera "LAY DOWN!"
Chechen takes the knife out and bends towards the kid ..
Aleksey Lipatov "You dont need to cut me..I'll tell you everthing.."
Chechen with the knife "what are you gonna tell me?"
Chechen off camera "Go ahead talk ..."
Aleksey Lipatov "I'll tell you where its located"
Chechen off camera "Where is it located?"
Aleksey Lipatov points towards a hill with houses "There in that house"
Chechen with knife "What ?"
Chechen off camera "What is in that house?"
Aleksey Lipatov "Weapons and ammo"
Chechen with knife "Where ? In that house?" and points
Aleksey Lipatov "Yes from there"
Chechen with knife looks at his combatant
Chechen off camera "Hes lying ... "
Chechen of camera "Lay on the ground"
Chechen with knife "what else you have to tell us?"
Chechen off camera "Where are the weapons!"
Aleksey Lipatov "what ?"
Chechen of camera "The weapons and the ammo"
Aleksey Lipatov "ON the top of the mountains"
Chechen with knife "where ?"
Aleksey Lipatov "There on top" and points.
Chechen with knife "Are you sure?"
Aleksey Lipatov "Yes, yes"
>Uh, hello? Suicide is a SIN.
Only for Christcucks. Deism, my son. There is a grand creator, nothing more.
(The kid if fucking LAYING waiting to be cut ... I dont get it ... RUN BOY!!! )
Chechens keep yelling "leave him the alone ....come back already" (they are reffering to the other kid that ran)
Chechen with the knife "Turn around"
Chechen "take off your belt"
Chechens of camera "Come on cut him up"
Aleksey Lipatov "You dont have to"
Chechen of camera "just cut im up already"
Aleksey Lipatov "You dont need to, please ..."
Chechen scum hits him with the belt
Chechen "All right come on!"
Chechen with Adidas jacket "Hands back!"
Aleksey Lipatov "Please dont"
Chechen (Adidas) "Hands back!"
Chechen (Adidas) hits him in the face "I said hands back!!"
Gets hit with AK.
Chechen of camera "quickly, quickly"
Aleksey Lipatov "Please lets talk.."
Chechen with camera "HANDS BACK! you fuck"
Chechen "fuck the belt"
Rifle hits the kid
Chechen of camera "Just fucking cut him already!"
Aleksey Lipatov "Please I dont want to do " ... they wrestle
Aleksey Lipatov screaming" I DONT WANT TO DIE! PLEASE!"
Chechens "cut him"
Aleksey Lipatov crying
Aleksey Lipatov "I DONT WANT TO DIE PLEASE!! you are very good people, please!"
Camera man "Yes, we are very very good people.... THE BEST"
Chechen "get the knife"
Chechen punches the kid in the head a few times
Chechen with the knife "Stop fucking hitting him"
Camera man "You gonna live in the grave city"
Aleksey Lipatov "MOM! MOM!"
Camera man "torture him"
Aleksey Lipatov "I WANT TO LIVE!"
Camera man in sarcasm "He wants to live!"
Aleksey Lipatov screaming .. 3 on 1
Aleksey Lipatov "Come on fellows ... I just want to live"
Chechen "CUT HIM NOW"
Aleksey Lipatov "Leave me alone!"
Knife goes thru throat.
Aleksey Lipatov is kneeling while get butted in the head with an AK
Chechen with knife to the guy with the AK "What the fuck are you doing, fuck off"
Chechen with knife "Ill do this by myself!"
Cutting Aleksey Lipatov
Stabbing in the neck
>Please spare me im a good person
>we're all good people *laughs*
Yeah its fucked
Suppose it's hard to make a decent contribution to the thread over the sound of your mother getting slammed by Achmed in the next room, Hanz.
Well, Spetsnaz did get sent to hunt after these people afterwards.
They captured some and some went "missing" after raids.
Yeah, she's getting rotherham'd real good :^)
that's because arabs give their victims drugs, they're basically high as fuck when they behead them
chechens don't bother with that
Battle of the cucks
>Battle of the cucks
You would know :^)
this is just the result of creating a unilingual, multinational state. The Soviet Union tried to fix the problem of being a Frankenstein of territories occupied by distinct ethnic groups by suppressing their culture. It didn't work and now the Russian government has to babysit dozens of Islamic Republics filled with non-Russians. The only way to deal with ethnic minorities is deportation or genocide (or giving them independence so they can rot in peace)
tl;dr a state containing more than one nation will always try to rip apart at the seams
How many of your women have been raped by shitskins in the last 12 months? Far more than here. Look at your leader. You're IN the EU. You haven't got a leg to stand on lad.
mexicans give their victims drugs too. benzos i think
>You're IN the EU.
So are you, faggot
I think I was 11 when I first saw this, I still remeber the colors ,the people, and the motions. Remove kebab.
I just like mocking swedish fags like you. You guys lost your women, your country, and your dignity to a bunch of stupid muslims who can't even write in their own language. You're pathetic, and you come here, you brag, you insult. If you're swedish, you're bitch, and therefore you should shut up.
Go brush your tooth :^)
Reminder that Russians caused Islamization of Chechenya.
Which is worse?
The mexican cartels cutting that faceless, handless guy's throat with a box-cutter or this?
t. Zionist slave that spends trillion on defending Israel in the middle east
Thanks for the reminder :)))))))))))
Go hose what's left of your mother off the market floor.
Fucking kill yourself for having that shit saved. Whatever anyone here says about race,k sexuality or violence what is shown in the video is vile and stomach turning, If you can watch that video in it's entirety and not feel a thing seriously neck yourself. Memes are memes, but that is not the answer to anything.
go kill yourself 3rd worlder
>he's triggered because UK is still in the EU for at least two years
For what purpose?
I believe I've seen this and it had me fucked for a few days.
Been in service for only 4 years but..
I always skip such video. It's been told that people can get used to gore stuff, but in reality thats some mind trick, no one ever get used to it. It's a matter of mind focus actually, not ability to tolerate gore.
Good soldier is never a maniac. Good soldier is a person who have great mind focus ability, like yogi.
>zikaposting in broad daylight
You're in indefinitely.
I was going to call bull but then I googled and now am what the fuck.
The cartel thing. The worst ive ever seen hands down.
so they're calm and less scared. makes their job easier if they stay still and don't try to run and shit
>Isle of Pakistan is triggered
I know who you are muhamad
go to bed Ysh
Wtf are you even talking about dickhead?
>t. schoolboys trying to look cool and mature
The OP didn't have anything saved.
Also that is reality, you like it or not.
Out of all the beheading vids this is the first one I've seen that fights and runs
Why doesn't everyone try run? I don't get it
>if I keep saying 'triggered' I'll fit in!
>JDIF is triggered
So they don't struggle and try to run away.
>he's triggered af
lmao success
Have you ever tried to get someone to hold still while you're trying to saw their head off?
You've triggered me, I'll admit it. Good victory mate. Celebrate with a wank.
Muslim terrorists or Mexican cartels drug up their victims before beheading.
Because victims are usually drugged. This was off the cuff. I saw one particularly unsettling ISIS beheading filmed on a phone that was also off the cuff. The victims kicked and screamed in that too.
>Celebrate with a wank.
I will, pic related gets me hard af.
Triggered? :^)
>Durkadurkashitskinstan wants to secede from your country
>"No, you stay with us"
>Send troops to Durkastan
>Get butthurt when shitskins behave naturally in their habitat and savagely decapitate your troops
remember when Chechclear was the worst thing you've ever seen?
>Have you ever tried to get someone to hold still while you're trying to saw their head off?
Sure user, all the time. Twice today.
ive seen a few beheading/chainsaw videos and they still bother me
people who dont just have a different psych less emotional more rational in terms of knowing its already happened and the odds of it happening to them are low and the odds of them being able to prevent it are low, stuff like that
for me I relate it to loved ones or how I could have stopped it which is why it bothers me unlike others
I could find no info on what happened to "Emir Omar" the man leading this butchery. Either Russia could not find him, or they found him and slaughtered him extrajudicially and so had to hide it.
Chechens were pagans before Russians attacked them, they converted to gain help from Ottomans.
>How many of your women have been raped by shitskins in the last 12 months? Far more than here.
shut up britcuck and stop spouting random shit without any sources
Is this the ultimate in gore?
wow, it's true
I don't even think GoreGrish is around anymore, but theync has these types of videos.
>gives me a not in this stomach
That's knot acceptable.