
Smart young user goes on Sup Forums, makes a thread saying "ITT we post like we're Donald Trump"- others respond accordingly. Many such replies!

Rosie O'Donnell is a mess.

Adolf Hitler is dead!

Smart young user goes on Sup Forums, makes a thread saying "ITT we post like we're Donald Trump"- doesn't feel good and changes. AUTISM. Many such cases.

Biased judges ruled against my ban to protect American lives! Obstruction from the so called 9th circuit court. Weak!


Sup Forums is a really great place. Believe it, all the anons love me!

China is ripping us off in trade. Not gonna happen!

Dopey admin Hiroshima wants to make underage posting legal. Not gonna happen when I'm president!

Everyone knows it; OP is a fag. SAD!

obama is a nigger hang all niggers hell hitler 15/99

Take this (((You)))

Our borders are not secure, and for that, our country is in big danger!

Dishonest people from CTR- now CREW- think they can come here without consequence. WE WON'T LET IT HAPPEN!

Low energy Moot just endorsed a man he truly hates, Hiroshimoot. Honestly, I can’t blame Moot in that I drove him into oblivion!

Believe me, we're going to do something about these forced memes, that I can tell you.

People come in and they force memes, we don't like that. Very bad stuff. Very bad.

I have to say a lot of people have been asking this question. No, really. A lot of people come up to me and they ask me. They say, 'How do you speak like Trump'? And I tell them look, we know how Trump speaks. We've had almost eight years of the worst kind of linguists you can imagine. Oh my God, I can't believe it. Verbs and nouns. It's terrible. It's just terrible. Look, if you want to know how Trump speaks, do you want to know how he speaks? I'll tell you. First of all his mouth, by the way, I love his mouth. It's probably my favorite mouth, no it is my favorite mouth.
If I'm being honest, I mean, if I'm being honest. I like a lot of mouths. Except for Marco Rubio's, now he has a mouth that I don't like. Though, I probably shouldn't say that. He's a nice guy but he's like. He's like a computer! You know what I mean? He's like a computer. I don't know. I mean, you know. So, we have all these words, and we can combine them.
Did you know that?, they don't tell you that, and I'll tell you, no one is better at words than Trump. You wouldn't believe it. So, we're gonna be the best linguists, believe me.

More FAKE NEWS: the failing @nytimes is claiming that OP is heterosexual! He actually jerks it to traps!

There are SO many shills - in these threads, throughout the whole catalog, no matter where you look - and young anons are completely lost......... And when anybody points at this and says "This is horrible, absolutely horrible," half of the other people put the blame wrongly on them!..... And it's very unfair - that is going to change, believe me! I, will introduce, law, and order, back to this board, and the mods will have to clean up their act to get the job done.

Sup Forums becomes too successful - Shills! Many such cases!

user clicks on a thread, sees my post. Realizes if he doesn't reply to it his future daughter will become a coalburner. Be careful!

Mall enforcement officer wants to keep mall safe, is stretched too thin across mall. Many such cases!

Low quality baits are far more easy to deal with than the baited nufags. They give baiters (you) from all sides. I will teach them how to shitpost.

Heil Hitler!

user clicks on a thread, posts "user clicks on a thread, sees my post. Realizes if he doesn't reply to it his future daughter will become a coalburner. Be careful!" Realizes that nobody here will get laid anyways. Sad!

Many slide thread on Sup Forums! Mods must get tough!

user who is new to board mistakes flag as rare. NOT SO! RELENTLESSLY MOCKED! Sad1

Many anons baiting replies like this. What they don't realize is that everyone has immunity dog saved on their computer. Waste!

Ever since I left the city (You)
>slide thread
Worst meme

@anonymous uses numbers instead of punctuation, disgraceful!

Dopey @KimJongUn thinks his missiles are big; no one has seen the main one in years!

I've never seen a thin person browsing Sup Forums.


user votes for Trump. Trump actually does all the misogynist racist crap he promised. REGRET. Many such cases!

@OP responds as if he is on Sup Forums! Total disaster! I will fix it!

Healthy young user goes to Sup Forums, gets pumped full of redpills, doesn't feel too good and changes, FRIENDLESS, many such cases.

The #NinthCircus is really just a bunch of fake judges! Sad!

@112047630 Delete your account

600k retweets 700k


I think he will do good probably.

Sup Forums (which is totally overrated) used to have good content, just generals now. Terrible!

Lmaoing @ at these disgusting losers on Sup Forums -- Think I'm some sort of alt-right godsend. Alt-WRONG! Sad!

How many people have you seen who use Sup Forums exactly?

Fuck off shill

Im a nice poster. I'm really a nice poster. I'm one of the nicest posters.

A lot of the fatties in the compsci class I teach browse Sup Forums and reddit in the front row and talk about memes.

Eventually I just made everyone using a computer sit at the back of the class, because I know for a fact that you can't focus when the person infront of you is using a laptop.

This is a high quality thread. Best thread I've ever seen.

Jackie a CUTE!


There's your problem right there. Everyone I've met in compsci is either an obese fuck or a hungry skeleton

Janitors on @Sup Forums outsourced for free - NO MORE. I will bring those jobs back! #MAGA

Dopey Shill--because it was open season all along--you can't play shill in the Sup Forums, you stupid ass


Pouting anonymous can't handle a fun thread, loses his spaghetti. A total disaster!

It's true, but the free vacations every 6-10 weeks for conferences are just too good for me to want a real job.

Post like me. EASY D!

Now folks, normally I don't give in to terrorist demands. They say things like "If you dont respond to this post your mother will die in your sleep", horrible, horrible things. Normally I just brush them off, people see me and they say "user, how can you just not reply to mother's die posts". Well, my mom's old anyways folks, I got all my bases covered, but my future daughter being a coalburner? The terrorists who make these threats will be DEALT WITH, and quickly!! Believe me!

Not blaming you, sounds nice


See folks? Look at this shill, his there are tears down his face and he's all sweaty, SAD. I mean look at the guy! What a mess

kek'd at entire thread. thanks yo. needed a laugh this afternoon.

OP returns to thread, sees the replies are dwindling- BUMPS. Many such cases!

Sup Forums is a mess!


Failing @OP's thread is sliding! Disaster! I will bump it!

That's a huge prediction. Really big.

You can't reply bait me - I have immunity dog saved on my computer you stupid ass.


Perfect example of a shill, folks, too many among us, we can't let them continue, not good!

It's time we get tough, real tough! Tough with the borders, and tough with the vetting! We will build a beautiful wall, it's gonna be something special, believe me!

We will hire more mods, the right kind of mods, the mods we hire will stay for years, very important! They will be respected, every day they serve to protect this board from shills, it's time they have the support they need, very tough job, many risks!

And folks, they are ripping us off in memes! Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, they are all ripping us off! They take our memes, but give us nothing? Will stop!

It's time to make Sup Forums great again!

Fuck you burger