Why is that libertarians inevitably become elitist authoritarians?
Once the concept of NAP falls apart the only thing left is Hoppe and embracing Monarchy.
Read Moldbug.
Because they realize it's the only way to keep leftists from destroying everything.
You forgot the Canadian PM Tradue
once they realize their one man island nation meme can't work in reality they go to the next best option
only the ruler who subjugates everyone else can be truly free
At a point they're pushed far enough and have to come to terms with the reality which is that your enemy and anti-thesis is winning because he doesn't fight fair, so neither should you.
u wot
Because libertarianism needs a powerful minarctic dictator/monarch to oversea it.
Basically a powerful military and law enforcement agent, but their powers and purpose limited to strictly that or not much more (id say it's would be sensible to oversea infrastructure planning at the very least)
>elitist authoritarian
Have you ever read any Nietzsche OP?
I bet you can't even pronounce his name correctly you fucking anglo.
>Once the concept of NAP falls apart the only thing left is Hoppe and embracing Monarchy.
this violates the NAP
Because libertarians believe that there can be peace and profit without government because everyone is smart enough to think for themselves
Then they realize they were too optimistic
Pretty much.
Libertarians start off wanting to be left alone.
Then they realize they aren't going to be left alone, and then realize some skulls need to be bashed in.
Strong horse
>one man
>implying a 11 11 system (of course with dividends and subjectiveness) isn't a possible "one man" nation
>implying I can't be my own God perfectly
>implying that inherently doesn't prove God exists
American education xd
This is pretty much the truth.
You are confusing ancaps with liberatarians.
NAP means shit all, when your opposition brainwashes and manufactures a mob to imprison or kill you.
because they grow up and realize how fucking retarded they were
Nietzsche is great, but I never was told(taught) how to understand his works by our libertard education system.
I think you misunderstand Nietzsche
This applies for right wing fascism you know? There isn't animosity between both groups.
because fascism is the only answer
>t. angle
Nietzsche was an "Elitist authoritarian".
>not Kant
literally the only philosopher that mattered after Aristotle died.
The heavy left creates the heavy right. It's like a dualism of retardation.
libertarian is a toothless ideology that will never get anywhere. Fascist authoritarian is the ideal form of governance
It's when they finish swallowing the redpill that is that most people are absolutely fucking retarded and insist on sticking their grubby self-absorbed dickfingers into every orifice of proper and well maintained society given the chance.
The elites have it figured out that most people are destructive sheep who must be kept in check and kept the fuck away from anyone who truly values freedom and understands its price.
Fuck all you monkeytampons.
>a literal joke
I do like his opinion of women
Because of the current Zeitgeist
The same happened in the Weimarer Republik in the 1920s
This is also why it annoys me when i see all the people calling Antifa "duh real fascists"
They didn't learn that the Fascists in the 1920s only formed because the Antifa back then started disrupting Nationalist speeches and meetings with violence.
So whenever i see a 'murican go
>the brownshirts of today
>churchill meme about the new fascists being called antifascists
i gotta facepalm. I know they mean well, but it seems like they have no idea about how those
>evil brownshirts
happened in the first place
>pic related: Werwolf-Bund Belt Buckles.
The Werwolf-Bund was one of the first nationalist groups that started to guard and protect speeches and events so the Antifa back then won't disrupt it or attack attendes
>been here before Ron Paul
>Still a lolbertarian
I must be stubborn or I like people too much compared to most people here.
People start with those political ideologies because they have a sense of right and wrong that is more developed that just socially acceptable/unacceptable and are honestly looking for ways to build governments from first principles.
Then this happens:
>Be libertarian
>"I'll be me and leave you alone, and you be you and leave me alone"
>Leftists continue to not leave anybody alone
>Leftists continue to demand that you pay into something or repeat some lie
>Libertarian realizes that he will never be left alone
And this is where you get people like Hoppe saying that the only way you will be left alone is if you identify the cancer and immediately and permanently physically remove them from society.
Although Kant was one of the most influential, we have had a lot of new ideas come from a lot of mathematicians.
Kant also didn't care about theory of science for instance, which has been an incredibly important field with contributions from Wittgenstein, Popper and Kuhn.
Calling antifa fascists or Nazis is a huge mistake and people need to stop doing this shit. The left has to be accountable of their radicals, they can't keep getting away with it just like most people don't give a fuck about genocides done by commies.
There's a good meme that explains it, with the snake rising from libertarian-right to authoritarian-right when the boot of Socialism approaches it.
Basically Libertarians (there are no such things as left-libertarians, they're just authoritarians who hate Christianity) are willing to play the freedom and funtime game as long as everyone respects their rights. When they perceive Leftism as ascendant, however--even the supposedly "Libertarian" leftism, they enter panic mode and turn into Augusto Pinochet and kill all the commies to protect their property rights.
>Nietzsche just wanted an elite culture to have authority...he wasn't an elitist authoritarian
They got their name from the Hermann Löns Book of the same name. To protect the patriotic peasents from the establishment and enemies of the country
>pic related
Schopenhauer is pseudo-oriental trash.
>not Hegel
>not Carlyle
>not Weininger
East euro plebpeasant
>Kant also didn't care about theory of science for instance
how can someone literally miss the point of building a proper metaphysics this badly
It's impossible to maintain any degree of liberty without an authoritarian leader to keep nonwhites and communists outside your borders because those groups will constantly undermine society as a whole in the interest of bigger government which would invalidate the entire point of libertarianism.
Put simply, the only way for libertarianism to work is in a cohesive, homogenuous society with a high degree of social trust and this cab only be achieved by a powerful monarch or dictator.
No he did not want an authoritarian dictatorship.
Reminder that anglos came from denmark
>not Hegel
hahahahahah, Georg 'Give me money and I'll keep sucking the state's dick' Hegel
>mfw he got cucked by Marx so hard no one even gives a shit about him today
the other two are somehow even a bigger joke
>posting my waifu
pls stop
>muh imperatives
Are you implying a person like Thomas Hobbes wasn't a really important philosopher for instance?
Exactly! And it only seems to be so popular in the USA.
Any Burger here know if you don't learn about the marxists and commies in the Weimar Republic and how they started to interrupt speeches and attack attendees?
Because all i read from Americans is
>"The brownshirts attacked attendees and interrupted speeches of everyone who's not a nazi"
Which is complete horseshit
>pic related: Wehrwolf and Stahlhelmbund being at an event in order to protect the person giving the speech and the "Fahnenweihe"
Kek exactly
They could have used some Wehrwolf Guys at Berkeley or NYU
The reason those groups were created in the first place.
Still no American in here who can explain why so many of you say crap like
>"Antifa r duh real fascists"
>"Brownshirts did what they did"
and leave out the fact that Antifa back then started to interrupt and attack speakers and attendees?
>pic related: Wehrwolfbund members at a speech in 1925
>youll never fuck a girl's armpit pussy
why live
yeah but IRL they're all prickly and shit
or if she doesn't shave there's a ton of friction and it's also probably covered in aluminum chlorohydrate
either way it'd be pretty painful
im talking about superior 2d
3d women arent important
Burgers, explain this:
What do you guys actually learn about 1919-1933 to explain that nonsense?
>pic related
The masses are too stupid to govern and provide for themselves and eachother without an iron fist forcing them too.
i dont know im just here to post anime
It's called Polarization.
history repeats due to the masses not cari to learn it. basically we need to follow the georgia guidestones and kill just about everybody.
>he doesnt know about our savior saya
desu senpai
You do know that Nietzsche is a huge influence on post-WWII Marxism and maybe the biggest influence on 20th Century French philosophy, right? Like, there would be no Judith Butler without Nietzsche.
Something is really attractive about this anime chick. Those piercings make me think she's a bit slutty too.
>a bit slutty
shes from dagashi kashi
the slut from that anime is hotaru
saya is pure
it's the eyes
that crazy look has a bit of a novelty factor
Do you have a point?
>saya is pure
I don't believe you for a second
That's a good point actually, I think you're onto something.
>Hegel cucked by Marx
Frankfurt School, Zizek, Habermas... yeah, most respected Marxists in Europe and the Americas are going to disagree with you. Both Marx and Nietzsche failed to develop a system as thorough as Hegel, whether you "agree" with Hegel or not
>i dont believe you for a second
dagashi kashi is only 12 episodes. watch it. trust me, saya is the pure one. hotaru is a turbo slut
>3d women arent important
Nailed it. I will dedicate my day to this post.
Because they come to realize that people are mostly shit and can't be trusted to do right.
this is now a waifu thread
everyone roll
don't talk shit about my candyfu
because libertarianism is just as much of a meme ideology as is communism. Its literally the same shit just approached differently.
Its against nature.
Here's as short an introduction to Mencius Moldbug / Neo Reaction / NRx as you'll find:
hotaru is breast girl
saya is best girl
prove me wrong
>pro tip: you cant
holy shit lmao I know it's satire
but Kant doesn't have much to do with Marx
wtf are you talking about? Frankfurt school isn't about philosophy, it's about cringy critique of capitalist society. Calling them philosophers is like calling a psychiatrist a scientist.
jesus christ.
Nietzsche isn't in the picture even, why are you bringing him up?
Marx didn't develop shit, he literally took what Hegel made and just turned it upside down.
That's it. It's the same dialectics just applied to the material world.
And Marx had much more of an impact on the world that Hegel did, or really any other philosopher desu...
Pls one that can help me killing commies
Yes, that the idea that Nietzsche is inherently linked to "authoritarian elitism" is nonsense. His political theorizing is largely a reduction to a flawed naturalism that is rejected by most followers of Nietzsche. His critique of liberalism is upheld.
Pic related is best girl
its easy to become elitist in your mom's basement
Libertarians are only libertarians because they want to get away from the trainwreck society has become. That's impossible of course, you can't exist in a vacuum, so you have to address the trainwreck.
Ultimately you only have a choice between order, hierarchy and tradition (the right) or chaos, decadence and entropy (the left). Of course I am oversimplifying this but whatever.
hotaru is a fuck toy, a one night stand
saya is a girl you want to settle down with and marry
I wanna bend Saya over a table and take her violently from behind until I'm satisfied.
>lewding saya
pls no, she is pure and innocent
Here I will submit to you a revision that would improve Saya ten fold.
Rerolling I hate the waifu I got on my first roll.
>tfw i was in the Sup Forums thread that spawned this monstrosity
difference was she didnt have hotaru's hair/eyes
unironically triggering me
You can only either pick both or pick none.
>trading haruka for yui
p good desu
pls stop posting animeys you sweaty burgers