Are there any good jews at all? I'm beginning to lose hope
Are there any good jews at all? I'm beginning to lose hope
Think she femdomed him
the non-orthodox Jews are ok, its the orthodox jews you have to look out for.
Would you peg him pol
Bob Dylan
Buy my book goyim
Jews are alright. They're just good at playing the game, so to speak. They look out for their tribe better than any other type of white person and have a culture of high achievement. Instead of being butthurt all the time maybe we should learn from them. Otherwise we're no better than those black people who blame everything on white people instead of changing.
The only good Jew is a dead jew
Ben Shapiro
Yes good goy
See @ReactionaryJew
t. white nigger
Sad he had to change his surname to " Pickles " to stand a chance in selling toys.
My first experience with anti-semitism
Otto Weininger
i'm uncomfortably hard
Everyone loves us goy
By our definition of "good" or "altruistic" they would be considered "bad." But by their standard of nepotism, which is actually more congruent with the way the world functions if you want your group to excel, they would be considered "excellent." What we need to do is stop utilizing an altruistic worldview and morph our perception of the world toward something more resembling the Jewish worldview. By that standard, they wouldn't be considered "good" or "bad" but they wouldn't be our concern. Anything that would happen to them would be incidental as we band together and promote nepotistic white interests. By that standard, we would only be able to judge other whites by their nepotism, rather than their altruism. "Good" would be pro-white, and "bad" would be anti-white. Gotta adopt that Gorillion Mindset, goy.
Brother Nathaniel is the only one.
>There's no good je-
I like Mark Levin but I can't say that here or I get trolled. The Jew meme means that people can dismiss any rational argument with "muh jews" or "false opposition." It's annoying since nothing is simple in life. There are jews who conspire against the world and Jews that don't care about anything beyond their locality. Personally, I think more harm is caused by atheist than Jews. George Soros is often attacked for being a Jew and ethnically he is, but in interviews he has stated to be an atheist and seems to lack any sort of empathy.
Yes, pic related
Which is weird considering orthodox Jews tend to be more conservative.
Can't argue with this.
This desu, i still want to kick them out of the west but i doubt that will happen with an extreme economic depression.
But the extreme liberal kikes can fuck off to the ovens.
Yep they are called Jesus christ and isrealites the real "jews" though there was no such thing as a jew in their time "jews" are those pigs in israel and scattered around who took the place of God chosen pole
yea man. laying the blame for soros's evil on his judaism for is like blaming all of Catholicism for tony blair.
And to answer ops question, let me take the opportunity to say I know a couple of cool jewish guys who im proud to count as friends.
Just normal, non-religious geezers tough.
Jew detected
Milo supported Trump-
>*Takes black dick and is an attention whore*
Well, Michael Savage is a conservativ-
>Some of those illegal immigrants are hard working! Who will do these jobs if they're deported? You?
Who am I missing?
Not even slightly. Raised catholic. Presently a euphoric atheist.
Is Tommy dare I say /our/guy
Anthony Daniels and this guy but they killed him for sharing their secrets with the goyim.
Nationalist Israelis are alright.
Wasn't the grandpa from this show redpilled?
>Lateral move.
There is no such thing as a good Jew.
kys retard
Stu is a gentile
Looks like a Bog
Fuck you, goy. I'm a white nationalist, and a Jew by talmudic law.
Israelis just want a homeland like we do.
It's the subversive leftist kikes that need to be gassed.
There are some decent jews... but they will NEVER act against their elders because they will have 2800 goyim slaves when Israel rules the NWO.
'Good' jews want to be your friend now... but when their 'messiah' comes, they will stab you in the back.
Jews idea of helping each other is to tear other people down.
Just like they want to rule America with an iron fist, so they are attacking white people to do so.
They are filthy.
(((atheism))) is just one of their tools, idiot.
It is their best weapon to destroy Christianity.
That is why so many jews are fedora fags.
Did you know that Israelis want to rule the NWO from Israel?
In fact they already do...
Jews already have a homeland while they DENY whites a homeland.
Kill yourself you subversive liar.
>'Good' jews want to be your friend now... but when their 'messiah' comes, they will stab you in the back.
Retarded paranoid neckbeards actually believe this. Shit like this why no one takes you seriously in real life. You are no better than the tards at /x/ who believe in the loch ness monster being buddies with the yetis.
The subversive shit Israel does is necessary to maintain a state of less than 10 million people in a region filled with goatfucking extremists. I don't like it, but I do understand it.
Globalist vs. nationalist kikes. Keep Jews out of your country, and you won't have a problem.
The ones that post on Sup Forums often have decent banter.
>I don't like it, but I do understand it.
you dont owe them anything. you dont go out of your way for some african tribal conflict do you? why do you care about the jew kingdom?
Yeah, I've liked every Christian Hebrew I've met. Aren't many of them though
There are few characters out there who I am unabashedly confident were into CBT, than Howard DeVille
So? Show me one country with a population over a million that doesn't have a bunch of citizens who think it would be nice if their country led the world. I've met Zimbabweans who think America is doomed because it has not adopted Zimbabwean values - specifically, the fact that our country separates Church and State rather than following God.
'X wants to rule the world' is meaningless unless X has the means to do so. Israel's got a really good military per capita, but they can't hope to match such major global powers as France without expanding to the point where they're no longer a Jewish-majority state. As is, they're mostly just a puppet for the US.
Every time we give whites an ethnostate they degenerate into rapey little chimps and start killing their neighbours over stupid shit. Given that whites tend to live near other whites, most of the victims of white ethnostates are, in fact, white.
Letting the whites have ethnostates again will prove to be as bad for them as it was in the 20th century. (See also: decolonization and the black ethnostates; the rise and fall of the Khmer ethnostate in southeast asia.)
Because I think that every group deserves a homeland and self-determination. Naturally, I would much sooner fight for a white ethnostate, but that doesn't mean I am against another group's homeland.
>unaware that kikes were committing terrorist attacks to get Israel "back" from the Anglos
Fuck you, white ethnostate now.
but not the palestinians
What in sixteen flavours of anus does that have to do with what I said? Exactly nothing in 'everyone wants to rule the world' implies that I've never heard of Kahanists.
I suppose you could argue that Israel is a sample of a white ethnostate that's relatively well behaved; however, I don't think that's generalizable to produce multiple well-behaved white ethnostates in a reliable fashion.
As a Jew, I can assure you there are none.
Yes there are OP, but they're very rare indeed. Not surprising when Jews see gentiles as lesser species and slaves
Definitely not a good Jew, loves Israel and would like to drain the US's taxes for Israeli benefit
bobby fischer
They've done the most damage to America in real terms.
Leftist Jews have given them a run for the money but Zionist have been the larger threat.
Things this doesn't cover would be JFK and RFK assassinations
The anthrax attacks around 9/11.
The largest spy threat to the American government
The Iraq war and the current wars in Syria Libya etc.
Good jews: Jesus H. Christ and Richard P. Feynman. They are good now because they are dead. Just like niggers being made good.a dead one is the only good one.
this is a kek XD
>goatfucking extremists
You means the ones fostered by Israel and the US to justify their Zionist radicalism?
Yeah great argument.
Leave America it's clear your loyalty isn't to it if you're defending some of the worst aggressors against America in our history.
>Knew this show was degenerate as a kid
>tfw after all these years I've finally connected why
Every Fucking Time