Is turkey europe?

is turkey europe?

wtf is sasquatch doing to that muslim blanket?

who's this hirsute beaut?



Manimal Skin, need one for my hearth.

There is no defined border between Asia and Europe, so unfortunately, yes, it is. Armenia, is also part of Europe FYI

Well considering how european empires always defended the ottomans and actively opposed us in retaking Constantinople, i think its obvious they wanted to suck big turkish kebab. Enjoy.

no, they arent part of european family. not in racial, ethnic, cultural, religious or continental ways

no we not. turkey is eurasia

You convinced me

Bring them all in!

Of course. We're white europeans. :)


You know that's true. Turks are way whiter than shitskin russians. Turks are the whitest nation on this planet.

I would consider them europeans from a turkic origin, like the magyars, if they had followed in the legacy of ataturk but instead they decided to go full reactionary like the bunch of inbreeds they are

>Bring them all in!
they're already here, luckily concentrated in germany


Is Brazil human?

kurds nation when?

>Turks are the whitest nation on this planet.

White people are from caves the closer a portion of them moved to Europe their features changed the ones that remained are now know as arabs Persians and Turks they are in essence pure whites

>The extent to which gene flow from Central Asia's original Turkic nomads has contributed to the current gene pool of the Turkish people of Turkey, and the question regarding the role of the 11th century settlements by Turkic people in Anatolia, has been the subject of various studies. Several studies concluded that pre-Turkified pre-Islamized groups are the primary genetic source of the present-day Turks of Turkey (i.e. Turkish people).[130]k[›][131][132][133][134]

>That the predominant genetic makeup of modern-day Turkish people is indigenous Anatolian rather than genetically Turkic is unsurprising, as the Turkish people are a collection of assimilated peoples who were formed from a dual process involving their adoption of Islam and the Turkish language. Even the Turkish state considers all those who have citizenship there to be "ethnic" Turkish.

>Furthermore, various studies suggested that, although the early Turkic invaders carried out an invasion with cultural significance, including the introduction of the Old Anatolian Turkish language (the predecessor to modern Turkish) and the religion of Islam, the genetic contribution from Central Asia may have been very small.k[›][131][135] According to American Journal of Physical Anthropology (2008), today's Turkish people are more closely related with Balkan populations than to the Central Asian populations,[136][137] and a study looking into allele frequencies suggested that there was a lack of genetic relationship between the Mongols and the Turks, despite the historical relationship of their languages (The Turks and Germans were equally distant to all three Mongolian populations).[138] Multiple studies suggested an elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement model to explain the adoption of Turkish language by Anatolian indigenous inhabitants.[130]k[›][134]

"Turks" are not the same as the original Turk invaders; they are culturally turkified Anatolians who are similar to Balkans.

Turks are Latinos

>military coups
>soap operas

Prove me wrong


No, it's arabia. And turks are arabs. Scum, basically.

Don't forget Islam.
Salaam Aleikum



Europe is a social construct. I self-identify as a Caucasian trapped in a sandniggers body.

it is my lifelong goal to fuck a white turkish anzu


is this common in turkey

In the current year, yes due to the massive amounts of Muslims in both nations

Oh god
What the fuck is this?

What the hell are they doing?

Found the infiltrated roach.


Does the pope shit in the woods?