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The ultimate Jewish Redpill
bumping this shit
the last one
That's a long video.
no one falls for your proaganda, goy.
Gas yourself, kike.
That's one long video senpai.
bump it up
fuck off skype
There should be a solution for this problem... When will we finally solve it?
1hour in, So far its..
>Jews cursed themselves killing Christ.
>Jews and Christians are both mistreated, >Christians mistreat Jews (Christians in power)
>Jews Mistreat everyone (Jews in power),
>Jews that favor Capitalism/Nationalism anti-Semitic laws (Far right)
>Jews that favor communism, atheism, Anti-Semitic laws, (far lift)
>Jews that favor anti-Semitic law/tradition/Judaism (independent)
How the hell is this person an anarchist?
i've followed him for years. he started out as an ancap and has slowly redpilled himself into fascism. watch all his stuff, it's great
he is no longer love life anarchism but honor duty fascism
Oh this is the guy who made the Bioshock video. Looks like he went full thin foil hat.
>Looks like he went full thin foil hat.
>autistically research documentary that is well made and cogently argued
pick one
Bumb good shit lad.
Thats seems to happen to the majority of ancaps.
just wait until the end goys, it's fucking worth it i promise you 100%. if at any point in the docu you feel like he is pussing out, or jewing you, just wait it out until the end. it's the best ending to any documentary i've ever seen. it had me riled
I gave no other option. I naturally assumed he does youtube videos on fiction. Tin foil hat it is.
guess which one this documentary isn't based on
they just want to be left alone, and when they realize leftists will never leave them alone, snek gets mad
>judaism at work