What will happen when all the white women die off?
What will happen when all the white women die off?
chinks inherit the eath
3 out of 11 white girls in that picture is probably dating an asian guy
I'm ok with that
Fucking peace on Earth. Holy hell I would love for that to happen. White women are the worst.
Are you white?
Blow it out your ass
Yeah. Really I want Western women to die I love Eastern European women, but if they all had to die I would let them go.
White women are the most uppity women and that's a fact. White women are the reason the West is dying. At least more than half the reason
thats fine i like asian chicks and asian guys are usually pretty based.
white guys want a submissive woman
white chicks want a submissive man
>White women are the most uppity women and that's a fact. White women are the reason the West is dying. At least more than half the reason
I would say atheism
White women created feminism which made all women lose their natural and traditional place in society, in the home and as child bearers. White western women were the first to embrace feminism, which led to women getting jobs they cannot handle, moving up in the economy, and subsequently lowering birth rates. Atheism is a problem, because it's a rejection of the church as moral order, but I blame white women for the fall of the west.
Everywhere else in the world with the exception of Japan women know their place. They still embrace being mothers and having families and that's what keeps society strong. We should leave Western women to die alone honestly and have Western men marry more East European women or something
I'm going to marry a Filipina
A lot of in America don't call them selfs feminist. Mainly just older women.
Yeah that's fine really. As a honkey I actually like chinks. The rest can go fts really
My dads Mexican Friend is.
my condolences
Feminism is a kike creation
White women didnt create feminism. Cuck Men told women they need feminism and thats how it started.
I've dated 3 American women, one Ukrainian girl, and 2 Asian women.
By far the Slav was the best. Kind of stupid honestly but certainly best girlfriend ever. If she didn't live too far away I probably would've tried harder to keep her and eventually marry her. Both the Asian girls I dated were smart and great girls, just a bit too clingy honestly. The two American girls were awful.
Definitely marry a non-Westerner
are you that ignorant of the world you think a filipino = chink?
The damage has been done the cunts are already ruining society. They're just turning on the monster they created. Don't marry a western woman.
3* American girls my mistake. All awful
Feminism dies as well.
White men voted for Trump at nearly 68%. In most red states it was almost as high as 80%. The majority of white women did but that's mainly because they got smarter with age. Women in general are still the biggest threat to the West
A lot of the feminist in America are non-white
Who cares? Not putting up with that crap.
t. white male.
Dude, you will fall in love with a Filipina because she will fuck you like you have never been fucked before... But in a few months you will find out how bat shit crazy she is, and she WILL cheat on you. Filipinas are very horney and they will cheat.
Not that white women are much better... but Filipinas are so horny that if you dont fuck them at least twice a day they will get it somewhere else.
Stupid girls make better mates than smart ones.
Smart girls are master plotters and manipulators.
#5 can get it
This is true as fuck. The Asian girls I dated were so fucking clingy and so fucking manipulative it was unreal. I never really fell for their bullshit but they were pretty crazy kek
>I actually like chinks
Are you joking? The Chinese are easily the most inhuman and barbarous of all the Asian races. I like the Japanese and cultured Filipinos, and I even tolerate Koreans; but the Chinese are fucking awful. Come live in BC and I'll show you.
there will be alot less unattractive women on the earth
I like pretending to be interested in white women and then telling them they're not good enough for me. My girlfriend always gets a laugh when I tell her about it. Spoilers: She's Asian.
would convert for
What the fuck
It's barely different than burning coal.
An analogy for this
>coke is unhealthy dont do it kids
>fanta aint coke so its fine
Shitskins commit sedoku after all their fap barbies disappear
I have a friend who is in process of marrying a Filipino girl, I've chatted with her a bunch and she's cool af.
Now she has a bunch of friends asking to be introduced to me because they noticed us replying to each other on FB.
Been MGTOW for almost a decade now but feel like I am ready to maybe give another shot, anyone have real life experience with Fillipino girls? Thoughts?
Wrong. Men created the philosophical works for feminism.