The greatest companies in the world are against Trump

>the greatest companies in the world are against Trump
>somehow Sup Forums thinks they are right


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>globalist kike companies going against trump

yuup no surprises here

An iPhone isn't worth living next to Somalis. Fuck off.

So basically they want to pay immigrants peanuts to do their dirty work?

Yep, they want't their cheap H1B slave labor.
How can you be on the side of slavery and call yourself a liberal?

it's almost like he's the one that corporate america doesn't want. why is it that OWS people and hippies think he's the devil?

We think they are wrong and are exploiting the H1B program to undercut wages and cheat US citizens out of a market rate pay.

>Amicus brief

>Taking legal action


lmao Uber on suicide watch

>implying Sup Forumstards who watch info wars all day gave any knowledge about anything


Where's Microsoft?
Bill Gates is a left wing wacko too.

What actual legal action can they take against him


Or maybe Indians are just better programmers than Americans

>The importantance of immigrants
Oh no. Now they have to pay actual americans.

The leftyfag thought process illustrated
>OMG the maker of my iphone h8s him, so bad
>OMG the maker of my Mocha tripple niggercum espresso h8s him, so bad
>OMG the maker of my social(ist) media h8s him, so bad
>OMG the maker of my series(xoxo :) ) h8s him, so bad
Why do faggots like this ekzist? The mind BOGGLES!

>paid CREW/Soros shills losing sleep and wasting 40 million stolen shekels to undermine and sabotage a nation

this actually reveals the extent and dictatorial power of Soros's deep state.

the deep state does not rely on the support of the general public who have decided to do away with globalist totalitarianism

the deep state exists on the paid support of hired criminals: the paid protestors, the paid judges, the paid voter fraud, the paid ISIS, the paid Ukrainian revolutions etc.. to further their nefarious, subversive, and genocidal agenda.

the subversive spamming by paid CREW shills that spews disinfo is just one small part of the globalist deep state machine:

> Anyone else regret voting for Drumpf?
uploaded image file name identifies CREW:
Crew sample-18(rename before posting).jpg

>Since most of us here now regret voting for Trump, how can we fix this and make Hillary the president?

>How do I change my vote to Hillary Clinton??

>I unironically regret voting for Trump.

> Anyone else regret voting for Trump?

They're "great" because they engage in wage suppression and foreign worker exploitation.

Do some research faggot.

> the most liberal, SJW, globalist, kike infested companies are against Blumpf. Looks like Trumptards are on the wrong side of history.

Really made my quantum nerve drive accelerate.

>the greatest companies in the world are against Trump

the greatest companies in the world are about to be trolled by the POTUS. can't wait!

Typically the way things work is like this: White IT people make a beautiful, fast, fluid application in a state that does not include a lot of useless features, this gets sent to the poos where they toss in a fuckton of bloat until it breaks, then we sit and fix and refine until it is fast and fluid again, then back to the poos for more bloat and ruin. This cycle continues forever, it's my job to unfuck poojeet poogramming over and over and over again. So, basically no new software ever gets developed, and every once in a while we lose a vast sum of money due to down time created by the poos. This is, of course, accompanied by massive downsizing, constant fear of lay-offs, and 22 managers per every 1 worker.

I guess that's why Indian streets are full of trash and poo.

>somehow Sup Forums thinks they are right
Why do they let abortions live and reach adulthood in huehue land? 'someho Sup Forums thinks they are right"? Go butcher English somewhere else Joao

They're also better liquor store cashiers and taxi drivers.

Companies pol should be wary of.

They want my money for stuff I can do without.

That's assuming they can do the work. The corporations would be just fine having them use their EBT cards on sneakers and iPhones.

This is very evident in Google products.
Release version is brilliant, polished and 'Just werks'. Out comes the updates and shit starts going south. Every. Fucking. Time.

Lol, clearly you've never interviewed an Indian. Maybe 5% of them can cut the mustard. The rest are just variants of verbal diarrhea memorizations of the latest buzzwords.

Virtue signaling trash

>owes a large part of muh success to hiring dirt cheap outsourced labor
>someone threatens that

Fuck off globalist. We have exxonmobil.

>if we can't keep giving American jobs to poo in loos by abusing the H1B visa program we will only make 9 billion a year instead of 10!

Fuck them.

>ever right
Lmao, you're going to pay for flooding our countries just to but that 11thyacht, corporatist

>I love corporations!

There truly is no saving you people.

Dems defending slavery and wanting to secede...

Because they aren't interested. They don't ((((((((feel)))))))) like giving this man a chance

>Yep, they want't their cheap H1B slave labor.
>How can you be on the side of slavery and call yourself a liberal?
QFT. Worse than this, lots of the InfoSys hacks that wash up on shores far from India don't match their inflated, boastful C.V.s/Resumes.

>Hyper rich corporations are destroying America!
>Everybody laugh at Trump because absurdly large corporations that I don't like don't like him!

Yes. And they're going to learn how to profit by hiring Americans, instead of throwing everything offshore, or hiring H1-Bs.

"Oh noes, our stock price!"

Learn to live with a lower stock price.

It's coming. Corporations have been stripping their companies to the bone to get higher stock prices and more profit, so they can keep paying huge bonuses, while laying people off.

It was bound to end, it had to.

This is the beginning of the change, and yes, it's gonna fucking hurt, for a while - but it will either recover, or crash, and then recover. The only choice is how long the recovery takes.

These corporations are going to have to face what they allowed to happen by supporting liberal Democrats like Hillary and Pelosi and Obama. "Wah, we can't afford to pay for healthcare for our workers if you do away with ACA!" "Well, snowflakes, looks like you're gonna have to cut your bonuses this year."

Trump is gonna win this. They're crying now, over H1-Bs? Wait until he goes after their tax breaks, when they fight him on it.

>the american business empire will crumble under trump
>meanwhile you will have "the best economy... the best..."

how does this make you feel? trumptards

>the one percent are against Trump

what's the problem? are liberals pro corporations now?

>Apple, Facebook, Google, Intel
This definitely isn't retaliation over the H1b changes.


So why aren't there more IT companies in India? At least China has some tech with Alibaba.

Basically they're all really pissed about how many millions they gave to Shillary went down the drain when Trump won. They own the MSM and specifically Soros runs the protesting organizations.

yep that's exaxctly right this guy has got it all figured out

Yeah, it's just as bad as Liberals railing against Wall Street, then celebrating Obama for tripling the DOW.

They are almost all run by Jews.


>Corporations telling the POTUS what to do

Proven fake dumbass.

>the (((greatest companies in the world))) are against Trump
>somehow Sup Forums thinks they are right

Sup Forums is always right you monkey

It doesn't make me feel anything.

> Trumptards

Seriously, this actually works on folks?

Weren't these fucking retards complaining that the TPPA will allow companies to sue governments if their laws cut into profits.

Guess it's ok if the companies they like are doing it. Rope when?

(((Schwartz))) The nose
The nose

>this actually works on folks?
are you actually fucking retarded?

>QFT. Worse than this, lots of the InfoSys hacks that wash up on shores far from India don't match their inflated, boastful C.V.s/Resumes.


Been trying to outsource some work for an iOS app and was looking for non-americans at first to save a buck, but holy shit. Indians and Chinese have got to be the most copy and paste motherfuckers on earth. Drones, nearly all of them.

But really gets me is how difficult some of them are to work with. I know it's just code, but come on. Fucking unreal.

oh look tech companies who strive on h1b visa's are going after Trump

>you see your honor we literally need slave labor in order to operate
where the fuck have i heard this before


I don't get it, can someone define "legal action"? what the fuck can they do?

I assume it's not as simplistic as companies "suing" the potus because they want to hire cheap labor instead of americans?

>corporations shilling for immigrants
>occupy democrats still don't realize they are actually controlled by the 1% they think they are against
Why are democrats and minorities so stupid?

They're just trying to protect their cheap, exploitable source of slave labor

All of these companies rely on immigrants with H1B visas. These people are imported to replace higher paid and more qualified American workers.

These companies are literally screwing Americans out of their jobs while exploiting desperate immigrants at the same time. They work slave hours and get paid less than half what an American would get paid.

b-but I though Drumpf was for the rich? Why do they hate him wtfffffff

t. average useful idiot leftist if they could even think for a microsecond

He's 70 years old. He doesn't care. He's going out in a blaze of glory.

>Trump tells the nation that H1B visas are headed to the trash
>begins to deport subhuman trash from their warrens on the Left Coast
>tech companies about to lose their indentured servant poo-in-loo/gook visa slaves
>will be forced to pay true Americans for their skilled services
>acts surprised on Sup Forums that (((Silicon Valley))) is trying to sue
their days are numbered and if they want to keep all their massive shekel profits they're too late

worked for Intel, awful experience. Slave labor, H1Bs are there so they can pay everyone shit and shit all over them while they do it. Told daily i am lucky to have job. Terrible terrible place to work. Hope Trump destroys them.

it probably is basically that, only the people in question were already hired but now can't reenter to continue their regular everyday work. it's an abrupt loss of revenue for them, they could try to sue over it although it seems unlikely they'd win

being against the rich and being against american business are different things

BREAKING: Liberals want to keep importing slaves.

They better watch out.

Trump's Treasurer says he wants to expand and empower the IRS to unprecedented levels so they can take on anything and anybody they want.

They're not taking a moral stand you dumbass. They have foreign employees who can't work for them. This threatens their money. That's all.

Aren't you libs supposed to hate greedy corporations?

Apple: Jews.
Facebook: Jews.
Uber: Jews.
Google: 1/2 Jews.
Intel: Jews
Snap: Jews.
Netflix: Not Jew.

Mostly Jews, what a coincidence.

Those companies have been exposed, they do not give a rats ass about you.
I'm talking directly to people who are citizens of the US


They're on Trumps side

Sup Forums is just trolling and the ones that aren't are reverse sjw's

>"greatest" companies
>pro legal slaves
wow who could have guessed

nothing. closer picture doesnt mean photoshopped. just another dumbass argument.


They want to sue him for cutting into their profits because he wants to end their h1b visa abuse. You know they're going to file these law suits in california. The way the court circuit system works is just ripe for abuse. All you gotta do is fill one with liberals judges and you can stall everything until it goes to the supreme court.

>not jew
it is thanks to soros

I have worked with indian """""""engineers"""""".

They are living scum, you can explain them how to do stuff 100 times, they will pretend they got it and inevitably still be able to fuck up. If they manage to climb the ranks they will start thinking they are living demigods and start treating subordinates so bad, the enitre productivity gets fucked up and they get demoted again.
I currently work as a supervisor into a chip plant, first thing i did was firing every single pajeet i could get my hands on (with the exception of a single based sikh bro) and told the manager not to send me any more indians or i'm out.

>somehow Sup Forums thinks they are right
no one on Sup Forums likes those brands you nigger

These companies have no choice, they're all in commiefornia. If they don't step in line they will be punished.

Same thing is happening in design now.

'Please, I for you make happy company logo for $5!"

I watched someone hire poo in loos to build their small business website, with backend services and a small DB setup.

They literally stole a template from a company that sells them, and rewrote bits of it. I showed him how to look at the HTML, and there is was "Registered Trademark of xxxx"

Poo in loos are worse than Mexicans. Mexicans at least try - most poos try to trick their customers and put the least effort into it.

Sure, they can offer web design for 1/4 of what a freelancer will charge...but it will be shit. And months late.

Stagnated years ago. Might buy an OG iPod in this day and age because they looked cool, but that's about it.

People still use Facebook? I thought everyone migrated to Twitter

All the drivers I've encountered are rude and have smelly cars



>indian """""""engineers""""""
Tell me about it. They can't even take pictures without shit in the background

>greatest (((companies))) in the world
fuck off you retarded huehue monkey

Only stupid people would believe that the Trump administration would make such a decision without legal advice.

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. Whenever the Attorney General finds that a commercial airline has failed to comply with regulations of the Attorney General relating to requirements of airlines for the detection of fraudulent documents used by passengers traveling to the United States (including the training of personnel in such detection), the Attorney General may suspend the entry of some or all aliens transported to the United States by such airline.

>implying those companies don't heavily rely on visa workers

Corporations trying to influence politicians/politics and fuck over American people.

Happens all the time, nothing to see here.

Indians are code monkeys. They produce horrible, buggy, unmaintainable code that "works", and you pay them peanuts for their services.

what fucking slav country did that hail from

This is really what it's about -- cheaper labor. But they'll never admit that because it's not what sells the message to be public. So they push out these feel-good-everyone's-equal-and-great-and-we-love-them-so-much-messages to try and convince the public to side with them by playing on their emotions.

The boss of Intel was just in the Oval Office the other day sucking Trump's dick. Fake news.

I've never purchased an Apple product, I deleted Facebook during the election due to journalistic bias, Never used Uber, just replaced my cpu with an AMD upgrade, no idea wtf snap is, cancelled my netflix subscription over this "Dear white people" bullshit, and migrated me email account to Protonmail instead of Google.....

Corporations should be banned from political pandering and lobbying.

Different pictures dummy.

>no more cheap poo in loo immigrant employees




>racism as an argument

just more reason that Sup Forumsturds have sub-100 IQ