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I knew it. She was /ourgirl/ all along.
Lol no, i hope she does some nazi stuff though and mass deports all these scallywags.
You need to be gassed, juden
However this is a major blow to the jew. So kudos
>do nazi stuff
>gets reelected
>invite refugees once again
>don nazi stuff
>gets reelected
>invitte refugees once again
oh boy.
>when fucking retards run countries
You would know, eh? Eh?
*when a fucking femenist runs a country
How much you want to bet she deports a few thousand (if that), but the media plays it up and makes it seem like a lot, all in time to get re-elected.
Then again I don't know if she's any worse than Schulz
Quick rundown on Martin Schulz:
>Did not finish school
>Tried to an hero
>Opened bookstore and went bankrupt
>Drank more alcohol
>Somehow got into politics
>Was mayor of a small city and drove it into bankrupcy aswell, he built a giant swimming pool that had to close after 1 year
>Cashed in 365 days of EU attendance fees while mostly not being there at all
>Pushed by leftist german propaganda ministery as alternative to merkel
>Speculations of him being a pedo (90% likely)
>Got into higher positions in the EU due to pedo friends
>Is on anti-depressants
Honestly im suprised pol hasnt lost its mind over this.
Pedo? A fast rundown please?
No she won't, not even clicking. She's just making noises to take votes away from AfD.
No, the government is adjusting its policies and laws are being passed to deal with the new situations.
Don't fall for it Germanbros...It's only a trap to gain trust for reelection and then final bumb-rush of filthy hues to finish you off, for good!
Merkel is a liar. She does this grandstanding to appease the majority right before elections.
Doubt she's even a feminist. For globalists, feminism and every other ism is just a tool to destabilize.
>right before elections
>more than half a year before is "right before"
Uh huh. If you had been following actual politics here, you'd know they've been making progress on dealing with the situation.
Sure, sure. Pass laws then don't enforce them, that's the same thing.
lol, Malaysia
They're enforcing what they can. The belief of many, especially on pol, that they're just sitting idly by diddling their thumbs is just moronic.
Die alte hat uns die ganze scheisse doch erst mit ihrem alleingang eingetütet, aber das weisst Du selbst.Weg mit der Pfotze.
germany NO
you were suppose to take 30 million refugees so we could kick off the west vs islam shutdown when you collapse
Germans were always 60-70% against it.
Look at the polls.
Why pretend Merkel's policies weren't an unpopular decision?
>not a Schulz shill
They aren't sitting idly by, they're importing migrants on boats and planes and failing to report on it, and making token noises about future plans to deport some of the criminals, but they won't and it's intentional and you're either one of the paid disinformation agents your government operates or a fucking moron that will help assure the final destruction of the Aryan race.
If you're going to commit mass racial suicide at least come down to the blood refineries, don't do it via Mudslime.
>one of the paid disinformation agents your government operates
Sure you lunatic.
> mass racial suicide
Pic related.
That this man is even running is outright audacious.
>“For me, the new Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the State of Israel and the Jewish people.”
That he's actually gained ground makes me think we should just nuke Germany.
Definitely a shill. You can Google it and find it in seconds, but you called me a lunatic thereby proving all that false, well done.
Feels like elections are comming up.
She is lying, don't fall for it.
Holy shit, is this real? Is Germany finally unfucking themselves after the numerous rapes, murders and assaults on the hands of the religion of peace?
Read the article guys
She's only going to expel the ones that fail to get asylum.
Basically right now if you go to Germany and apply for asylum and they find out you're a danger they'll reject your asylum, but just leave you along to roam the streets.
What a fucking waste of money and time you dumb bitch
He's got his own version of CTR that copy/pastes Trump memes, translates them to German and puts his face on them, it's appalling.
Jo, wird auch Zeit, 'Frau' Merkels alleingang geht schon viel zu lange so.
She literally said the same shit a couple months ago, and then flippy-flopped like a retard, and decided to bring in more refugees... The fuck
and this goes on forever
>Angela Merkel met state governors last night to discuss expelling failed asylum seekers from Germany.
You still have 2 million accepted ones though goyim and more to come as they bring their families
Pandering for the incoming election.
As always 1 step backwards then 2 forward.
hes right tho, what is germany good anyway ? besides being dumb golum.
>but just leave you along to roam the streets.
he actually gets an apartment and 34000€ per month. as bonus can molest as much children as he wants
i find it somewhat amusing. there's something truly cringeworthy about these attempts to mimic internet culture by throwing money at the problem.