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nice fake news site user
>CNN has not confirmed whether any content relates to then-candidate Trump.
Journalism in 2017
Kellyanne Conway herself said CNN isn't fake, your meme is over.
Fake news. CNN just compared calling them Fake news to calling a nigger a nigger.
Fake news.
Typical newsniggers.
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier.
LMAO they included Spicer's comments
what the fuck that article literally says nothing in the form of paragraphs. Have you antifa-jews actually read it? Fake news. Sad!
>he hasn't taken the piss-pill
Trump is a urine cuckler, CONFIRMED.
you guys say Kellyanne is a liar though so which is it?
In other words Holy Shit ..
Fake news.
>wtf i love Trump now
Fuckin pisslovers, gays, trans, lesbian and every special faggotry fetish out here to ausschwitz 2.0
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.
>But the intercepts do confirm that some of the conversations described in the dossier took place between the same individuals on the same days and from the same locations as detailed in the dossier, according to the officials. CNN has not confirmed whether any content relates to then-candidate Trump.
Wow, it's nothing
And trump said they're fake news, trump is the higher authority.
this guy will literally die in his bunker
Trump lies, urine flies.
i cannot believe my eyes
CNN said it themselves, they are literally the niggers of journalism.
Their stories are as fake as their weed and all they engage in is character assassination.
Prove it
couple missing zeroes there, you think?
this is pol they have to be edgy
Anyone that unironically says 'fake news' is fake news.
That's CNN's job
BREAKING: People Talk to Each Other
>america ridiculing itself again
What the fuck is wrong with your pervert president and you?
>cnn can confirm, some russians talk to other russians sometimes
How do they manage to turn this shit into an anti-trump article?
>all true
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals.
Why do I get the impression that CNN actively posts their horseshit on Sup Forums for clicks? Are they that desperate? Can't they just hire more chinks to click like links?
Putin likes to piss in Trump's mouth sometimes, what's the big deal?
It's a landslide. A small finding will lead to an enormous beast.
This will be fun to watch. This might be one of the most eventful couple of weeks in the Trump Administration, and we're not even a month in.
Then again, he might not even make it to the end of the year.
Either way, grab your popcorn ladies and gents, because this is going to be good. So good, this will probably one of the most eventful months in modern American politics.
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier.
oh, ok.
I knew it!
American society is rapidly descending into balkan tier territory.
Trump will be pissed.
oh wait
Imagine the comming tweets!!!
Drumpfcucks BTFO by medias
Trump will be impeached
Sup Forums on suicide watch
Drumpf has already been BTFO by judges, protests are everywhere, Trump's supporters are getting assaulted
The US is going to chaos
0.02$ has been deposited into your account
Did you know the Jews control every bit of information you consume?
Why the fuck do they keep calling it a "Dossier?"
Also you're working for the party that rigged the primaries against Bernie. I know that you are a Bernie supporter I can see it in your heart.
>paid CREW/Soros shills losing sleep and wasting 40 million stolen shekels to undermine and sabotage a nation
this actually reveals the extent and dictatorial power of Soros's deep state.
the deep state does not rely on the support of the general public who have decided to do away with globalist totalitarianism
the deep state exists on the paid support of hired criminals: the paid protestors, the paid judges, the paid voter fraud, the paid ISIS, the paid Ukrainian revolutions etc.. to further their nefarious, subversive, and genocidal agenda.
the subversive spamming by paid CREW shills that spews disinfo is just one small part of the globalist deep state machine:
> Anyone else regret voting for Drumpf?
uploaded image file name identifies CREW:
Crew sample-18(rename before posting).jpg
>Since most of us here now regret voting for Trump, how can we fix this and make Hillary the president?
>How do I change my vote to Hillary Clinton??
>I unironically regret voting for Trump.
> Anyone else regret voting for Trump?
>Obamas relatives
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier
How is CNN even allowed to call itself "news"?
Why are you so fucking dumb?
so basicly shit tier clickbate?
1) Justices do not have access to National Security Briefings. They can not determine national security, only interpret the constitution, which is on the president's side.
2) This case will stay and go to S.C and be blown out. The 9th District Court also ruled it was offensive to some to wear an American flag on a shirt. They are a partisan joke.
3) Obama was BTFO by the courts more than any other president:
4) EVERYONE in the streets are hillary supporters in the same cities that already voted for her.
5) Your a fucking leaf
They are fake news. Oh sorry according to CNN thats exactly like calling them niggers.
Tweety is going to be pissed. He'll probably shower the media with insults. It'll be golden.
Tweety shitstorm in 3 2 1
Yeah but you're still an idiot regardless of what kind of man Trump is.
You're just such a fucking moron.
Confirmed fake news
this infographic is best infographic
Logan Act
looks like cnn are being niggers again
Boy aren't you angry.
Fake news
HAHHAA, ADMIT it Fuckers, you LOVE how ridiculous and desperate CNN is getting.
Its worth watching just to laugh at the seriousness they "report" this shit
How could liberals be so horrible, so thoughtless, as to actually kinkshame those who are into watersports? Wow, I am actually triggered, I am literally shaking, and I just cannot even right now. I need a safe space right now. You pissphobic shitlords are actual scum.
Try reading the article:
"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals."
the fake news section of pol is bakc on page 10
how did you get out of there?
no worries, back down you go
Please delete these, they're very triggering and hurting my feelings. I can't help my condition/fetish and you're being very insenstive over something very uncontrollable.
If part of it's true then that means all of it's true, stupid. They just haven't found all the other connections yet.
page 10 is reserved for leaf posts actually
Yea, it is pretty fun to watch
The wife and I love watching Rachel Maddie on MSNBC with her histrionics.
It's a shame Keith olbermann doesnt have a major network show anymore; his drunken meltdowns were top-tier comedy.
Congratulations, you're missing the point idiot, the point is to keep you guessing what is really authentic, is to legitimize the dossier and cast doubt into the administration
>being too stupid to get CNN tactics
What does it say i ain't clicking that shit
is that real or what
if it is then post sauce
To make it sound more important, more official
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier
It said they confirmed some of the things from the Russian dossier that the MI6 agent is in hiding from passing along, and that the Russian agents were black-bagged and arrested for treason for giving.
My best guess is that the information really isn't about Trump, it's about his wife getting gangbanged or scat type shit.
>all link are dead
Stormfags are stupid...
Do not minimise our suffering, goyim. 600000000 at least.
They confirmed that some Russians talked to each other on the some days referenced in that shitpost document, but they don't know what they talked about or if it had anything to do with Trump in any fashion.
piss pig donnie boy has a nice ring to it
Trumptards in denial.
America is GOLDEN comedy. Thank you for it.
kek are they still salty they don't get any question in the press conferences?
I love how this CNN article is just littered with quotes alleging they are fakenews.
They are taking the bait
>pst, hey kid!
>Did you know the Jews control every bit of information you consume?
never change Sup Forums
wow I can smell the desperation of the shills all the way here in Argentina.
Hillary lost,
the SC will uphold Trump's ban,
most of his agenda will continue to move forward,
the democrats will lose even more seats in 2018.
No amount of shilling will save you, most people are experiencing outrage fatigue already.
Well, she still has to pay back political favors, esp to the Saudis, so we still have to go to war w Russia and take Syria for already promised natural gas plays.
So this isn't over
McCain has to pay back huge debts also (rubio, gramn, etc..)
Why does Trump not have the balls to include Saudi Arabia in the ban?
I bet if wikileaks wasn't an arm of Kremlin propaganda they would've released the evidence of the piss tapes and Trump getting shares in that russian oil company a long time ago.