but for what it's worth
I'm sorry.
but for what it's worth
I'm sorry.
The only satisfaction I will have if the white race is defeated, will be the knowledge that you will come down right behind us.
I know
I wasn't personally part of the (((jews))) that caused this, but I guess we were cucks and didn't do enough to stop them
You dindu nuffin my friend, you are innocent!!!!!!
Prove it by getting in the one place you belong then
based jews are our only hope. you are immune to being anti semetic, kill them all and expose the conspiracy. you can redeem your people for killinChrist and enter Heaven.
i know you have an uzi and military training, greatest ally.
>I wasn't personally part of the (((jews))) that caused this
no need to say sorry then shlomo
Aren't the leftists doing their darnest to destroy Israel too?
fuck you kike, we're moving you to west africa btw.
That's why (((they))) are worrying now
you arent related to hebrews, fuck off
I think they will just lay low for a few generations as they breed with as many asians as they can.
gib cheap surplus uzis pls
You people will never be forgiven for what you did to the Fuhrer
Nah, that won't work.
Jews are already hated by most minorities, more than even whites, and are seen as the worst type of white person. Hell, jews only still exist and have a country of their own because of whites. If they go, we go. That's why I work to fight my people's evils.
It's okay happy merchant I can't stay mad at you, the society destroying hijinks you get into with your greed are just too loveable
the white race is the race of genocide
>jews seen as worst type of white person
>jews are only here because of white people
fuck off kike, one second you claim you are white then the next you dont.
you are not white
>jews seen as worst type of white person
niggers think jews are white.
he didnt say they are white.
Relax dude, whites are autistic
irl you make the goyim blood boil
fucken triggered right now
I'm not staking my life on based jews
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it.
niggers see jews as white. No, they aren't, they are semites, but that doesn't matter to the nigger.
PALESTINE IS PORTUGUESE . check your history. jesus blessed portugal.
BELEM is santified
there isnt any other option. we will be declared a terror org if we attack juden, other juden however...
you are the one who said you were white one second then not white another second, you never said anything about niggers
Reject the God of Old Testament and accept Kek as your Lord and saviour.
Ottherwise you are lying.
You fight (((them))) in the shadows. Never in the open. Work against them without showing that you are
Praise Kek
Apology accepted, now your job is to change the ways of your brethren.
Are you a nigger? You read like one.
I said:
>Jews are already hated by most minorities, more than even whites, and are seen as the worst type of white person.
Minorities see jews as the worst kind of white people. That includes niggers, but also includes spics.
It's okay Mr. merchant. I like you.
what are you sorry for? Jews haven't done anything
they gave him his will to power. they're the well spring from which he flowed. had they gone, he would have never been. what would his world be without them??
>I'm sorry.
You have nothing to apologize for, best ally
You are 2000 years late.
This song?
The most Cucked picture of Berlin since 1945.
Jelly of our friendship? :^)
99% of non-arab minorities don't even know what a Jew is. They'd see them and just think they're white, maybe strange looking whites if they aren't ashkenazi. At worst they'd think they are just really ugly if they learned because they don't pay attention to white history.
Can I have my cash handling fee back?
Apology not accepted
Try talking to an american nigger about the jew once you have their trust. Even the most kind, intelligent nigger hates jews.
Many niggers think jews are lying about who they are, claiming to be gods chosen people when they believe it is in fact black people that are the true children of God or whatever. They blame the jews for slavery, for colonialism.
The nigger is redpilled on the JQ, they just think whites are protecting the jew and benefiting from what the jew does, and so hate us by proxy.
Blue pill
i love you
>they just think whites are protecting the jew and benefiting from what the jew does, and so hate us by proxy.
they're not wrong ya know
If I get my ass kicked I'm going full zionist to spite you
It's ok. Now keep Israel safe, I'd like to visit the country again.
Please Mr. Goldstein, the only way for the whole civilization not to implode and collapse into utter void is for you to rebuild the temple to achieve the special world wonder construction victory! Please save us, where do I donate for the construction funds?
That wasn't a suggestion. You will never have that kind of trust with the nigger, because to ask the question is to break the trust.
If you hate jews, they will assume you hate niggers, because who would hate fellow whites for what kind of white they are, but not niggers (this is how they will think).
They have to mention it. Or, claim to be a jew and see how they react.
I forgive you, my kike friend, as long as you personally cease to shill for globalism and wage war on your muslim neighbors and just try to preserve your jewish nation-state and perhaps even get more jews from Europe and America to move to Israel.
It's ok friend, water under the bridge. We should hang out and celebrate our new and beautiful friendship.
Wanna take a shower first?
Are you a nigger? Timestamp or your point is invalid
I'm not a nigger, I'm a jew. It's how I know.
I don't blame you.
I blame the globalist pedophile jews who worship satan
>uses the word "goyim"
Yeah, nah, fuck off cunt.
Eh, if you didn't do anything yourself, there's no need to apologize.
I'm a Jew by blood and I sure as fuck haven't oppressed anybody (SJWs would beg to differ but you know how that is). In fact, I made this fucking nigger cunt cry and throw a temper tantrum in psychology class for pointing out the anti-white tripe in the book. She couldn't handle reality.
How can one tell the difference between a based jew and a zionist?
I'm actually a Jew user ;)
You can't. I expect to be purged in the end if my heritage isn't acceptable enough (I am 90% European, but a direct unbroken maternal jewish lineage), and I don't blame you for it. I will just be happy to have done what I can to fight the evils my people have done to you until that happens.
Then You're either blue pilled or a filthy rat
If you contribute enough I'm sure you'll be spared
you have to be 18 and older to post here shlomo
What are you about to do this time, merchant?
zionist = right wing nationalist jew like Bibi or Bennett. what's so bad about it?
Soros for example is an anti zionist
It's been more than 18 years since I was 18.
Apparently we always admired you folks but it's easier to blame the eternal jews than all of the individuals.
The real issue is indeed that you guys never stand up against the 'elites' but ignore what they are doing as long as it doesn't affect you personally
#notalljews etc, but all we always asked for is your help to improve humanity and stop corruption/evil ones
nothing for a change
I just read that Trump's backing down from moving the embassy to Jerusalem, meaning that he ultimately fears an arab backlash on his policies and is only slightly less cucked than the democrats
I now fear the whole MAGA celebrations thing was premature
calm the hell down there. not everything is about you. he is the president of america not israel after all. if he doesn't want to move it then he's got good reason and he should rush things or even risk doing something counter productive if it's not the right time.
we don't have the resources to deal with trillionaires that run the fucking US treasury
just look into the Shtulim Campaign and the backlash global (((media))) gave us over exposing radical globalist moles here. we're talking about people with literally infinite amounts of (fiat) money since they control mints, and they buy key figures in Israel to fuck our national idnentiy with palestinian support just as they do with rapefugees in your country.
how the fuck are we supposed to stop them? Rotchilds and Soros can literally field an army bigger and better equipped than the whole IDF if they had a financial reason to do that
of course he's the president of the USA, you idiot
but my point is that this is the first time I've seen him flinch, and I can sadly predict how this will reflect on future policies
and he's only been in office for a month before deciding arabs are politically relevant. this bodes poorly
no love for a right-wing white supremacist Jew?
Is Blistein a Jewish name?
>nothing for a change
It is only kosher after all for a jew to take a day off work a week, g-d's chosen cant slave away everyday like the chattel. Shabhat Shalom, Ari!
>Feeling sorry for vermin
They will all know of his majesty. Shabbat Shalom, goyim.
oy the chutzpah of your meshuggah i cant even kvetch right now
let me get my teflin ill brb
the struggle
is real
yeah the struggle of off by one
>White supremacist
aren't the archons going to reward you?
If this post can get 6 million replies, then I'll consider your apology.
Is there any of you jews like the guy from The Believer on Sup Forums?
No such thing as too late, Schlomo.