Alright Sup Forums it is time to settle this debate once and for all.
Who is the dumbest? An-caps or An-coms?
Memeballs are a form of debate, lets hear your arguments.
Alright Sup Forums it is time to settle this debate once and for all.
Who is the dumbest? An-caps or An-coms?
Memeballs are a form of debate, lets hear your arguments.
Other urls found in this thread:
Bern victims
there are some respectable ancap intellectuals
>he still doesn't understand anarcho capitalism
They're both godless autism as far as i'm concerned, but commies are certainly worse
strict traditional anarco-authoritarians
I'm still trying to figure out whether natsocs or demsocs are dumber
Combining anything with 'Anarcho' doesn't make sense at all.
AnComs. They don't understand the concept of "leave me alone."
>muh but actually ancaps are against degeneracy and we would kill anyone we didn't like
>You can't be an authoritarian or a libertarian, you can't be both faggot
you niggers disgust me trying to appeal to stormfaggots with child like arguments on an ideology that is literrally derived from freedom
Ancaps are lovable but dumb ancomms are malicous only seek to take over the state with false intents. They are statist collectivist in disguise
>but what if the child consents tho
Ancoms are far dumber. Sure there are some syndicalist people with enough intelligence to have a simple conversation. Most ancoms don't people in anything other than justifying their bad behaviour. They preach collectivity yet they portray laziness and baby fostering.
At least ancap could kinda work for a bit
Ancom is impossible because it relies on people helping other people out of the goodness of their heart
Ancap is an ideology that you can kind of have fun with and chew on for fun while you're trying to pass the time.
Ancom is so pants on head retarded, that the longer you think about it, the more confusing it gets.
to be fair ancaps also rely on people helping people from the goodness of their hearts, to keep soemone without arms form starvign they think the state shouldn't give them money just ((((charity)))), obviously the truly disadvantaged can't survive like this, both ideologies are eqaully retarded but ancaps are guided by infallible faith in "muh invisible hand of the free market" (which always leads to degeneracy and greed) and ancoms by "muh feelies" and "compassion"
why so?
you are a retard
individuals can be authoritarian in ancap societies
government is a different matter
Ancaps get a measure of redemption because Hoppe is a gateway drug to LARPitionalism. Otherwise they're identical on a level of absolutely disgusting.
you are misguided
protip: ancaps don't give a shit if retarded people starve
You cannot be anarcho-communist. Anarchy is far right, communism is far left.
All I know is that Ancom always get eradicated by the communist after any given revolution. You'd they would've learn by now.
>Anarchy is far right
no, it's not
>anarchy and total control at the same time
that's just retarded
you don't understand it
>Anarchy is far right
but is isn't - even Rothbard objected to 'Ancap' being labelled anarchist.
stop being childish you are disgusting
I purposefully did not include the anarcho primitivist as they would have won hands down
anarchy is on an axis opposite to left-right, you're dumb
far left anarchism is an unworkable fantasyland that can never exist on a large scale in real life though
I just want to expand on this
Relevant part starts from the sub-heading 'THE ANARCHIST 'RIGHT'
anarcho communism is still more retarded though
at least banging rocks together in the woods until you die of a easily avoidable disease because "muh tribalism" isn't in direct contradiction to anarchy, communism is
most retarded post ive heard all week
Ancap is impractical but it at least tries to make sense and many of its followers are correct in their observations.
Ancom is a literal oxymoron and its followers are, without exception, delusional egotists with no original or even coherent thoughts of their own. They are essentially the flat earthers of political discourse.
Learn what communism is
Ancoms, since they require an actual state to enforce the communism, whereas capitalists do not. They're both retarded, but ancoms take it on a completely another level.
>the non-existant government will seize the means of production
sure thing ancom
You're not very smart then, if it takes you more than 2 seonmds to figure that one out.
>protip: ancaps don't give a shit if retarded people starve
if you truly belive this than here this might help some day
and most importantly
god bless
daily reminded: anclaps clapped the fuck out, communism will win
AnCaps because the infamous alt-right leader Sargon of Akkad says it and I believe it.
>Won't use violence unless you're a fucking white male, a Trump supporter, a nigger who's not left winger or in fact anyone else who doesn't hold far left opinions or at least appears to not be holding far left opinions
>Won't use violence unless you break the holy NAP
Ancaps are just autistic about their axioms and their utopian vision is silly but they're not harmful.
Ancoms are actual chimps who hide behind the police when big scary nazis want to punch them but will otherwise beat the shit out of random innocent people.
Gee I wonder which ones are more retarded.
Fuck off commies. All of you deserve to be thrown out of a fucking helicopter
>"le libertradians r against moralzz :d"
I find it funny that when I read this I find them funny, but mainly because I agree with them 100%
Like pols' opinion matters. Pretty much all of you edgy alt right kids and edgelord lolbertarians are complete losers even by your own metrics. Beat the drum about degeneracy and inferiority when all you cunts do is play Xbox and never get pussy. You're the losers of society, that's why you drift to these retarded, antiquated ideologies. You know it's true. It's also why you're not a threat politically. You faggots don't go outside, you just bitch about women not wanting to give pasty pencilneck losers like you any poon.
What the hell is anarcho-monarchism?
Guys what makes ancom dumber than regular com?What are it's major flaws?Genuinely interested cause I want to btfo someone.
ancapball memes are secretly created by ancaps themselves to subvert people into becoming ancaps, watch out
Ancoms, always.
Anarcho-capitalism is an unsustainable pipe dream, but isn't as blatantly flawed as anarcho-communism.
AnCap at least sounds fun
then didn't technically stalin didn't kill anyone either, this meme is retarded
Thats because its the barebones definition of freedom. It literally gives you the ability to use your mind and skills to make your life the way you want to live.
>communism insists on public ownership of goods
>only way to ensure this is by force
>anarchism is based on strict voluntarism
>rejects the use of force to dictate social and economic structures
They are diametrically opposed to each other. Anyone calling himself an anarcho-communist is a bum who smoked too much pot
>When your neighbors beliefs violate the NAP so you call General Jim's defense corporation and order an airstrike for the low price of three bitcoins.
We can never have a society that doesn't have something that is at least a state in function so anarch-anything isn't realistic to me at all.
But between the two, Ancap's ideology is at least logically sound but based on a very limited view of the world, Ancom is just one big contradict based on a completely incorrect view of the world.
yeah m8 too me the best way the world was ever described was in leviathan by thomas hobbes
the future
Anarcho-Syndicalism would be the correct way if people were not individualistic.
We dont work with a hive mind.
An-caps are just as fucking retarded in their thinking that people will not hang the nobles of that society.
Anarchism is for children.
Ancom, its so fucking stupid. Why would this ever work without brainwashing every human. Then you have to get rid of all of human history so that new humans never know about capitalism. Either way it would be ruined by a bunch of people that decide they want more than you.
>ordinary people want to live as a wage slave in a world where everything is already owned by some rich guy. You don't see any irony in your last sentence? Keep sucking that corporate cock goyim. Make sure you swallow.
>muh "leave me alone"
AnCom here, you need to define your terms. "Me" is a reference to "the self" specifically "your self". But the self is nothing more than a state, A STATE, that (you) have total control over and where rights only exist for YOU. Statist!
I think the idea is the mob will.
Doesn't make it any less idiotic
An-caps are stupid but an-coms are mentally retarded. At least an-caps are aware that in anarchy its every man for himself.
Anarcho communism is ridiculous. Anarch-capitalism might not be the best but at least it makes sense.
Literal poetry
obviously the commies you udda fookin mow-ron
Like communism and and anarchy are by definition incompatible.
Anarcho-primitivism is the way.
>usually at least above-average iq, income, etc.
>often permaneets, mentally ill, entitled, most often living with parents
I love women and only read Sup Forums and books woth the occasionally youtube session for my entertainment. I dont lift, but i do one hour yoga 4 times a week, meditate 30 minutes a day, and ride mountain bikes downhill for fun along with other outdoor activities like mountain climbing and such.
stop generalizing us pls sir
private property is actually allowed if youre not bourgeois about it
>wage slave
no such thing. when a business goes under, the workers do not owe their wages back, even though they "enslaved" whoever paid those wages
does consent exist?
>if youre not bourgeois about it
then it isn't by function of ancom