Heatpocalypse Australia

It's pretty much over for Sydney's west today with temperatures set to reach record highs threatening billions of lives.

Currently the temperature in Penrith, a large suburb in the western suburbs has reached an incredible 27 degrees Celsius. There are reports of children cutting their lips on Zooper Dooper wrappers using poor technique in their rush to consume the ice treat.

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27 is cold dude

27 Celsius...may god be with you in this time of peril, maybe the Apocayplse is truly upon us.Stay strong, prison colony, stay strong

I thought 27C was a cool Aussie spring and was only hot to Canadians and people from the northern parrs of Scandinavia and Russia.

I think he's mocking the media losing their shit over a couple of 45+ days

which way is west in australia

>tfw live in Penrith

It's been nice knowing you boys

It's only 9:30, the temperature is forecast to hit 47 later today.

Well because we're below the equator you have to mirror the compass points, so West points to the right

What time to you expect to start bringing out your dead for collection?

27 at 9am. that means it's going to be 35+ by midday and 43+ by 4pm

Lucky I didn't go salt racing in SA this year, the temp on the lake is fucking 46C

Here is an examole of Aus summer. Pink is ~40C. Dark pink is higher, see chart on right.
OMG pls save us!!1

Kek confirms Heatpocalypse billions will die.

So Australia is Earths frying pan?

My house was like an oven at 4am this morning
I had to constantly get up and have cold showers but i would just dry up and feel hot again

Fucking kill me

>tfw dead body collector dies of heat stroke

call me back when you hit 44 in the shade pussy ass cunt

so turn the ac on

This is exactly why we have low population density and are still full.

Where are you? because here in bris we have had a couple days where we hit 30c before 9am already this year.

The geography of the city and surrounding areas make bris a bit of a hot spot in parts though.

exxon will ship LNG to aussieland, and you can use it for air conditioning.

Obviously I don't have one, i got a small spin fan

sleep with the fan aimed at you?

or are you a frail cunt that gets colds from drafts?

Build a mountain range north to south in the middle of your country

ahha 29c already at 8:30, adjusted temperature is 32

Fuck its gonna be a hot one today and tomorrow is apparently going to be worse.

If you young bloods weren't wasting all of your money on avocados, then perhaps you could afford air conditioning and would not be complaining about average Australia weather.

record rainfall in Perth this week. it's been bloody cold. Fuck of Sydney

>tfw going to visit your grandparents because they have a pool

Care to post any pics from outside the window? I am just curious how does it look like. I posted mine in a similar thread some time ago.

Jesus 47c. I remember when a Jewish heatwave hit Lithuania (I think in 2008 not sure) the max recorded was 28-33 and it was like that for nearly a week. All the shit around the country was dying from plants to elderly people and drunk savages. And you guys just casually shitpost about it.

Riding my motorcycle home from work yesterday Arvo and the bike said it was 47C at 6pm

Think ive got bits of the road stuck to my tyres because the road melted

here's what you do

get a bottle of propane you use for RVs and BBQs and junk

depress that little stem inside the nozzle and turn the valve to on. place bottle spraying propane in front of the fan so the fan will disperse the propane evenly throughout the room.

propane is cold as shit. make sure you leave all the doors and windows closed so you don't waste any because it's kind of expensive

so what happens then, do you all get a day off from work? or do you just have to go and sweat your bollocks off? cant imagine what kind of scents would be coming from the cunts in my office if it was 45 degs

You'll be alright mate, Arizona deals with serious heat like that every summer.

haha, that's nothing, try 42+ for a months straight in the fucking shade

The fan is set up so it blows on me..

Share the heating bill with your granddady you ungrateful cunt.

air con at work

I've worked so much overtime this week

fucking weekend, now im melting again


>in the shade

All the temps referenced are in the shade you idiot

Or i could go out and spend $100 on a cheap electric waterbased fan

47 isnt even that bad.

Just stay inside and shitpost with a bottle of water yuh poofs.

get a bigger fan then, and set it at a higher speed further away from you so it blows on your entire body, they cost fucking nothing

There is no shade here gypo

Please use Fahrenheit, I am American.

t. Hank Hill

you're bitching about sub 40 celcius, get on my level weak bitch

Looking out my window to the national park at the back.


nullschool says you are fucked tommorow

I remember back in school if it hit 40C measured at the school they had to call it off and we all got to go home.

Its Australia, like 10 years ago every single business in the country installed air conditioners, its necessary for any kind of productivity.

what a poorfag


stop living in an Oven



that's too bad, you're going to get roasted my abo friend

Tasmania looks comfy. Watching The Kettering Incident on Amazon. Its set there.

Most of these colored weather maps are visual persuasion. Everything is colored red to make it look hot. There's no objective basis on what temperature the dark red should be.

>There are reports of children...

Everything after that, I can't tell if it's wacky Aussie slang.

won't that fuck up electronics in the room?

among other things?

Shhhh.... that's a secret.


That feel when fought a war in those temps for 7 months.

Tassie is comfy AF, shame they locked so much of it up in national parks, would love to have a rural cabin on the west coast

Or spend like $300 and get one of these

But Varg pls. If you hunt down some game you can just leave it where you killed it and go chill in your house. When you comeback it will already be cooked.

Now it's hot AND humid

is it true there is no basements in AUSland? if you had a basement youd have a nice cool place to be.

Holy fuck, has Trump tweeted about this yet?

Stay strong cunts

might as well spend another 100 or 2 and buy a fucking proper inverter ac?

Poor you, 27 degrees is fuck all. Ive worked construction in 50, kys you pussy ass faggot

kek that's hotter than my CPU idles at! Feels good living in the cold.

Stop being a pussy

There are days in the summer here where I have to sleep at 30°C in my appartment... stop crying and fist yourself.

Yeh there are no basements here and in most of QLD, the houses are actually lifted off the ground about a meter to get more air flow

It's true. I have NFI why not, but we don't.

No idea why we don't do below ground. We should.

No it just cools the air down
They are known to cause mould problems which is annoying and it would probably best not to set it up and aim it too close to a powerboard or other electronics

I would buy an AC but 3/4 times of the year we don't need to use an AC but our summers can get ridiculously hot

fuck that swamp climate, condolences

Dude it can get hot as shit in Moscow in July. Don't think it is cold and freezing all the time. The middle and southern parts of Russia can get sizzling hot. You might remember the 2010 wildfire coverage they had. Basically the whole country was burning due to the heatwave.


>Can't handle mother nature's banter
Sad! regards, Florida

Imagine the kind of basement spiders they would get

but muh first world?

Three hours after the bottleshop opens and the abos are in the park.

Pro tip, computer UPS to run a fan in power outage. :)

oh god your right they would just be giant spider traps.

Shouldn't be any, it's the weekend so business energy consumption is a lot less, so there's more headroom to blast your AC

question, this summer of 2016 that just passed, june was violently stormy, like lightning storms on steroids the entire month every damn day, until late july, august sucked, too hot

This might be an interesting topic. Aussie's how the fuck do you keep your desktop rig properly cooled? AC I guess? I had a HP laptop once that hit 90c at high loads if it was 47 outside It would shutdown from opening notepad.

>Tfw too lazy to Google conversion for Celsius to Fahrenheit so idk how hot it is

And flooding after cyclones

It's going to get over 100F today.

also we had fuckind tornados at the border with serbia

>Literally gassing yourself

Riding home yesterday from work was 116 at 6pm, and it's expected to reach similar today

>tfw people still dont think climate change is a thing

Here in Las Vegas, we call that "July".

>> billions of lives


28 Celsius here fucking great m8