So I hear Sup Forums has a problem with Jared Diamond

There is literally nothing wrong with this book.
Prove me wrong, illiterate Drumpftards.

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Someone post the pol lit picture again. I need more book ideas

>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

kek approves this master piece.


It's literally "Cart Before the Horse: The Book"
Culture and accomplishments are downstream from race. Diamond gets it backwards and provides the weakest evidence for his views.


>diamond writes a book on this and provides thorough evidence/sources
>you write a post on it in your Sup Forums bubble and think you're correct

fucking kek. can't wait to see some Sup Forums approved fake infographs from the 19430's telling me how wrong I am while every scientist alive today (except for the redpilled based race realists) are wrong about everything

Why is Argentina poor, if it has access to Old World crops and plentiful natural resources? According to Jared Diamond's own logic, Argentina should be just as prosperous as European and North American society. Andw hy is South Korea unlike Argentina, which did develop, DESPITE lacking abundant resources that Argentina had?

The problem with his hypothesis is that it's deterministic, and seeks to fit data with the theory.

go home Jared

>wypipo be rich cuz dey got cargo n sheeeiiit
>IQ dun mean nuffin, wypipo had domesticated aminals n sheeeiiit

Read the intro.

>Stated goal of book is to explain history without looking at genetics/IQ as a factor

Because it IS a factor. He's deliberately leaving it out, and he says so at the very beginning.


Did he strike a nerve, Jared?

No one challenges the evidence provided by the redpilled race realists. The only counter argument ever offered is "DAT RAAIIISSSS!!!"

I went to a history conference at UCLA where Diamond got shredded by a bunch of tenured professors because his thesis is too narrow to be feasible. Felt kind of bad for him desu

Exactly. Politics is just as important in geopolitics as geography is. Hence, the term, "geo-politics." You can't ignore one without the other, like Jared Diamond does.




Thanks lads, I'm looking for the one with the rainbow skeletons of evolution on the front. I can't remember the name of it.

>No one challenges the evidence provided by the redpilled race realists.

top kek. wtf is this shit?

>When slide threads are so common we just derail them with actually appropriate right-wing topics

Dostoevsky, Wyndham Lewis, Hamsun, Jünger, Heinlein -- good stuff.

Why (((Allan Bloom))) and Hayek in the non-fiction section? It seems like neocons and liberals shouldn't be sitting at the cool kids table.

Ok, enlighten me. What scholarly work has been done to refute something like Murray's The Bell Curve?

That's just a compiled list from pol/lit that was created during the last few years... there is no point in questioning/arguing because there is probably no person who has read them all and can give you a reasonable answer.

Oh shit I'm sorry Hans. That book is probably banned in your country isn't it?

Scott Locklin has a great response to this book.

>Storm of Steel


except they do, you just stay in your safe space. also the canis examples are a result of millions of years of evolution, while all modern humans all migrated from africa ~100,000 years ago.

have you ever head of neeanderthals user?

that's why we can say all dogs are in the same species even though they appear to have wildly different behavioral and physical differences

this, ernst junger was based, remarque is fiction.

Sup Forums has a problem with any facts that aren't cited from sourceless, artifacted .jpg files and stormfront.

buddy this book has gotten smoked

>the canis examples are a result of millions of years of evolution
the estimates range from 15000-27000yr

He just gave a bunch of arguments that only work with hindsight, and if you assume from the start that "we are all the same", and thus differences in the groups are due to environmental conditions.

>Wolves turned to pugs over a span of millions of years of evolution
Is this guy feeling OK?

nice digits, however the biggest problem with diamond is he credits geographical variables for the main culprit for the unequal development of civilizations while completely ignoring race realism. it's a great book for bluepills who want desperately for an explanation of whitey's greatness that won't offend anyone.



Sorry, shouldn't have addressed you.

His initial premise is that all races are equal - then he proceeds to write 300 pages of shit explaining how whites became superior. This book was a comedy classic for critical thinkers.

saved thanks user

>Geographic imperitive explaining literally everything

Niggers had plenty of animals to domesticate.

Killed off a bunch too cus *just nigger things*
Same with the native americans.

The whole meme about crops and civilization was hilarious.

We give niggers seeds now in africa and they still cant farm. They have had access to tools and equipment from Arabs for thousands of years and still did jack squat.

On climate. Fucking Atecs and Maya built huge civilizations with writing and fucking mathmatics in jungles with even less access to domesticated animals and grains that niggers did.


That kike is a fucking fraud

Slow down
Deeeepppp breaths thru your nose and exhale. Stop breathing thru your mouth all the time.

Interdasting numerical blessings


try 50 thousand

Why did you bother making this post, user?

Just trying to calm sperg-lord down. I imagine xhe just learned something about this in xis anthro 101 class.

>infographs from the 19430

We should respect the wisdom of the great men from so far in the future.

Gould is the author. I forget what its called but if you look up "Gould bell curve" youll find it.

There are a lot of criticisms of Gould though if you really want to get into it

Why don't you instead adress his post?

dogs have shorter generations, also selective breeding is different to natural selection

I've begun to have a problem with the theory of Environmental Determinism.

Europe as we know is extremely small, and Diamond argues that the resources you begin with will propel your society to greatness universally. Europe, then, was a horrible place to win the fight, as by his theory the people with the most resources available and the most fertile lands would probably be the Chinese or Native Americans, but they got outclassed by a couple of Europeans with limited resources. When I took a world history class, the theory behind the rise of Ancient Greek civilization was that the Greeks, despite having a terrible start land wise (tiny, isolated by mountain ranges, lack of fertile soil, constant fighting) were able to create the grassroots of the most successful line of civilizations in Earth's history. This destroys environmental determinism in the past , where he argues in the most fertile areas will be the most successful.

In the modern sense, the theory is also clearly false. There are excessively poor nations like the Congo that exist in areas with a bounty of wealth to be exploited, yet they fail to do this despite their geological advantage, yet areas with no real geographic usefulness like nearly every single European state manage to be rich.

This theory is bullshit, clearly.

Oh, I forgot to say why the Greeks were successful. Their ingenuity led to them banking and trading to great result.

those are for just DOGS you fucking moron. the picture is of a dog, a wolf, and coyote(?) jackal
>these retards actually think dogs/wolves/coyotes evolutionary timeline is less than the human evolutionary timeline

I think the only thing which allows this theory is the notion that all are equal when the harsh reality is the fact that certain groups of people, while being superior in some areas are greatly inferior in a lot of others.

10000 year explosion by gregory cochran, just accidentally started it when i went to the mega link

the greeks stole everything from the egyptians who stole it all from the kingdom of kush. kush were a black civilization.

crazy when you find out hte truth about the ancient world.

To get a serious response you have to pee on them first.

It is well known that cold weather creates great inventors. Warm weather makes people lazy and slow.

Most of you didn't read the book. This book is intended to show why there was such a divergence in 1500, and you can't deny that geography was the most important factor. Obviously geography won't explain why North Korea is a shithole while South Korea is prosperous, but that's not the premise of the book.

If you want to know why such a start divergence exists today, then Niall Ferguson's "Civilization: The West and the Rest" would be a good read for the noobs out there.

>why there was such a divergence in 1500
Zebras were the same back in 1500 m8


thats some dank kush

>This book is intended to show why there was such a divergence in 1500

So then why doesn't he start his analysis with the Crusades, as they are the earliest major event which fed into the Renaissance? Or maybe the Fall of Constantinople?