This video has me worried.
Start at 20:18
Is Cernovitch working with Antifa?
He's talking about (((Enoch))).
He's a jew. Most e-celebs are with the kike agenda. Antifa and Alt-right are honeypots created by jews and filled with jew LARPers.
Dumb faggot.
He is talking shit about TRS whos leader is a fat kike,married to a kikess so he is fine.
>he's ratting out someone he thinks is a nazi, so he's fine
That's exactly my point. Is he the source of all antifa's recent dox?
You literally just agreed with me you fucking dumbass.
Cernovich is a greedy sociopath. He will do, say and report on anything for his brand. He won't go near very edgy topics because he's an alt kike ebook merchant. As long as you realize this, he's bearable but don't invest too much into his periscopes or videos unless it's on site reporting. Do not buy his books (a lot of spelling and grammar errors for some one who claims they don't need an editor) and I wouldn't recommend watching his shitty pieced together "documentaries".
>He won't go near very edgy topics because he's an alt kike ebook merchant.
He claims he's has Serbian or some other eastern European heritage but has admitted he's a (((Jew))) before on Twitter. I'm more inclined to believe that he's one of the (((chosen))) people.
>Oy vey buy my book goys. Gorrillion mindthet. Danger and play, I blew a tranny, gonna hit the gym with period blood on muh dick.
he's fucking disgusting
#MACAque mindframe
t. TRS cuckold
What the fuck did you just fucking thay about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I fought a 5 year rape allegation, and I’ve been involved in numerous aluminum can collecting exercises, and I have over 300 confirmed book sales. I am trained in gorilla mindset and I’m the writer in the entire alt right/libertarian/conservative/independant movement. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with tweets the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking wordth. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, worm. As we speak I am contacting my secret platform of cucks across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for my next book, maggot. The mindset that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your platform. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can debate you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my keyboard. Not only am I extensively trained in free-speech combat, but I have access to an entire arsenal of twitter followers and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little thit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn worm. I will tweet fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, troll.
A leaf calling someone a cuck? Ain't that a bit hypocritical bb?
>someone doesn't like my hero Cernobitch
>he must be a TRS shill
I'm sure there are no possible third options.
Enoch isn't a kike, his name's eastern european.
As for Cernovich, he's a faggot but I don't think he's working with antifa, it'd be more his style to come out and dox them himself. He'd want the credit after all.
what is wrong with him
>Enoch isn't a kike
He referred to himself as one 3 times. I know he's a proven liar, but this is absurd.
Yes, surely "other jews" couldn't be referring to other fucking jews aside from the ones he's currently referring to.
Out of context quotes surely are the best way to determine if someone's jewish.
Here's an idea: He was doxxed, if he was jewish we'd know and you wouldn't be getting your evidence from soundbites.
Nah he's not. He made amends with Enoch too by the way, and they are both ethnically from the Balkans. (Names are similar and they both have oddly close together eyes.)
>Out of context quotes
lol the full quotes are right there. There is no special context. He speaks of himself as a Jew, on record, 3 different times. He even says "when I'm around other Jews", and "If you're going to let in a mixed Jewish person...and in my case, I did".
I know there are a lot of fanboys out there, but you need to have some self-respect and be honest with yourself. No hero is worth lying to yourself.
ITT fanboys raised by single moms desperate for male hero figures to worship
also, the topic is whether Cerbobitch was feeding antifa dox, not whether him and (((Enoch))) are friends, or jews, or w/e.
He had the dox, then suddenly, antifa had the dox. Antifa couldn't dox its way out of a paper bag. That suspicious af.
dtj was just a plan b 'cuz of internet
>when I'm around other Jews
Again, "other". He was referring to other jews rather than the current jews he's talking about.
>If you're going to let in a mixed Jewish person...and in my case, I did
Talking about his wife.
Tell me, why didn't anything come out in his doxxing? They found out his wife was jewish, surely they would've found out if he was jewish.
Oh no, that's just a sign that he hides his jewishness well right?
God you shills are so desperate.
Cern-ovich was never the same after his first attempt at an Ayahuasca ceremony
>t. antifa fairy
I want that book
>beying a dumb putz who doesn't dominate goyim
What a loser, look at this patushka.
Yeah, I'm antifa because antifa likes to name the Jew. When did Sup Forums pick up so many faggy insecure fanboys? Stop worshipping eceleb cock, sempai will never notice you. Ever.
Antifa is very anti-Israel outside of Germany though.
even in Israel
What the fuck? Get off this board, schlomo, we're not _that_ autistic.
I wouldn't be surprised if he has ties with antifa. He claims to have a pretty big network of people he uses for his info: Sup Forums shills, BuzzFeed writers, GOP boomer cucks, etc. So it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that he deals with low-mid level antifa fags as well. For example: Cassandra Fairbanks. If you dig into her tweet history, she use to be openly supportive of anti police organizations and BLM. There's even a picture of her with Deray from BLM. Use to be a Bernie slut as well, then as soon as the Trump train really started picking steam, she switched to full support of him. She is probably still in contact with the SJW faggs she ran with in 2014-2015, so theoretically her working with Cernovich give him access to those BLM/anarchist/antifa cucks as well, they all have some overlay.
Cernovich is a faggot.
Get off my fucking board leaf.
Civic nationalists are retards.
>Get off this board, schlomo
Sure Moshe, after you.
He's not, he's fucking half croatian or whatever, look at his face structure and his last name (same as kasich).
I'm thinking he just freaked out after Heilgate, went steroid brain spergout, hired a private detective, then used antifa as a front so he would look like a complete dirty kike faggot for doxing someone over a twitter tiff.
What are you talking about, what does that have to do with him using antifa as a front? Stay on topic pls.
She has loads of pictures of her naked if you Google her name followed by naked.
Big boobies
>all whites are the same, so white nationalism will work
>white nationalism narrows down to "it's my turn to be the victim now ;__;"
You might be the retarded one here
I have never liked Cernovitch and not because he is jewish. But because he was trying to encourage people to reject their culture on Stefan Molyneux's show. He was sounding like a true cultural marxist.
Do Koreans have Asian nationalism, or Korean, same with Japs, Asian or Japanese? (^:
>Cernovich is a Jew
>acts like a cultural marxist
pure coincidence
Good rule of thumb if you start dating someone, type their name into the dirty. If you get a page hit, you're dating a degenerate.
>Tfw I know multiple women who have articles about them
>Tfw I run in a degenerate crowd
>white nationalism narrows down to "it's my turn to be the victim now ;__;"
No, it boils down to I hate shitskins and don't want to be anywhere near them.
Go rip the plunger out of your ass faggot.
I have no doubt you're right about the freaking out with the "Neo-Nazi" stuff. Obviously he's not /our guy/, his interests lie in his brand and his brand alone. I'm just saying for everyone else that he's pretty scummy as a person.
>Threats againsts Enoch and the TRS goys
>Throwing Baked Alaska under the bus
>Claiming Spencer is controlled op. Etc
I think he's cooling down with the stirring up shit in the alt right but I'd recommend taking all the stuff he says with a grain of salt.
I've always thought of him as a pet rock, so originally I wrote his tantrums off as "overuse of steroids", but after hearing that video clip, I realize he had an obsessive lunatic side. He's too proud of himself for finding dox on people, and not self-controlled enough to keep it on the DL and just leak it for effect. He WANTS everyone to know it was him who found the dox.
Another fanboy raised by a single mom desperate for a father-figure
Cheers bro. I will do it now, as I am dating the daughter of a football manager who is the manager of a European country. Have a feeling she may have been a coal burner also.
Ebin arguments there.
How do you plan to un-55% yourself?
Just murder every non-white? (^:
Follow up question, who's white?
I like how the shills got instructed on certain ways on how to attack people. If I don't support the jew guy and (((our greatest ally))) I'm instantly a fanboy raised by a single mom desperate for a father-figure. Nice one.,
>How do you plan to un-55% yourself?
Economic and physical divestment from the US, and reconstitution into ethno-states, or some other form of legal segregation. Same plan as the Nation of Islam espouses. Ideally, this will happen with blacks and whites in cooperation. As long as blacks wake up more to globalism and Jewish influence, there's a good chance such cooperation will manifest.
>you're a shill if you shit on my eceleb husbando
No, I just think you're a faggot for being a fanboy. Occam's Razor, pick the simpler of two explanations, Huehue.
>As long as blacks wake up more to globalism
Kek, wishful thinking considering their bell curve, do you expect them to sterilize themselves?
Sanger could've only done so much with Planned Parenthood.
Whom do you consider white?
Are you retarded or what, nigger?
I didn't defend Cernovich, I only told you guys to not follow people, which is going against Cernovich. The moment I attack him you quote me with retarded shit like "lol u hav been raised by single mum lel", instead of defending your point.
>who's white?
White skin.
Americans don't split hairs about who's white.
If your skin is white and you don't look like an albino nigger you're white here.
Most whites here are mixed Euros. We have ancestors from all over europe.
>wishful thinking considering their bell curve
>do you expect them to sterilize themselves?
Why would I waste time trying to re-patriate them in a seperate ethnostate if I wanted to do that? That's as silly as thinking the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews, so built hospitals and recreation facilities in the labor camps, then completely failed to exterminate them for an entire decade while having them captive and vulnerable.
>Whom do you consider white?
"White" is imprecise vernacular for people of European extraction, ie, Europids.
>Are you retarded?
Is that a trick question, João, or just a clever bit of pablum to fill space in your post because you couldn't think of anything to actually argue?
Nice setup for Jew infiltration once again.
You have to accept the fact america got too pozzed.
Biggest mistake was taking (((Soviet intellectual refugees))) when Stalin was purging.
Trump is nice, but I seriously doubt you'll fix no-fault divorce or hedonist consumptionism.
I don't have much to say as government is reviving communism, because all tools are there already.
Sup Forums memes about Poland are disjointed from reality.
I'll probably ask mom to get the jew certificate, and I'll become one retroactively without dick mutilation, then move to Switzerland since I work in IT, and father's a surgeon.
Here's how many layers of communist pozzing poland is.
Compare that to the Chinese equivalent (^:
So an olive skinned mediterranean isn't white, but an ashkenazi jew is?
>I'll probably ask mom to get the jew certificate, and I'll become one retroactively without dick mutilation
So you're a Jew? Surprise surprise, another eastern European flag on Sup Forums turns out to be a jew.
>So an olive skinned mediterranean isn't white, but an ashkenazi jew is?
"White" is imprecise vernacular for people of European extraction, ie, Europids.
Low hanging fruit, the both of you.
All you had to do was support hitler in WW2, so did Poland, instead we allied with eternal anglo.
Or at least not take jewish refugees
The jewiest, since last actual jew was 5 generations ago.
But he had a daughter, and so did his. up until my mother.
So we're crypto-jews and all she has to do is to is pass a jewery exam, i retroactively become a genuine jew, however my son will not, unless i have a jewish wife.
>So we're crypto-jews and all she has to do is to is pass a jewery exam
You consider yourself crypto? Are you a false Christian convert? If not, mischling might be more precise, and less harsh. Are you resentful of white nationalists and full-blooded Europeans?
I want a white nationalist nation.
If you are loyal to the white nation and are of European ancestry you belong.
Traitors and seditious persons should be dealt with harshly.
>all you had to do was support Hitler while you're father wasn't even alive
OK. Let me go grab my time machine real quick. Dumbass.
European is white. People who still consider themselves jewish belong in Israel and not in a white nation. Ashkenazi's aren't all jews.
I consider myself Jewish whenver it's convenient for me, and goys are too scared to verify it, at worst i show a picture of my mother.
I consider white nationalism to be stupid, because uniting people under "we are white" is a clumsy idea.
Nationalism is better, and i simply consider niggers to be animals so it doesn't clash with my views.
America would've been better off without the immigration act, but you've made a terrible mistake.
Now it's too late.
Speak for yourself, kike
I think it's cringey when the alt-rightists talk about jews non stop. They try too hard to be hardcore and throw anyone under the bus if they aren't on the same level. It could have been something great but the purity spiraling got the best of people. I'd say cernovich had an agenda to destroy the alt-right, he gave that cringey slut emily youcis a few quid to go and act like an idiot at the npi event. I think the fools engaging in the fighting between alt lite and alt right never really cared about the overall goal except for drama, they should be allies and accept their disagreements. Dispite what people say, the alt-right is now a label for anyone who is outside the established narrative. The problem with the infighting was people trying to define with their version
>I consider myself Jewish whenver it's convenient for me
That's an unfortunate stereotype-reinforcing pattern. The Jewish chameleon as subversive is one of the oldest charges against Jews, and the main argument for their expulsion from white society.
>I consider white nationalism to be stupid, because uniting people under "we are white" is a clumsy idea.
That best reflects your personal reality, but your own comment I quoted earlier makes my case, doesn't it? You're like Tim Wise and every other Jew saying "fellow white people" out one side of his mouth, while speaking as a Jew the rest of the time.
>Nationalism is better
For you. Surely you're intelligent enough to realize how self serving you're being.
>Now it's too late.
I don't ever hope to persuade Jews to my cause, but I hope you have enough integrity to recognize your own behavior and it's consequences. You are why we exist.
>I think it's cringey when the alt-rightists talk about jews non stop
Read the thread, and listen to the Jew talking in it right now. Wake the fuck up.
>You're like Tim Wise and every other Jew saying "fellow white people"
Rude comparison, I'm not as retarded as them to blow the cover.
I used to be less like that when I was younger, but i realized i won't undo western women being shikse (whores know their place and at least get paid for it, shiksa does it for free), moral decay and destruction done, so I decided to join instead of fighting a lost cause.
I won't reverse pic related.
I am not able to dismantle porn industry, instead i decided to tell female friends to get into camwhoring/twitch streaming for easy money, some of them did and gave me shares.
Please stop fucking LARPing you absolute retard. Israel is based, and Antifa hates it. And stop associating Israel with all Jews. Israelis and Diaspora are the complete opposite.
fuck off, hes right
>I'm not as retarded as them to blow the cover.
Can't resist the gloating? Neither can Tim Wise. He barely contains himself. It always strikes me as interesting that Jews like you simultaneously advocate civic nationalism, but can't resist every opportunity to betray that philosophy by reveling in your ethnic exclusion, solidarity, and anti-cosmopolitan instincts. You're your own destruction in that respect, and yet you never seem to connect the dots. Its so obvious too, but you externalize it and blame the goyim when everything backfires on you. It's befuddling. You've followed this pattern as a people for thousands of years, getting kicked out of country after country after country.
Even when you have your own ethno-state, you still can't resist the same compulsions. You're the most self-destructive race of intelligent people that ever lived.
This guy a Scott Adams shill. He L I T E R A L L Y parrots everything dilbert dood says
people who have ancestors exclusively from the highlighted countries are white.
I'm gloating anonymously.
You can believe me or not.
He's an imbecile who shows his dumb face and ruins everything.
Even his fucking name is idiotic, because Weiss is a jewish name, he thought he's being clever changing to "Wise"
>Israel is based,
I wouldnt go that far.
Weren't the MP's Labour? Labour generally dislike Israel, while the Tories support them. Labour is also full of left-wing/SJW faggotry, I hope that israeli tried to take them down good.
I could be LARPing to redpill people too, you'll never know. (^:
Another stereotype, and with such fluency. You think the anonimity makes it less real? I think it makes you more honest, in your hubris. You think it makes it easier to wave away on a technicality, because the goyim are dumb enough to swallow an excuse.
I guess your self-destruction is in your genes, it can't be helped.
>I could be LARPing to redpill people too, you'll never know. (^:
It's in your genes to self-destruct.
Thought about getting his book as far as having good focus and mindset as well as nuturing confidence. No go? What would you recommend instead
>giving attention to a literally who
You people really need to stop fucking doing this.
His wife is Persian.
>I could be LARPing to redpill people too, you'll never know. (^:
You wouldnt break the 4th wall by suggesting it if you were, because that would defeat the purpose and have the opposite effect.
A (((Jew))) who race mixes, what are the odds?
I'm just stating my overall opinion. I don't really care about some polish fella on an anime forum, his thoughts and actions don't effect me. He's right in some regards, white nationalism in america is dumb and in europe we just call ourself nationalists. If you think about it most of american communities will eventually be segregated on ethnic lines anyway. Birds of a feather flock together.
And from what i seen lately, diversity is americas strength
>It's in your genes to self-destruct.
I never felt associated with Poland after i learned history in high-school.
Why would I be happy for a country that doesn't actually exist and instead is being controlled by 3 different groups in a rotation.
Why would i be an idiot "muh stronk polan" when i could join the actual owners.
THere's a saying
>Wasze ulice, nasze kamienice
"Your streets, our buildings", referring to streets having Polish names, but everything being owned by someone else.
The most painful thing for a Pole who's not a retard (rare, around hudreds), would be everything from 1945 to present times.
>Jaruzelski being approved by USSR, wasn't stripped of General rank
>Becomes president
>Doesn't take the borders that were rightfully polish
>tries dictatorship
>fucks up, has to impose martial law, soviets too busy starving
>not really, he has his people like Wałęsa (mouthbreathing retard and a soviet snitch), Michnik (Jew, head of a jewish newspaper for shabesgoy), Kiszczak (another USSR approved general)
>democracy tiem xDD free elections
>Wałęsa wins
>Parliment passes a bill to make public dossiers of all soviet operatives who were a Voivode or higher (if states were tiny, an equivalent of state senator)
>I can't let you do that, Oleszewski
>Shuts down the entire parliment a week before the bill would come into action, nobody cares.
>Situation saved, democracy wins once more!
Now what do you do in a noguns society, where literally entirety of the government is still Communist cooperatives?
You can't fight, nobody will come and help.
I'd join them.
>And from what i seen lately, diversity is americas strength
can't tell if bait, or retarded
>massive wall of text
You didn't do well in this convo. Can't take it back now. Lie better next time, kike.
I didn't, you'd know if you read that.
wanted to enlighten you as to why I chose to be Jewish.
Also, jews are more respected than polacks.
Generally, in white society, people are respected for their integrity. You might have become confused somewhere along the way in life.
If you want to buy it, be my guest. I have a copy of Gorilla mindset and I wasn't impressed. But the basic run down is just self help stuff that all mindset books are written about. I.e. eat well, lift weights/exercise, positive self talk, meditation/breathing techniques, don't care what others think about you, take care of yourself before trying to help others. I haven't read MAGA mindset nor do I plan on reading it. Rumor has it that he got another person to write it for him, but don't quote me on that. If you're really wanting to buy a book or read a book I'd just download the PDF of "Mindset: the New Psychology of Success" essentially all mindset books are the same, just differently packaged. "This one has a gorilla on it so it must be for badasses" Cernovich's logic.
Nobody respects polacks, not even polacks themselves. which is hilarious.
Polish memes are about comparing themselves to Proboscis monkeys, they get really assblasted when a Jew insults them in the same way though.
For example
>Pen for poles
I'm not one of these guys who thinks everyone I don't like is a Jew, but there's no way Cernovich isn't at least partially Jewish. Look at his facial features/mannerisms.
>Thought about getting his book
don't pay for it, fuck that kike faggot
>Politically Incorrect Books Archive:
yeah this, he's a fucking shyster shylock