>How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk
>What does the way you speak say about where you’re from? Answer all the questions below to see your personal dialect map.
>How Y’all, Youse and You Guys Talk
>What does the way you speak say about where you’re from? Answer all the questions below to see your personal dialect map.
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I love this game but I always get a different result every time for some reason.
>tfw grew up around a family of New Yorkers and never touched Arizona a day in my life
Strange that the three cities it gives you are all so close together if the result jumps around each time you do it, did it say what tipped the result into Arizona rather than New York?
Rural ontario
Somehow you managed to score "poor jew"
>that mary, marry, merry question
>say them all out loud, sound exactly the same
>be from michigan, michigan is close to the only red state
wtf is everyone else saying???
Something like this.
thanks.. I don't know why I couldn't imagine any other pronunciations unless they were in a British accent
I guess the
Thing makes it easy.
spot on. Born and raised in the Blue Ridge Mountains, just North of Winston-Salem.
Le master race
This 18-wheeler thing makes me curious.
What do you anons call pic related?
>4 wheeler
hillbilly Cadillac
I grew up in Missouri.
Massachusetts faggot reporting in.
Yet for some reason, my friend says I often times sound like I'm from the rural midwest.
>"O'errr heeere"
>"Cahpper wiring"
>hillbilly Cadillac
For a good reaosn, user. Need something useful for something so thicc.
>Also the cities were, Santa Rosa, Sacramento, and Reno.
>All tits and no hips/ass
Apple-shaped women are low-tier.
holy shit OP it got it correct
I bet you call any soda a coke.
>Those dark areas in Texas
It was surprisingly hard to find a pic of a fat chick on a small 4wheeler.
Iowa goy
Data mining thread sage.
I'm from Kansas so, makes sense.
>There are faggots in this thread who call soda "pop."
The vast majority of the US sound like poorly educated, witless empty vacuoles, you speak too slow as well. But you make up for that in other ways, I don't hate burgers, opposite in fact
What does this mean anons?
I said soda
i scored hawaiian
I am from Santa Clarita, CA and they got the map exactly right
didnt know CA had such an accent?
That's a quad.
t. WA
I am from NE TN so close enuf.
Grew up in New Orleans
>mfw I grew up in Mississippi
It is fucking coke u pleb.
popfag checking in.
Oh hey, more data-mining.
Get out.
Fag it's called a coke
From Maryland, but not Baltimore.
Coastgods only allowed to post.
Flyover subhumans need not apply.
I got the same answer except replace Scottsdale with Phoenix. I've never lived in Arizona in my life. I've lived in eastern Oklahoma and northern New Mexico, so who knows?
You probably answered sneakers to one of the question
As would most from the eastern world
same, except I'm from a small town in northern MI
>dialect study
Please do tell me how you plan to market this data. You sound as informed as the heads of twitter.
Hämäläis/southern finnish dialect with some helsinki slang.
>faggots actually say "Soda"
>unironically calling things that aren't coke coke
I'm from Portland but apparently Omaha and Wichita is the most similar to me.
Makes sense:
>Mom from michigan born and raised
>Dad from North Carolina originally and now in California.
Nobody ever used the word "pop" where I grew up.
It was soda, or soft drink.
>born in brooklyn, raised upstate
pretty accurate i guess
Close enough I suppose. Salinas is 2 hours from my town
Utah fag
close, born in FL, lived all over the southeast and northeast
Accurate as fuck for me.
Shit same fag I didn't add pic
Alcoholic states confirmed.
we used pop or "CoCola"
you gotta go back burger
So I guess the english I learnt is just plain english.
Very close, i'm not surprised that i got a lot of similar New York words because i was raised in the city and moved to the country of Texas
i just spent the last 36 hours shoveling, i dont have time for a "dialect"
Rumanos first :)
Coke is an actual brand you pleb. Would you call pepsi coke then? Soda/pop can refer to both, which is why that's the better word to use.
I only spent about a year and a half of my life in the south.
But I've lived in Detroit/Baltimore/Chicago/Madison, WI/southern utah/L.A./now living in hawaii.
>popfags are basically the same as fucking leafs
Suddenly, it all makes sense. The range of the rake must be extended.
Well I was born in New England so this makes sense
im not murican but sure ill take it
No, I dont even drink that kikewater
The quiz thinks I'm either from Phoenix or Reno, but I'm actually from nowhere near those places. Weird.
>helsinki slang
literally kill yourself
>There are people who call carbonated soft drinks "soda" or "coke".
Every state besides Michigan needs to be gassed. Pop is objectively the best term. One less syllable than soda, but isn't overly-specific like coke.
Fugg, it guessed totally accurately for me being from Wisconsin.
This was fun. I'm actually from about 45 minutes north of Fresno.
Don't live there anymore and I HAVE been told I talk a little different than people here.
Looks like I'll fit in pretty good.
yall faggots aint from the south
Wisconsin advice: buy a snowthrower.
fuck no, they are all pronounced the same
Who the fuck calls it fizzy drink though?
Water with gas is a fizzy drink
Beer is a (kinda) fizzy drink
Hell, even pop makes more sense since it makes a pop when you open it. Fizzy drink is just inefficient and sounds silly.
Do you call pizza "pie" as well?
>People call soda "pop"
Almost as irritating as the people who call soda "coke" when they want a sprite
t. Pittsburgh
just fuck my vocabulary up
I'm from San Diego, glad I check out.
>not the most gas worthy state after Commiefornia and Illinois