Is this true?
Is this true?
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I always suspected it desu.
because he had the best domestic policy of the bunch, even if his foreign policy is so far looking as retarded as the last bunch of presidents. besides he recently told an israeli newpaper that settlement building is a roadblock to peace. maybe he saw all the Sup Forums threads shitting on him for sucking israeli and saudi dick.
If I have to choose between Jews and Muslims, I choose Jews.
Because pol hates muslims more.
Fuck off stormweenies.
No, not generally.
But there are also guys on here who masturbate to anime.
I don't know what I expected getting addicted to an anime imageboard, thought pol might be quarentined but the other shit bleeds into pol.
Israel is only good if all the jews go there
Yes, goyim, we are all the same. No need to look any deeper than that!
well its like what would you rather have, niggers or spics? Spics obviously
same except with jews and muslims
Well /pol used to be a NatSoc board but now it's gay.
Was Hillary pro israel? I would assume she wouldnt be due to her connections with saud. Same with Obama. So who is the better of two evils Israel or Saud?
>Is this true?
I would say your average Sup Forumstard is accepting of the nationalist Jew as long as they aren't trying to meddle with other countries because they see them and lower caste subservient beings.
All globalist ones can burn though.
Um the Sauds are pro-Israel themselves. You can be allies with both Israel and Saudi Arabia.
So whats the plan then? Move people out of the middle east so they can land grab?
Sup Forums haz alwayd suported Israel
Saudis plan? Counter Iranian influence over the region. Israel's plan? Greater Israel
There's two kinds of Jews, for the most part. It is about as much as you can generalize them. The Nationalist Zionists, and the Globalist diaspora Jews. Netanyahu and Soros are prime examples of the two. Zionists want every Jew to live in Zion, a.k.a Israel. They're our friends. Diaspora Jews, however, vote for the Left, and usually support leftist organizations. They're the enemy. Understanding this is critical to Western Civlization's survival.
>Our friend
Speak for yourself kike
Just keep jews out of my country and they can larp in the desert all they want
He also said this, quite obviously supports Trump and he strongly supports the wall. Also that quote is heavily taken out of context in your picture.
I mean, they are the "original" religion after all.
>Also that quote is heavily taken out of context in your picture.
Heh, go ahead tell me what Netanyahu meant. Also explain pic related. It's funny seeing how slimy you kikes are.
Pretty sure plenty of Religions predated judaism.
THIS (but for all the wrong reasons)
Jews are conniving and secretive, they will destroy white nations through media, culture and propaganda.
As we speak they plot our demise, Islam is the greatest scapegoat they could ever ask for.
By accepting Islam as the greater threat, we have succumbed to a gentile, slave-like mindset, subservient to the Jews.
Islam on the other hand is so open and literal in the world-view, they state from the outset their plan for domination, they actively terrorize the Christian's and take-over the nation by breeding like rodents. There is no secret, only action. And it's visceral - we all know it and see it.
They are on opposite ends of the spectrum but what we can agree on is the weakness of Christianity and nu-Politics in a death blow to White civilization.
With a whimper, deus vult.
Why do you think were so effective against media and generally hand wringing. We have learned from our greatest ally and have started to use his tactics against his institutions.
We are the jews.
Well said.
ITT: Jews