The bible of the white rebirth
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This is a bible for power mongers.
No good will come from thiz
that guy is a cuck
I guarantee you Trump has never read it.
The will to power served whites for millenia. Abandoning it ruined the west
You're wrong
>Written by an Italian
Top kek mohammad!
Both of them should be required reading for anybody going into politics. These two are the OG classics. Are there any other titles along these lines?
it's mandatory reading in Wharton
I always read it as clever satire for the head of state whom enjoys the state that his head is in.
Currently reading pic related. Just finished Temple of the Golden Pavilion.
This would get you much further.
Gonna start The Decline of the West and Against Democracy and Equality.
Sup Forumss thoughts on these?
Nice one. I would have picked Beyond good and evil but I figured Prince communicates more, and more precise
Trump definetly studied this book. We actually get to see some Machiavellian shit irl.
Care to explain? I made it about halfway through. Seemed kind of irrelevant in a modern context. His discourses were a more interesting read.
See: Stop masturbating to how you have the moral high ground and get shit done.
It's the principle that matters behind the book not the tips in detail
>Stop masturbating to how you have the moral high ground and get shit done.
That was one of the good takeaways. Also, being cruel can be useful, but not when you're cruel to everyone.
Perfect real world example of macchiavellian politics is Otto Von Bismarck, he crushed his enemies utterly, bent Europe to his will through machtpolitik.
Eisen und Blut.
Did actually anyone here read this? Or is this just a meme like christians pretending that they have read the bible?
The same with "wealth of nations". I dont believe that a lot of people have the patience to deal with 900 pages of corn prices in the 18th century.
I've read it, one of my favourites. Haven't read wealth of nations though.
Are you serious right now?
Yep, read it. The trick to reading this book, is to get a good modern translation of it. Every version seems to have a section up front explaining the difficulties in translating the Italian equivalent of Elizabethan English into modern English.
I have absolutely no idea about what kind of translations exist for other languages. I'm sure that they exist, but have never seen one.
Opinions on ordering physical books and having them shipped to my address? I haven't really ever read in my spare time ever but I would like to at least try to read more, starting with a book like that. Not gonna buy digital because I wouldn't read it and don't want to go to library or book store.
that books a little cucked not gonna lie half the contents dont work in todays degenerate society
Good point. Perhaps, we're looking at different books for different times.
May be the most jewish thing ever written and I've seen the words "I sure do love money" in writing before.
Give me your address I'll buy you a few of my favorite books and have them shipped to you.
I read all the works of Machiavelli, they are not very difficult. I have not read Wealth of Nations, but I have read Das Kapital
kindles are fine. But I only read physical. Though I kinda regret it now after spending literally thousands of Euros on books.
If you buy physical go to a used book shop or antiquariat or whatever they are called in America. You'll find top tier editions for cheap.
Seriously. It makes a huge difference over time
I disagree
>If you buy physical go to a used book shop or antiquariat or whatever they are called in America.
I will keep that in mind. I've been to a few of those every now and then and see people in the back always reading and shit for free. I will keep that in mind so next time I'm in that area I might stop by.
Most freshman or sophomore April classes read the Prince. It's not a deep book that needs critical analysis. It's just biting satire that can help prime your head for power politics and intrigue. It's more a comedy than a deep treatise
Here is the audiobook
You can read The Prince in a day. You can study it carefully in a few days. It's a very slim book and very accessible.
I have an old edition (from I think around 1910) of the Florentine History and that one is much more difficult because the opening chapter is basically Guelphs and Ghibellines/nobels and merchants taking turns driving one another out.
why does pole seem so shitty at this time of the week? is everyone drunk or what?
The City in Speech is the true white man's paradise
You're here
Strongly recommend finding a used book store too. I can't tell you how many great books I've found that I wasn't looking for.
(clears throat)
that's cute sweetie
well that was rude. apologize!
>reddit space
>thinks otjatl is a good redpill on jews
>hasn't even read it
You started it >:/
No. All the femanons are afk because they don't want to be harassed by you online rapefugees.
Agree, book is essentially about treating everyone like the way Jews treat non-Jews. Ahead at any cost is not productive to a people as a whole.
well sorry im drunk too but so does everybody else apparently.
>mfw a amerifat was fat near me
Any good books about Eugenics?
Herrschaft der Minderwertigen.
Haven't read it yet though
Any book on genetics and common sense should work though I assume
While he was a true patrician.
This is 2pac level we wuz.
Are you going to get a copy of Art Of War too?
You need to get books that actually relate to your present reality and situation and get active rather than bookish anyway.
Networking is more important now. Get in touch with political groups (the alt-right isn't the only group in the world btw) go to seminars and support music groups, find contemporary artists, frequent locations.
This is a culture war.
This is about money circulating and where.
This is about cultural focus.
>that guy is a cuck
No, but he did write a play about a cuck.
Ahh Australia...