Well well well...
Well well well
PeePeeGate is True.
>Most Navy F/18's grounded
If PeePeeGate is true then doesn't that also mean that shounen anime discussion with putin and waifu body pillows is true too?
(((CNN))) try harder next time
Holy fuck, the T R U M P F A G damage control is going to be hilarious
gtfo with CNN
they are literally an anti trump propaganda machine. nothing else
I doubt Trump even knows what anime is
you shills go apeshit for this every time
its fucking (((cnn)))
"compiled by a former British intelligence agent"
"US intelligence agencies checked out the former MI6 operative and his vast network throughout Europe and found him and his sources to be credible."
and my uncle works at Nintendo. (citation needed)
The fuck is this shitty wikipedia tier reporting? You wouldnt even be able to get away with a lack of sources this bad in high school.
So according to the left, it's ok to be a homosexual trans pedo demifag noctural wombat kin into fisting and sodomizing your non binary life-partner, but a nigga can't be into piss.
stfu. it's not about sex. it's about russia compromising and blackmailing drumpf with a sex tape
stfu. This is fake news.
>(((US))) (((investigators))) (((corroborate))) (((some))) (((aspects))) of (((Russia))) (((dossier)))
How can they blackmail him if there's nothing wrong with it? His body his rules.
Is the left going to shame someone for their sexual practices?
>thats not infowars, Sup Forumsor breitbart so its fake
>a sex tape of prostitutes peeing on him when he's a married man can't be used as blackmail
ur blinded
There are no fucking sources cited you shill cuck
I have credible sources at MI6 that tell me OP is a faggot
here's a real jetfu for ya
That was a photoshop. Never part of the dossier.
What's confirmed is that flynn has talked with Russia during the campaign but no details are revealed as it's under investigation.
>some aspects
Then Melania comes out and says she's fine with it because she's a sexually liberated woman
Checkmate, libshits
kill yourself leaf
>cnn is credible
because you are
nah I hardly use infowars or breitbart, but CNN has gone completely off the rails the last few months and are just simply the least credible of all the mainstream media outlets. they're the ones who published this dossier bullshit in the first place, of course they're gonna try and help what's left of their failing reputation
There is literally nothing wrong with getting peed on by some prostitutes. Some people are into that kind of thing.
CNN....fake news, Nothing to see here. Only the very lowest IQ people take CNN seriously as a news source.
Calling CNN fake news is like calling them the n-word
Investigate #PISSGATE
People who haven't figured this out yet need to be openly killed.
We only have 8 years to complete the inquisition
they're not very good at blackmail if they're letting it out
Yeah. Some of the aspects not even related in any way shap or form to the US election. CNN is only "breaking" this (((news))) because their low IQ audience will make a spurious correlation with some insignificant parts of this being verified and an outlandish story about trump pissing on obama dolls.
>None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier.
This story is dumb and has nothing to do with Trump. The story even admits it's nothing.
CNN thinks calling Journalists "fake news' is like calling a black guy "nigger"
Thankfully, nobody has been able to identify a single journalist working at CNN.
That's what I said. This article exists for people who only read headlines, like 9/10 of this thread.
The most degenerate president in HISTORY, jesus fuck..
>(((CNN))) Fake News
Say it with me, everyone: