Why are so many boys becoming girls?
Progressive media, BPAs, more access to like-minded people via the internet?
Why is it so popular?
Why are so many boys becoming girls?
Progressive media, BPAs, more access to like-minded people via the internet?
Why is it so popular?
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They found the game too hard and chose to play it on an easier setting
As the population of males to femlaes ratios plays out in asiatic countries, and as 80/20 plays out in western countries due to unchecked feminism; Humans have become like frogs where some males will become females in order to reproduce easier (or so they think on an emotional level).
>Drinks tap water
>Why is faggotry getting so popular?
Would wish to be a girl, and can confirm.
It's really hard to live on a full male setting. So it's better if you can just get attention and love as a girl, really.
Narcissistic personality disorder
This, fucking fluoride.
What is it with fucking Japs being able to do this so well?
this is why I exclusively drink the carbonated Jew.
I'm just overweight, not gay.
It's in the water
Naturally feminine, plus all the soy they eat.
They want dick but their parents hate thegays.png
>tap water makes you gay
>plastic bottles increases estrogen levels
what now fag
>Would wish to be a girl, and can confirm
just transition already
hrt is great
let your inner girl out
are you one of them trannies i heard about ?
>Oy vey, good goy lose your masculinity. Leave the job of inseminating your women to Jerome.
Wouldn't cut off my own dick, rather just dress in cute clothes.
shes chilean
don't listen to this degenerate , you'll want to kill yourself around the age of 30 should you follow that path. What you lack is testosterone and a father figure. One can be easily remedied while the other cannot, unfortunately. Lift weights, eat right, and become your own father figure. Become your own man.
I'm an only child and I feel I'd be disappointing my parents. So I don't want to do anything permanent.
I could go going for a trap look and just switch styles whenever needed though. But my body shape, skin and voice would need work.
>cutting decades off your life to justify your mental illness
At the very least, you could have waited for Waifu VR technology and not have to have damaged your body in anyway.
Because female attractiveness has been turned into a commodity. Since female attractiveness is almost entirely physical, it's very straight forward and easy to sell it: cosmetics and surgeries.
Male attractiveness, on the other hand, no one has been able to figure out how to package and sell it. Male attractiveness is mostly mental attributes; that is not something that can be sold. The important physical trait, height, cannot be easily achieved with surgery either.
Saud knows what's up. The frogs were just the first step.
Combined with a little bit of (((cultural conditioning))), this is the correct answer.
Men are finding nobody gives a shit about them and it's easier to get people to care about you if you're a girl.
If you are the only child, then it is your duty to pass your genes down.
If it is that bad, just go on Sup Forums and pretend to be a girl
Bottled water is just marketable tap water. There is no difference.
my 15 year old little brother is already taller and manlier than I ever was
kinda lucked out on that desu
I don't want a waifu
>tfw 6'5
Just gotta smash the gym day in day out now.
I'm sure that plays a role too but it's mainly women have way too much power and too.many rights.
Maybe they are all coming from China?
Maybe Twitter is bumping it's traffic like the Guardian and the NYT?
Leftists are sheep. They'd all use the same paid spammer service to pad their falling subs.
life on easy mode a mediocre man can bcome a great woman
Of course that's not the main source,it's mental illness
How do we avoid stuff in our water?
I use a Brita filter, but I don't know if it's enough.
>I don't want a waifu
I was implying you could have used the VR simulator to be able to be a waifu
I imagine it wouldn't be impossible in 50 years to do it
Maybe life is easier for attractive women but it's not easier for an ugly eunuch.
Now that you've been born male you have no better choice anyway.
>plastic bottles increases estrogen levels
Jesus fucking Christ, that's Infowar conspiracy level shit, but a google search is telling me it's completely true. What is wrong with the world?
It's a fashion now, like the emo, hippy movement, and many others before them.
Being a cute girl is fun.
Because they're so naturally soft and girly.
Do you want to be a waifu?
"Listen up. I'm not gonna sit here and tell you I told you so... that Communist Chinese-style censorship is coming to our internet"
InfoWars.com water filters.
did you keep your dick ? Do you flash people with your dick when (if) they cat-call you ?
>why did/n't you do it?
The world has always been filled with drunken fathers that didn't give a crap about their children and thus ended up not raising them properly. Now it has just become more clear.
Because it's hot lol
but the real answer is this imo
yes of course
still have dick
and no I don't do that
not the same, the mental effects of hormones are pretty big
I geuss why im so manly is because we dont fluoride water here. Enjoy your faggot fluoridation cucks
Mellisa you faggot
Why not ? I'd do it / kinda already did
No, its because your language sound rude and autistic
i blame milo
If there had been no protest, what you’d see is a line of mostly white men, who might be described by some as "macho," standing in line for hours to see a gay man in a boa in essence perform camp.
Because it's easier. Despite what feminist bitching would have you believe, it's women who have all the privilege in western societies.
Not a trap but it's a sexual fetish for me, I've always had masochistic tendencies. Also grew up with 3 sisters who used to dress me up like a girl and that sort of thing.
Finnbro knows. The kikes poison are waters, emasculating white men so our race can get bred out.
Who the fuck is this semen demon
God damn I'm a fucking idiot, time to sleep.
Then describe yourself so I can have a lifesize body pillow made.
Why are you dumb fucks mad? It means more options for you.
>Why are so many boys becoming girls?
lack of a strong father figure and being feminized by society (mostly women)
its cool
it's a fad
it's like playing god
it's the only thing they can change
it's population control
Are you a male?
Do you shower?
Does shampoo end up on the head of your penis?
Are you circumcized?
Then whats in that shampoo that you wash your hair with which also ends up onto the head of your penis?
>not the same, the mental effects of hormones are pretty big
>implying we wont have cracked the human mind by 50 years and be able to simulate that
Nigga. I already drink water exclusively out from my pro pur water filter.
shampoo goes on the head of your skull not the head of your penis, user
a Chilean boy
Do you intentionally lather your dick in shampoo or something
Because slapping the stoopid outta mentally retard kids and mouthy bitch ass fem+wife's became seen a bad thing after the late 70's
And it became stronger in the following decades and led to all sorts of fucking socially acceptable abhorrancies
Alpha Man knows best, that fact was allowed to be turned on its head and used by beta leftie socialists to gain huge influence in faggot Jew media, which pussy fags believe without question
Pro tip: Don't drink tap water or use toothpaste with added fluoride
What happens to the shampoo that you wash off of your head with water?
i dont understand
Boipucci and stamp or gtfo
gender equality ((((ladies))))
Get to the fucking point and stop asking these rhetorical questions. Where are you going with these? Whatever your claim may be, do you have a scholarly source to back it up?
Shampoo is feminizing men, the fact that you feel better after taking a shower should tell you theyre putting something in shampoo
I guess really early after taking hormones I kind of would
I'd dress up on omegle and watch guys jack off to me and occasionally flash it lol
but it kinda got old and its been a while since I have
I guess I'd be fine with that
its made me a pretty big fag compared to how I used to be
I'd crush that boy pussy with my massive white cock.
chemicals in food is why we have 39 genders
I don't think lifting weights will help
Pic related...Matt Kroc before and after
sauce on the girl? (male)
It's novelty seeking behavior. Trannies are generally very i telligent and very intelligent people gravitate towards new ideas. In an age where you can jerk off to every different type of fetish porn before you turn 14 and every lifestyle choice is old and cliche cutting off your dick and living as a woman has an appeal to people that need to be different.
>Nu-Sup Forums will defend traps despite being innocent young white males being brainwashed by (((Them)))
When did Sup Forums go to shit? My bet is Sup Forumsharbor started all of this madness. After that prank by mootles, Tons of crossboarders (Specifically Sup Forums,/r9k/,Sup Forums,/trash/ and maybe even /s4s/) Came here in a alarming rate. A good chunk of oldfags from /new/ and old-Sup Forums left for Kripplechan and Stormfront.
That's why it's now populated by Crossboards and redditfags. Old/pol/acks pre-2014 are a minority, I think becoming mainstream should've never happened.
Once Reddit finds something, They'll never leave it alone at some point. Once you get noticed by them, They'll attach to you like a parasite.
Cute boys > trans
A cute boy who will crossdress for you in private will always be better than a hormone filled boy who you can't take out in public because their crazy
>people with body dysmorphia issues in the first place become transsexual
lmao I like this thinking but trannies are generally pretty retarded in my experience
Crossdressing is the biggest form of bluepilled, Fuck off.
Women: Easy Mode
Male: Hard Mode
Jewish: GOD MODE
This. Being a woman these days is having your cake, eating it too, and then finding out you get a lifetime supply of cake.
Because femboys/chics with dicks are better than regular girls with disgusting vaginas. Nothing like fucking a sweet hairless juicy femboy pussy.
>Why are so many boys becoming girls?
The boys of today have no male role models to teach them about legitimate masculinity.
GI Joe and John Wayne -- icons of manliness and male virtue -- have been replaced with Pajama Boy and Sheldon -- bastardized versions of what women think men should be.
Third-wave feminism is also pushed so hard on boys that they're made to feel ashamed of being masculine and goaded into becoming gigantic beta cucks.
I feel better after a shower because I don't smell like shit. My ass, taint, cock, balls, and all are clean and don't smell like shit. I barely use shampoo too, only once a week.
That lovely "lady" probably had dysmorphia issues like said. Ancient Greeks lifted weights back then and they didn't end up as a civilization of trannies. Lifting weights won't make you a faggot unless you already are one.
Didn't even need to have his testicles removed, they dried up and fell off all by themselves due to all the roids.
Good Goyim, Who needs masculinity when you can be a girl.
Literally gayer than taking a cock in your mouth.
>Why is it so popular?
Showcasing your mental defects and psychoses has become the ultimate form of virtue signaling these days, OP. That's what a half century of leftism bent on ruining everything has managed to accomplish.
None of this shit In the 50's
Maybe the odd wierd twat would go for a walk late at night wearing his dead mom or wife's clothes
But he'd soon get the queerness kicked outta him
Far too much odd shit has been allowed to endure
Fucking purge , when?
It's millenials being spoiled and mentally challenged. For example, I'd really like to be a petite cute girl. But I'm not a girl, I'm 6'2, broad showdered and have a XY chromosome pair. I have to live with that. But such things don't stop the average millenail though, who is used to getting what he wants. So if he wants to be a special snowflake he'll be more than willing to cut his dick off and take hormones until the narcissism, chemical imbalances and delusion fry his brain completely and he kills himself.
There's more LGBT movements today. So, transsexuals feel more "comfortable" being a girl. I think that's why.
Boys can't become girls anymore than a liberal can become sane.
Why do they THINK they are women? Hormones in food/ medis attacking men constantly/raised by mom etc etc
Can't stand this tranny shit. Fucking disgusting.
Why does wanting to wear girls clothes and be fucked in the ass have to be a political statement?
Some people could legitimately just hate their masculine side, for whatever reason (personal experience, mental illness, etc).