>select all squares with street signs
Select all squares with street signs
Better than the fucking numbers who disappear.
It's a hidden IQ test, they're data mining everyone, so just don't think when you do it, click randomly.
Buy a pass
>select of squares with tag: wheels
>street sign is the entire fucking capcha
>get it wrong
>mfw i have a pass
>don talk ta me or muh ho's chilluns evva again nigga
This, pay the hiro or lurk long enough to see yourself become the villain
anyone remember operation NIGGER where we would type NIGGER into every captcha to fuck with the AI.
that one should be fucking banned
Tfw have two
>not using legacy
You deserve the pain.
>All these fucking newfags that don't know about legacy captcha
This. At least twice now, it has made me click the same tile like 10 fucking times. Hate that shit.
I miss that captcha system, compared to the "click all the signs...no, do it again....no, try again....okay just draw on this for a minute.....no, try clicking on the wheels, okay now click the signs one more time, now you can post" bullshit.
>tfw every time I have to select the squares with adress numbers I'm scared I'm helping the CIA or something hunt someone down
>tiny little corner of sign is in its own separate tile
This dilemma haunts me every time.
use legacy retard
>newfags not using legacy
The fuck is this shit?
>You now remember that aussie spamming and trolling moot and that's why Captcha was introduced.
Was funny at the time, not anymore.
You're supposed to click skip
I can't afford the dual lands
>If there are none, click Skip
>British education system
The one where you need to outline shit with a drawing tool crashes Firefox
You serious?
>still not using legacy captchas
> Doesn't use the catalog
>select all images with store fronts
>at least 5 new photos of store fronts appear after clicking the first 3
All these newfags
Bet they can't even triforce
>anglo doesnt get the joke
Would it help if I used a dead parrot?
>tfw was gifted a pass
oh lawd
>tfw gifted autismpass.
>American fine cuisine
I fucking give up after that