Your president did more in 4 days than all of my politicians did in 40 years. Send him our way after you are done throwing the last person that can save your country.
Gabriel Sanchez
Also highest triple digits confirm.
Parker Jones
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little kaffir? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at Al-Qaeda, and I’ve been involved in numerous truck of peace attacks in Europe, and I have over 300 confirmed rapes. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top rapist in all kebab shops. You are nothing to me but just another fiki fiki. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across Germanistan and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the Allah snackbar, infidel. The snackbar that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kaffir. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can rape a goat in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed fiki fiki, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Swedanistan and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kaffir.
Sebastian Hughes
That's some serious Stockholm Syndrome there, Paco.
No seas pendejo wey. Trump is enemigo de los Mexicanos.
Jonathan Bennett
Can't wait for Putin's army of trolls to come in here and shitpost.
Christian Johnson
Pedro's right. Just because he's a beaner doesn't mean he can't recognize facts
Jackson Foster
This is an anti-Trump thread. We understand that terrorism in middle-east is the result of neo-imperialism from the West. I sincerely believe that Islam is a religion of peace, and once we stop funding the crusader state of Israel, which kills thousands of innocent Palestinian muslims each year, then I believe we will a reduction of radical terrorism (I refuse to call it "Islamic" terrorism).
Jaxon Murphy
>signs executive orders only just like OBAMA did >already pissed everyone off: china, europe, japan, australia, mexico, etc >muslim ban already BTFO In reality nothing changed. He is just a publicity stunt master. Dumb drumpf worshiper.
Alexander Edwards
so yesterday i went to my local big retail grocery store. i come from economic privilege but i don’t want to engage in it by shopping at whole foods because it’s a huge slap in the face to everyone too economically challenged to buy from there. by chance i walked into the ethnic food isle. it was fucking gross. there were shelves stocked with “asian” sauces: traditional thai and chinese spices colonized and sold to white people. NEWSFLASH: YOU ARE NOT THAI OR CHINESE SO DON’T THINK YOU’RE ENTITLED TO EAT THAT SAUCE. then i saw boxes of moroccan couscous. so america thinks muslims are “terrorists” and backwards yet they have no problem stuffing their faces with our food. it triggered me greatly since it pulled me back to the time when my friends and i went to eat at a greek restaurant which served hummus. I’M SORRY, YOU EXPELLED ALL YOUR MUSLIMS IN THE 1920’s, HOW DARE YOU TAKE OUR TRADITIONAL FOOD AS YOUR OWN?? muslims esp. non-binary queer muslims like myself are the most persecuted people on earth. there isn’t a single muslim country that isn’t colonized by the west in some form. why do white people think they are entitled to colonize us even more by assimilating OUR food and traditions into their white-dominated culture? but then i went to the end of the isle and saw the worst. this was only after i passed all the cans of “latino beans” and taquitos. on the shelf was nigerian yam flour which advertised itself as “traditional”. so now white hipsters think nigerians are exotic enough to steal food from to?? i couldn’t stand being there anymore so i left and went straight to the fruits and vegetables. that was even worse. the papayas were all labeled “mexican” or “guatemalan” or “carribean” giving white people a choice of which culture to appropriate from.
Carson Williams
>bad cartel hombre mad that his drug dealing gets harder every 10 ft more the wall goes up
Thomas Howard
The Koch brothers don't want a wall. They'll have the GOP vote no on it.
Connor Watson
Top kek
Blake Flores
As a Swede, you can definitely support the notion that Muslims are for the most part chill people. You guys have received a large influx of Muslims, yet there hasn't been a single terror attack in Sweden. It's all just a bunch of paranoia. The Bible has bad stuff too, yet some people only look at the bad stuff in the Qu'ran.
Blake Williams
Newfag OP doesn't know what Pasta is
Daniel Ortiz
I remember when Obama got elected, I spent a year telling everyone this was it, its over. He's going to ruin us all.
Spent hours and hours on the internet, just waiting for him to slip and fuck up, to get himself fired some how..
Eventually, my desire to see Obama fail, never really came to pass. My hatred of him cooled, and the irrational cloud of anger that had consumed eventually left.
Nathan Barnes
where have I heard this line before? oh, 1000 times in college.
it's funny because you're basically right. the strange thing is diving the motives of radical islamicists.
i don't think it's a martyr complex because christianity puts more faith in martyrs, and afghanistan is basically unconquerable anyway. the U.S., USSR, and UK all tried and got BTFO.
it might be part of the same warped partisan impulse that drives people to bomb worship houses, government property, and other religious/political symbols.
who knows. i'm just an armchair dulles
Dylan Reed
>lost fair and square >news reports today are saying that some of the information about Trump on the dossier have been corroborated, implying that Putin helped Trump win
Ok kid.
Thomas Morgan
>>>>religion of """"peace"""" you can't call something a religion of peace if its based on the violent conquests of the main prophet if you deny muhammad's caliphate and his destruction of arab cultures, then you are denying the qu'ran so to say that islam is the religion of peace is literally going against islam
Colton Green
and what about those rapes? you know, the ones that are mainly named "muhammad, mohamed, ahmed"?
Levi Thomas
The Old Testament is full of genocide, ethnic cleansing, and is overall far more barbaric than the Qu'ran. At one point God even gets mad at people like Saul for failing to slaughter the entirety of Israel's enemies, including women and children. Yet today the Jewish people are outstanding citizens who are perfectly integrated with Western society and its values.
Check mate
Ryan Rivera
Jacob Hernandez
What's wrong buddy? Sad that someone defiled your precious little safe space? You mad because you can't stand any banter on your precious little God Emperor.
When Obama was in the 5th grade he had read more books than Donald Trump has read in his entire life.
When Obama was in the 4th grade he had a vocabulary twice the size of Donald Trump's.
You compare apples to bullshit.
Liars don't deserve to be listened to.
Robert Rodriguez
Barack Obama was born to a single mom and climbed himself up to Harvard Law School, a true American story!
Trump was handed a golden platter by his KKK-affiliated father, and there's a chance that he's actually heavily in debt since he's too much of a pussy to release his tax returns.
George Soros just told me that he is gonna pay me I am the biggest shill in the thread He was looking kind of odd with his finger and his thumb In the shape of an eye on his forehead.
Well the shills start posting and they don’t stop posting Got the most bumps I call CTR boasting Hey guys we voted Drumpf for fun Now we regret it don’t we feel dumb So much to shill so much to post So what’s wrong with posting the same thing? They’ll never know if we samefag They’ll never know if we rare flag
Aiden White
>someone who disagrees with me is automatically a Soros shill
Ok man. Anyhow, how are things at the trailer park?
David Gray
>someone points out propaganda. They must be a Russian shill Kill yourself
Zachary Murphy
Levi Morris
Trump shills are the worst.
Mason Lopez
Yes. The have to go back. Back to /r/the_donald.
Liam Kelly
Weak thread, in the Hillary timeline there's an Impeach Hillary General on the front page 24/7
Carson Sanders
Caleb Peterson
Very weak. The OP is either a very bad larper or an idiot.
Brody Baker
Brody Johnson
Jason Turner
Noah Johnson
Robert Wright
it's not gonna happen. the Red state governors are ready to enact martial law, and the sheriffs and local police are ready.
Aaron Foster
>Let's impeach the most inept President in our history
fat lot of good it will do, they already neutered the process, impeachment does nothing, a pointless exercise
Thomas Fisher
Rural and suburban retards: Why has CtR waited so long after Drumpf's inauguration to use their so called "shilling" on your forum? Doesn't that strike you as queer? It looks very much as though after the election, they had set a TRAP for you. Sweetheart you're fighting at present on a very narrow strip of the Internet, the extent of which has been so far regulated by the Resistance. You are using up an enormous number of memes and huge quantities of electricity. Meanwhile, the People of Color, going high while you go low, over Sup Forums and Reddit scatter sense and empathy, the power and incendiary efficiency of which are without precedent. They spread LOVE and TOLERANCE chatrooms and threads, which should be sending you much needed support. THEY ARE GOING TO TAKE DOWN DRUMPF In addition to the destruction and panic of in the Republican Party, Drumpf's cabinet is disorganized, orders, even Executive Order are being held up. How long can he continue his illegitimate "presidency" this way?
Ryder Powell
anti-trump CJs are butthurt that their attempt to inflict butthurt didnt go well
Christopher Anderson
>So long after You fucking leaf, they've been at this shit for the last year and a half.
HAHAHAHAHAHA >le impeach the orange man meme Keep whining while I finish my two degrees and enslave you libs to work for me while you complain in the break room about the mean government then immediately shut up when the boss is in the room