Are moderate muslims okay?


no fuck off back to page 10

Negative. They offer support and protection to jihadists that which to kill anyone that isn't a Muslim. Only good Muslim is a dead one.

no they are even worse cuase they are phony fucks. Get them out along with the true practicing islamites

Are moderate Scientologists okay?

Only if they have a moderate number of children

No, but Shia Muslims are based

No such thing

don't ever make the mistake of falling in love to a turkish girl from a moderate muslim family

just believe me


Moderate muslim is an oxymoron, it's impossible.

You're either true muslim (ISIS are true believers) or you're a (half-way whats-the-fucking-point kinda-muslim and going to hell anyway it literally says so in the koran) "moderate" muslim.

fuck no, the moderates one cover up the extremist ones and moderate for sandniggers means extremists for us.

>are moderate rapists ok?

This is how you sound, OP

Only white Christians are oK. Where do you think you are?

Of course not. A moderate muslim is probably as degenerate as an average westerner.

Muslim women in the US act worse than white women unless they are over 30. They make white women look like fucking saints.

Believing in the spergout of a shroomed pedo is not compatable with post XIVc. society

t. Hassan al Delpierre du Francis

No, you can't cherrypick religion
they do things that the book they believe in says no to do, so in a way they are worse, cause they are complete hypocrites

Pick one.

t. Muhammad Qurban al-Khan


Theres mo such thing as moderate muslims. Fuck off


How can you moderately believe it is your divine duty to take over the planet by force or stealth?

You either believe that bullshit or you don't.

"Are non-relgious arabs and pakis okay?" Some of them, sure, why not? Some pakis are /ourguys/ even.

Most "moderates", think to some degree, suicide bombings are justified.

They don't exist

How is that different from Christianity?

t. sadiq khan

Fuck off OP. If you're going to follow a religion do it properly, it shouldn't up for debate or discussion

>jihadists are discriminatory about their victims
Good one


moderate muslims just tell you muslims are ok while the radical ones throw gays off roofs, so no they aren't ok

No such thing.

In a poll of middle to upper class Muslims living in the West, the majority still supported Sharia law.

In the end there can be no compromise between Islam and the West. The ideologies are fundamentally in conflict.

Either they submit, or we do.

I don't beleive moderate muslims are real.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of moderate people of middle eastern descent, but I wouldn't consider them "true muslims"

the major Islamist authorities in the world say that so-called moderate muslims are apostates because they drink liquor, eat pork, show their hair, express differing opinions, question authority, and don't prey 5 times a day.

if the leaders of your religion say that you're an apostate, how can you really say that youre still part of that religion??? so-called moderate muslims should just start a new religion. I'd love to date an ex-muslim tbhh

probably the beheadings, the rape, and the killing of gay people

>Either they submit, or we do.
And so far we seem to be submitting more these days than we actually realize. It's like right we fucked ourselves over lets just spread out and fuck everyone else over just to be even.

>I'd love to date an ex-muslim tbhh

Unlaid cellar dweller confirmed.

The moderates need to be the main ones speaking out against the flaws of their religion and enforcing a more peaceful version of Islam within their own society and culture. Until this happens, moderates are no better than the extremists, and will be grouped together when the inevitable Crusades 2.0 take place.

check'd but no, islam is inherently wrong. Although I will say that in theory, you could probably convert and save a "moderate" muslim if you got them at a very young age. They aren't like Jews in that sense.

yes because they don't give actual fuck like moderate christians who get drunk and have premarital sex even though it's mortal sin

The more we compromise our values, the more like the barbarians we will become.

They do offer support and protection. Remember molenbeek? After the attacks in France the entire neighborhood sheltered the scum. There are few real moderates. Don't trust.

muslims are garbage, muslims will be wiped out from existence, they are liars, cheap, disgusting, don't let them fool you. muslim is nigger, everyone hates niggers

>The moderates need to be the main ones speaking out against the flaws
They most often are, however, we don't hear about it because we don't live in a predominantly Muslim nation, nor do most of us speak the language. But rest assured, they do.

Explain sin.

Even the moderates want to outbreed us and replace our culture with their own. And they could do it in a shorter amount of time than 100 years.

Ever wonder if we're the barbarians?

Are moderate Nazis okay? Rhetoric question, of course they are. Moderate muslims are not, though. We should gas them.

Until it starts showing up on social media way more often, making a significant difference overall, then it won't be enough. SJWs constantly defend Islam in its entirety, shitting on other religions, namely Christianity, while disregarding all of Islams flaws and defending "peaceful" Muslims anytime an attack happens. Whatever these moderates are doing now simply isn't close to being enough.

They need to stop up their game and petition to SJWs to stop being fucking cancer over Islam. All Muslims are the same type of cancer otherwise.

I agree with everything you're saying, most people who call themselves Muslims aren't Muslim at all

Whites are never going to go extinct. We might become minoritieis in our own countries (we've been minorities globally for ever. Niggers have surpassed us only because of our massive aid), but we're never going to go fully extinct.

Christianity is a fucking meme of a religion.
Old testament is (imo) the parallel of Islam - but then it went through reformations into a more la-di-da love & forgiveness revision.

Islam on the other hand is pre-reformation (it will never reform, another meme) as revising the koran is literally HARAM, that book is in their eyes the 1-to-1 word of God.

Christianity is flexible, find your own meaning, make a new Bible (Mormonism) if you don't like the King Jame's one.

Sunni and Shiite could kill nuke each other to kingdom come, yet they'd still read and worship the SAME koran. In fact they are divided TO THIS DAY since the beginning of Islam because of their differing interpretations.

Possibly. They are yet to be found.

Moderate Muslims are the ones that stone you to death after isis throws you off a building
No, there is no "moderate" Islam

I can see her hairline, what a whore.

I did, but a quick check with reality cleared that right up.

>The European countries are regressing more than the states actually.

Just deny any muslims, its that simple. You hate muslims, so express that. Denying muslims because muslims are retarded faggots. Eliminate muslims.


Is KEK advocating tolerance? Should we try to turn them apostate?


top kek

No, they must renounce their faith to be considered spareable