Holy shit Trump used the Japanese Prime Minster's first name instead of his family name Abe. This would be like calling Obama "President Barack". Trump BTFO
Holy shit Trump used the Japanese Prime Minster's first name instead of his family name Abe...
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Jesus Christ, this embarassing fucker.
Because they're friends.
White devils can never truly be friends.
It's clear he took and posted the selfie with prime minister hiroshima's knowledge
Neither can your muslim neighbors.
>they're heading over to the catgirl portal construction site
Sup Forums approved excuse for his idiocy in 3...2...1...
>He thinks I live near Muslims
President Donald
What is your endgame guise? A civil war? What is the point of all this shilling
Power play
left is so pathetically cock thirsty for any sort of story.
Not news.
We must impeach Trump for this. Mr Gorbachev impeach this Trump!
Shilling, or pointing out the truth about how embarrassing it is that we as a country elected such an idiot?
Calling a japanese for his first name is something fucking rude and you can only do if you are really close to that person.
Trump is that close to Abe so he can.
All of you got BTFO fucking faggots.
theyre gud friends
He's being friendly with Japan. We are on a first name basis. Do you fuckers want your AI waifus or not?!
They're just meming you hypersensitive faggot. I don't know who's a snowflake anymore.
lol he's an ugly retard.
and he's legion of inbred trash are even more pathetic.
Chinks, gooks and japs don't use first names unless they're extremely close m8. That being said, who cares about autistic chink culture.
he claimed they were pretty good friends on the joint press conference, should be okay to use first name then.
Uh oh, better go over there and bow and apologize profusely.
Sorry, this ain't Barry's country anymore :D
Trump is all for the business and calling someone by their first name is all business.
Trump and Abe confirmed besties! Does he ever stop winning?
also this, Abe refered to Trump as President Donald
>posting on Sup Forums about something being "politically incorrect"
Yet this is okay to CtR shills
That's President The Don to you kurwa
I've never been to Japan, but my guess is that it is customary to call someone by there name. I fail to see any issues here.
Abe called him Donald too.
he put that silly line over the o though
Actually you're playing right into his hands. You faggots shilling means there is a guaranteed article about this on a MSM site. Crying wolf, again. So when he actually does something, no one will care.
"Shinzo-kun! How's it hanging?"
Not sure if this would be gangster-tier intimidating or very friendly, but either way, I like it!
>liberals will use this to say trump is harming relations and that japs are mad (kurt eichenwald)
>in reality japs dont care and are forgiving towards foreigners for cultural/linguistic mistakes
Shinzo is his family name you dumbass. I expected more from a manga website
When he fucked Jeb out of the race, I laughed heartily, when he beat Shillary, I laughed for weeks, but at some point, he needs to start acting professional and get rid of the nimrods he's surrounded himself with.
My fucking plumber is more presidential.
I not mad.
Why should purple haired fatty in America be mad?
I blame communists
>3 weeks into his first term
>based President Trump is already on casual acquaintance terms with the Prime Minister of Japan
I'm honestly starting to worry that I really will get tired of all this winning.
Japs hate nigs
Nah, it is Abe, google him and his wife's name and father's names come up, both have Abe but no Shinzo.
Thanks Japanbro
You generally don't use a persons first name there, only if they are either family members or really close friends.
Though I'm sure they know Trump is unaware of this, so it really doesn't matter.
> 2017
> Believing any world leader but Trump matters
Japan bringing top shelf bantz as usual
In japanese doesn't the family name come before the first name? I'm not a weeb so I don't know.
Give us a call when Abe commandeers Trumps desk..
His family name is Abe
Everybody says he's a person man. From parties with rich and famous people to his own workers and middle men. He has 100 charisma
Japan stronk
could this be the end for trump ??
I can't believe i voted for trump, i wish i would have elected HRC , it's funny watching Trump or should i say "president trump" crash and burn.
but in all seriousness this guy should not have access to the nuclear codes
Americans aren't quite as formal I suppose, we use first names and nicknames way more than family names.
Thanks Shinzo... We look forward to your help with the penis shaped trains that go reaaaaaally fast.
>T-Trump kun isnt using honorifics with me. Kyaaaaa
This is still Trump's BFF
Manchukuo is rightful Japanese clay.
Honoriburr dispray.
Woah just imagine calling someone by their first name...fucking unforgivable.
Probably a Westerner but still good post.
Then next time vote for your plumber
reminder that Chile literally ruled the USA for 34 seconds
Good old "Honest" Abe Shinzo. PM Shinzo. Seems fine to me.
you can call a lesser man whatever you want, he doesn't need to show respect, The Don has enough nuclear weapons to disintegrate Japan. And Japan shouldn't be pushing its luck against any nuclear power considering its run of nuclear incidents.
i hope trump forces japan to change
There's that smug fucking face again
he knows exactly what he's doing
Sushi nigga called him Donald all throughout the press conference today, you doublegay double nigger
Yeah he's always got that face when he does something "controversial"
I think its something he can get away with because they are on the same 'level'. Would not be surprised if Trump is doing it on purpose to remind me he is more powerful though. Just guessing from the little I know about Japanese culture.
He should be impeached for that.
It's an Abe thing. He calls Putin "Vladimir", and Putin calls him "Shinzo" I was wondering if it's some crazy translation, but Abe uses informal speech patterns in Japanese, and Putin replies in the same fashion (in Russian neutrally-polite "вы" is usually used, with verbs in plural form, but in Putin-Abe conversations informal "ты" is used, same with french "vous"-"tu")
He's too smart to run for office.
Guy was a green beret and is real happy with his quiet family business in the middle of nowhere.
Well, that's one way of looking at it...
>being on first name terms is a bad thing
what did he mean by this
mōushiwake arimasen
very disonorabu
REEE that's not how you use macrons.
>chileans steal stuff from anyone even from black people
we will corrupt you last
that sounds like a first name
for all you can criticise trump on, this is silly
Shinzo-kun wa trump-chan no tomodachi desu.
You think he cleaned out Obama's desk when no one was looking?
Well, in all fairness, all you ever hear is "Shinzou Abe" in any form of media.
I figured it wasn't romanized out of respect for their culture. I JUST the other day realized his family name was Abe and not the other way around.
Bill the Butcher would agree with Trump.
Abe also called drampf Donald Duck during the shared press conference. It's based on mutual respect.
Trump just shows his power over people with this. Fuck formalities, he is true alpha.
Good old Honest Abe Shinzo
Abe spontaneously called him Donald too. If anything it shows a friendly atmosphere, but it's probably more of a case of journalists being desperate for anything to trashtalk Trump. Even if it has the opposite of their intended effect on most people, it's more like an imperative to them, like a scratch they can't bear even if they know it's retarded.
>jewy daughter
sure thing bub
Liberals are unaware that Obama snubbed Abe many times over Japan's trains.
It was kinda embarrassing to Abe because every time he visited America, he promised to help export Japanese trains to America during Obama's presidency.
That is why Japan has no real trade deal with America during Obama's presidency and why Abe stopped trying to make deals with Obama and why Abe rushed so fast to see Trump compared to everybody else.
USA and Japan #1 tomodachi forever
China BTFO
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