MSM reporting Russia eyes sending Snowden to US as 'gift' to Trump
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Good and then Trump should pardon him. Imagine the butthurt
Publicly, he's taken a hard line against Snowden.
Trump said he should be executed.
Fucking yes based ruskiebros
How will Snowden die guys?
Now this is politics. We should try to trade gulen to turkey for something
Fuck off. He's a traitor to the state.
Trump said he would execute the little faggot.
he sends us snowden
we send him soros and his son.
oh i hope so
He's not gonna do it - this is just a public "Fuck You" to Obama.
I would be okay with this.
2013. Ask him what he thinks now.
The state is traitorous to its people so...
Make it happen kek
he should just come stand trial and do his time
Nice and we give Soros as a gift. lol
snowden is a cia agent probably. bring him home, trump. assange too ;)
If only trump would pardon Snowden and audit the Fed, he could be the real deal. Greater than Reagan or Jackson. If not at least he will be entertaining. Snowden is probably fucked. The Russkies have no more use for him so his best bet is to come home and do the time - beats being assasinated.
>Official tells
>sources say
Yeah i totally believe it. NBC never lies.
To be honest - if its true it would be yuge but i doubt that Putin would do that or that Trump would demand it
Depending on the jury and his legal team, I would say he has a very good chance of acquittal anyway.
Snowden is a hero in the eyes of the people, he eont be executed
He will be stuck in guantanamo bay for the rest of his life instead